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Everything posted by gplt1106

  1. So with your NO vote you're saying you want the government to decide your wages health care and pension???
  2. No matter how much this sucks gotta vote yes..Times are bad and the company only has so much cash to burn through before they have to take government money then we are F#*ked. The politicians can't even run the government let alone a car company. Corker and Shelby already tried to bust the UAW and they don't need us to give them a second try at it. We are gaining market share because we haven't taken money from the government. The public's perception is helping us, but if we vote NO the media will SLAY us, and the UAW will be a bunch of greedy selfish Fu#ks who don't want to give up their perks in the worst economy in our lifetime. Look at Delphi or American axle.... we haven't given up shit compared to them. This is not the time for a hardcore stance get your head outta the sand. NO one wants this but it is necessary.
  3. Judging by your comments you are obviously a moron.
  4. How are all of the plants ERT teams doing? Have you lost alot of members? Is the company supporting your team? Lot's of changes going on and competition is not far away {providing there is one this year}. Just wondering.
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