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Everything posted by CandyCane

  1. Hey BigBoy,Don't worry you can come work for me!!!
  2. The cafeteria worker at DTP said she heard it from her 5 year old who heard from a kid in his class.....So looks like it's a go..
  3. There's reason to believe when your supervisor tells you.....
  4. Heard tonight that DTP is going back to 3 crews in September...Anyone else hear this?
  5. Those guys just wanted to be in the limelight............They have no clue how the auto business works!!
  6. The good times have been over for a long time!!!! Guess your good times are just beginning to be over since your out of money to buy crack!!!
  7. World comes to an end according to Nosadamtrus
  8. Quote from Mulally: Both companies are likely to seek further concessions from the United Auto Workers and their creditors in order to justify the government money and prove themselves viable. Mulally said Tuesday he would expect the same concessions from the union even though Ford wouldn't be under government supervision.
  9. You buy a toyota we send the profits to Japan!!!!
  10. I heard your screwed no matter what!!! Pay cuts coming for everbody!!! No Vote!!!
  11. The UAW is about to sell us out!!! After the contract is reopened and all the concessions we give up by March,Gettlefinger will be setting good,hell he might even have a seat in Congress not just on GM's board!!!
  12. Its sad when the American Auto worker won't buy an american uaw built vehicle......I see lots of foreign cars in the Big 3 parking lots,those people help put there own self out of a job.
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