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Everything posted by dinnk123

  1. I am currently using it at CTU Colorado Technical University, it is all online. Ford has been great, this particular school is a education partner with Ford. Used up all my benefits in the last two years. It doesn't cover everything but sure helps. Forms are online in the benefits section. Check with school first! Good Luck!! :shades:
  2. Now that is just mean. The decision to transfer was a hard one to make, not everyone was in a position to move. I worry about friends and family that are still there, and wish them only the best. You should remember how it was there, worrying about your job all the time.
  3. Ford needs to sell Fords, right? Who buys Fords?? My opinion, middle class, who is middle class? autoworkers, and teachers, firemem, police and such! I remember when almost all vehicles on Ford employee lots were new, now it is different story. We are all so scared of the future we can not buy new cars. With all this contract talk every few months, I don't want to buy anything. But I know what will be the first thing to go if I get cut back anymore, my 2008 Ford truck financed through Ford Motor Credit. I know they sell alot more vehicles than employees,but how many upper class people buy fords? Most I have seen drive BMW, Volvos, and more expensive models. Are the big 3 cutting there own throats? By chopping away the middle class?
  4. By personal experience I am sure you cannot believe Bob King. (I transfered from Tulsa Glass).Enough said about that.. Soooooo how about this........ when I see Over 2 billion new product and investment, I'll vote yes, until then NO. And, Cap. were you in on the negotiating? So I can assume your info was real.
  5. In trying to make my personal decision, I asked myself this: Do I make my decision based on promises to my plant--- Or---For the good of all of my union brothers and sisters? Also, when the company was making big profits, were we allowed to open contract and ask for more, no. Enough is enough. Lets talk at contract time. We have given concessions to help company, they are showing profits, we are done until next contract. And why can we all not vote on same day, to avoid people not voting because they tihink it will not matter?
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