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  1. Thanks :-) I appreciate your input. We wanted leather but it was out of our budget. I like the warmth of fabric but my hubby likes practicality :-)
  2. Thanks! We have sort of decided on vinyl, due to the fact we can wipe it clean...did your tinted windows come as an option or did you add them later?
  3. Hello, I'm buying an F350 soon but the Lariat package is too expensive for us. So we are looking at an XL. Curious if any of you have fabric or heavy duty vinyl seats and how they are holding up? Thanks!
  4. Hello, I am an X Plan customer and am going to be getting an F350 Lariat. My inventory searches has shown no F350 Lariat 2008s around. We have an appt. to see the dealer and he said they are hard to locate. My question is, is he required to search for us? My fear is he will try to sell us a 2009 instead, and we really want to save the money with a 2008. I just wasn't sure how hard he would look for us...is there a national inventory database that we can double check just to make sure he is being forthright?
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