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  1. After bashing the union all day today I realized that they do not give a fuck about the average worker. You people all stick up for Ron and the union's decisions yet they are looking for every loophole to fuck us. I know we have to give to keep the company, but the company is not giving shit. Instead of getting rid of ETAP which we would have to vote on they are suspending ETAP so we do not have to vote on it. Why? Why give up anything when Mulally isn't giving unless we use the funds. I know you will all say to get the funds but that is bullshit. Ford is just jumping on the union bashing bandwagon and taking whatever they can when we are the most afraid. The union has allowed this time and time again. When the buyouts first came out our union reps were telling people they could not influence our decisions, but it is really scary. That statement scared alot of people into the buyout, not me, but alot of people. Now with the possibility of more job losses they are playing on our fears that we have to give up things that the men before use, some better men than the ones currently in office, fought so hard to get us. Please do not get me wrong I love my job, my fellow union members and my benefits, but the days of working with the company have overshadowed the original beleifs of the union. Fight for the working man, fight with the company to get our benefits and keep them, but the new age UAW seems to give all the time while the company just takes. I say that enough is fucking enough. If this is the best the leadership can do we need better leadership or no more union.
  2. Yes unfortunately I am an employee. By the way suck it asswipe!
  3. I nominate LITTLETIMMY he is fucking awsome
  4. So why are many of our benefits being "suspended" if Ford is in such great shape?
  5. Wake up people your union is a big corrupt business!!! You people are like sheep being led to a slaughter. The union was a great idea to begin with, but now the only people that it helps are useless people who are always in trouble.
  6. Everything is going to be susupended because Ronny G. is a pussy.
  7. Yeah the union has done a great job so far. I am out in the job bank while deadbeats who are related to the union have gotten their jobs back after 100 awols or 50 rehab stints, with their seniority. My job was shipped overseas, my education fund has been suspended, no job in sight, but I did get my $370 xmas boner. Thank god for the useless union.
  8. Why quit and move south when we can get Michigan to be a right to work state stop paying union dues and let congress negotiate our contracts. Face it guy the union is useless. It is a thing of the past that has run its course with the leadership of wimps like Ronny G. and people like you who think he is the second coming.
  9. Are you sure about the voting part? I was told that we don't get a vote on the issues on the table and that is why they are on the table
  10. The topic says it all. Congress should make the Fords sell the Detroit Lions as part of the bailout deal. If this happened I would give up whatever congress wants.
  11. Let Allan Mulally cut his salary $18 million a year and the problem is solved. The union is not doing shit about that. Michigan should be a right to work state so we can abolish this useless union.
  12. Why is Ron Gettlefinger talking on CNN about fighting wage concessions when all he has done is give up shit to a company who claims not to need any government assistance at this time? Is it because he knows government intervention in the big three means that the UAW is no longer neccessary? Tell me if you still want the union if they have no hand in negotiating our contracts because the government puts a cap on all of our benefits. Also a quick poll what would you rather lose etap and the dependent scholarship fund or the xmas bonus that has not been increase in years?
  13. Remember that everything is temporary at Ford. Ko not let this scare anyone out of a job. Who is going to invest any money into the automotive industry at this time?
  14. No they did not get a bailout, but they sure are quick to give up everything we have. Etap, legal services and jobs, but when it comes to golf clubs and vegas trips these greedy fuckers wont give up shit so go fuck yourself.
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