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Posts posted by bigphish

  1. From the Detroit Free Press:


    "But if workers reject the deal, Ford is likely to reconsider job promises in Flat Rock, Wayne, Louisville, Ky., and elsewhere, according to a person familiar with the situation.


    Ford could add capacity at its assembly plant in Hermosillo, Mexico, to build more Fusions and could add capacity at its plant in Cuautitlan, Mexico, to produce some of the compact vehicles it plans to build in Wayne, the person said."


    Full link is here--




    Ford has no plans of coddling us and giving the crybaby no voters whatever they want. They will ship this work back out, probably lock us out or force us out on strike. If you want to keep your job, VWhy are you posting somethingf

    Why are you posting a story that is 4 years old? This is the post of a scared person, a company doushebag, or a really sad attempt by a union rep to spread fear. Sorry but you'll have to try harder, thanks for playing.

  2. You're dead wrong.


    I watched my grandfather take a forced medical retirement and after 24 years he got a shitty 218 dollar a month pension and social security. This isn't a one of a kind case nor is it uncommon.


    I started my retirement at age 20 when the reality of pensions going the way of the dinosaur really hit the media.


    Anyone willing to put their retirement income solely in the hands of a pension which can disappear at the drop of a hat is a fool.


    Tell me again what happened to all those Delphi pensions? That happened how many years ago? If that wasn't a wake up call for you and the rest of the general public to start thinking about your future and your pension possibly going away then shame on you.


    I don't make the rules, nor do you. Hopes, wishes, and nostalgia do not change the fact that if you are bot planning for yourself no one is. Not your employer, not your union, not your neighbors, you are responsible to make sure life doesn't beat you down, reality sucks doesn't it?


    Call me sefish all you want, push comes to shove you'd gladly toss someone under the bus for 3-4 dollars more an hour and you know it.


    And how am I selfish anyway? Because I'm willing to accept that me a high school graduate would be ok working for 25 dollars an hour plus benefits?


    You do understand your average high school graduate makes less than 26k a year right? Call it drinking the kool aid, being sheep, greedy or whatever you want. What I am not is an entitled dickhead doing manual labor expecting an engineers pay.


    You can go fuck yourself.

    Wow you really told me, well at least everyone here knows what you are now.

  3. Again with the retiree stuff.


    Once you retire the company is done with you as is your union. Can you blame them? Spare me the "they gave you what you have today" bullshit.


    If you're not contributing to profits, you no longer matter. I'm ready to accept the fact that when the day comes for me to retire I am on my own, that's life, get over it. Why do a lot of people accepting that? When you're done working don't expect a fuckin pay check for work you aren't doing when you were at the top of the labor food chain wage wise for so long.


    Fucking cry babies.

    Spoken like a true tier 2 person who only cares about himself, you have a lot of growing up to do!

  4. So we are clear I don't think anyone wants to say fuck retirees, except the companies. The companies are done dealing with them. They get their pensions and insurance from Veba. This is what they are going to get like it or not.


    From what information I found, what you can also find with google or whatever is the pension fund at one point was over funded, easy to dip in there and throw a bonus here and there, a raise here and there. Now the amount of retirees far outweighs the pension fund so it is hard to oay out more than each individuals share of said fund. There is no right or wrong, it's a math thing.


    When you had 200/250k retirees and looked at the balance, that balance looks a lot difference when you have 900k retirees. They aren't get anymore, no point in crying about it.


    New tier 2 pay scale looks mighty fine in comparrison with the last one. What did you expect? Everyone at 28/30 bucks an hour in one contract? Keep dreaming.


    Chrysler took concessions in the late 70s early 80's if I am not mistaken, they were not returned in just the next contract, took several to get to where they were at pre bankruptcy. So this isn't anything new, why does everyone act so surprised?


    Before you claim your insurance hi jack nonsense, why not wait for actual details? It clearly states that the companies will be funding the insurance benefits. I said it was piss poor execution to even put that out there with no outline of how it would work, then again what details for such a large project could you have in less than 7-8 months of planning? This was poorly delivered and does need to be rectified with a lot more information, lack of information doesn't mean it's a bad thing either.


    Like it or not that contract wasn't nearly as shitty as it could have been then again it wasn't as good as it could have been either.


    All of this bitching from any of us means jack shit anyway, who knows what our TA will have and how the hell long it's going to take to get one.

    You do realize the Veba was company funded to right, if this co-op passes do you think the company is going to pump endless amount of dollars into it? like you said the retirees get what they get, you will too!! Why do you think IUAW brought this to the table? they have an ulterior motive and you can bet your ass it won't benefit you!

  5. Your wasting your time phish.


    Opinion`s are like assholes everyone has one. In some cases, one is more useful than the other..... When it is all said and done, we have helped till we can`t help anymore. We help the company with give backs and create contracts that give the company bigger profits by getting bargain basement labor costs. Then help the union restore a "strike" fund that is anything but a "strike" fund.... Gave COLA to VEBA... etc etc


    All of this and the company in due time will push customers away with the shit they are pushing out the doors of the plants, as the company has done time after time and all in the name of greed. The help we gave our union will never be enough just look at how they throw dues away on negotiating and organizing. (transfers from the what? "strike fund") We are not supposed to remember that just last year the amount of money thrown away in such places as Tennessee or how our union has spent hundreds of thousands on organizing collage students, with very little success. We are not to remember how many times Marysville Ohio has told our unions professional organizers "no thanks".


    Less than a 6% increase in hourly rates in a total of 14 years... Tiers are here to stay... co-op or sham-op its best for you... cap`s??? we don`t need no stinkin cap!!! Hell caustic said its ok and chassisgroupleader has said time after time after time... it`s ok with him and the IUAW is betting their trustee and administrators side money that its ok. So its got to be ok...right?


    One last thing phish, how many people do you think will be beating down the big gold door at solid house begging to pay dues? Indiana, Michigan and the list of twenty other states could see those begging to pay dues start to dwindle. Beck Rights anyone?




    I know i am but i can't help myself. trying to save people from themselves is all i'm trying to do. Don't know why i feel obligated but i do.


    Littlefish, I respect your view, but voting down this contract does not mean they're going to get anything better.

    Well you are right coach, but if you accept the first thing shoved in your face everytime you get what you get. i respect your opinion too, i just think its a crappy offer and i sure hope ours is better. i have been playing this game a long time and have known many people who always vote yes but are the first to start crying when they don't like something in the contract that they voted yes for. i always have 7 words for them, stfu you voted yes!


    I'm entitled to my opinion. Just like you're entitled to yours. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I would vote for this contract in a heartbeatJust so we're clear

    Just so we're clear, you're okay with screw the retirees, happy the new top wage for tier 2 doesn't bring them up to tier1 pay, happy the IUAW is trying to hi-jack your medical insurance, well i think it is a pos agreement and that's my opinion, just so we're clear. You should change your name to chassisprocesscoach.

  8. I see the reason for the distrust and cannot dispute the validity for the distrust. All I am saying is from what I have read and researched a co op can be a good thing if you can scale it, that is always the problem with co ops and why so many fail. Not just healthcare either, housing co ops can fail easily if the scale isn't there. I think with the current UAW membership scale will not be an issue and will work.


    Yes it's vague as fuck, they have nothing to give because it's not done. They can't work that out over night, that is why the agreement is to set one up and explorer options.


    Personally I think a co op is great but they got way over zealous and put the cart before the horse. Would have been wise to state health care(and health care only)would be renegotiated mid contract when the co op has been worked out in detail complete with benefit package book that outlines old vs new coverages. Great idea, piss poor execution.


    An attempt at being proactive is a plus in my book, beats one thumbing their ass and doing nothing until the problem becomes reality.


    Think my idea of having tier 1 accept tier 2 insurance and using the difference to hand out raises was a better idea. Then again most would have bitched about that too without even seeing the coverage.


    And Decker you know as well as I do people want to bitch about anything, just or not. Baseball has been tossed to the side and the new American past time is complaining.


    Look at all the meat heads at FCA screaming strike a week before they even announced FCA as the target. This reason alone is why I don't let people at the plant, most of which are borderline retarded, make up my mind for me and do not buy into their rhetoric.


    Might the IUAW punch me in the face, sure. Might I have been he naive fool that let them, maybe. Did I learn my own lesson and not be talked into someone else's personal opinion, bet your ass.


    Rather have a 50/50 shot at being a fool by my own hand than being a fool because I bought into a fools outlook instead of my own.

    I'm trying to figure out what the problem is that you think people are thumbing thier nose at, my tier 1 insurance is almost 8,000 below the current threshold of 27.500 its for me plus 2 soon to be plus one, that threshold # will be elavated in 2018 for inflation, if the price of my insurance were to go over the threshold it will be on my provider to pay the taxes, thus the whole reason for the Cadillac tax, to force them to keep it below the threshold.


    Might the IUAW punch you in the face, hope you have a strong chin! not a bleeder are you? Do you really believe they have your best interest at heart? my 30+ years is here to tell you sorry they don't, they are in buisness for themselves, you're an after thought!


    The co-op is a concession, tier 1 accepting tier 2 insurance is a laughable concession, Ford is going to make 10 billion dollars profit this year off of our labor, no more concessions for me, i already gave, time to take a stand or these jobs will become nothing but a bunch of temp workers chasing that carrot that the company will never let them have. 50/50 is a crap shoot! i'm tired of the crap! time to flush the toilet!!


    You are right about one thing we work with some highly retarted people, trust your gut but keep your face covered because if you let your guard down you wont see it coming, things are going to start to get interesting very soon! good luck to all of us, we're going to need it!

    • Like 1
  9. Listen, i'm not going to argue with you Caustic, One day you will realize these people do not have your best interest in mind. You know that old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink, You just keep drinking the bullshit they're feeding you, one day you might get it! They think they are untouchable, they don't care about you! they are in it for themselves! you are nothing but 2 1/2 hours of pay to them. Hey, don't let a little thing like facts cloud your judgement of these crooks.

    • Like 2




    Scroll down to page 7 and look at the recipients names.

    16 leeches stealing money that is supposed to be for retiree healthcare, i'm quite sure they all feel they earned and deserve it! They will do the same thing with co-op money if they can get their greedy fucking hands on it. How much work do you think they really did to earn that money? Nothing but a bunch of thieves but don't worry they have your best interest in mind!

    • Like 2
  11. Each tiers are only out for themselves, no one cares what the others get because it doesn't affect them. Just like the line workers could care less what Skilled Trades get or don't get and that's only natural anyone who says otherwise is full of it.

    Well you can call me full of it, believe it or not there are people that care, a lot of my friends have family that are tier 2 and you better believe they care what happens to them. There are selfish tier 1 people but there seems to be quite a few tier 2 people who are no better.

    • Like 2
  12. I ordered a 2016 F-150 several weeks ago. I have an order number from the dealer but no VIN yet. Does anybody know when production is going to start on the 2016's? Does the order number mean anything?

    Try the employee locator forum, 2 below this one,.

  13. "You may think whatever you want but until you read specifics you're just talking from your ass" Caustic, what are the specifics? i see 3 vague paragraphs on the co-op, please fill us all in with the facts. "Our health insurance will continue to be no cost with good coverage" everything has a cost! i can see that you are going to have find things out the hard way, The company and the union are in bed together and are out for themselves, You really need to stop thinking they care about you! they don't!

  14. They got the Monday after easter restored.


    They never were allowed to use only one day of vacation? I do that all the time.


    Don't like seeing the co-op language.


    I'd rather have wage increases all four years instead of lump sums.


    Looks like they adopted real skilled trade work teams. The mechanical trades are going to hate this. Will reduce a lot of their overtime.

    Hey, you can keep your doctor, LOL could those 3 paragraphs on the co-op be any more vague, FAIL!

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