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Everything posted by H8_A_Suckass

  1. Keep ya attitude to,Now you know how it fucking feels. And you know who you are. lol lol lol
  2. And its so nice to have to go in everyday and pull other peoples weight,Because you and your Superintendent are scared to address the Individuals that fuck you every night. And then have the Nerve to wonder why people dislike you and your Building Superintendent. Sadd Sadd Sadd.
  3. With the group of Managers in this Building,Why would a temp even want to stay in this shithole? Evansville is full of lying,Hostile environment creators, John Regan,Dwayne Mcbride,Brad Stockhoff and Ryan B. And I wont comment on Jim Hanna. LOL LOL LOL SADD SADD SADD!!!!!!!!!
  4. Hey Dwayne,Instead of Fabricating fake lies on individuals,Why dont you just do your Job and focus on the individuals who dont do theres. You have lost alot of respect from the hourly workers with all your "BULLSHIT". You are one lying individual, SADD SADD SADD. I would never compromise myself for Ford Motor Company. I will keep my pride and dignity.
  5. Very True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. You arent Lying Buddy,Brad Stockhoff is the biggest piece of shit in this Division. All they want to do is Blame Joe Barnes for all the problems and we all know that Brad Stockhoff, Ryan B. And Paul Nielson were the factors in getting this man Terminated. What goes around will come around. 3 pieces of shit that need to be flushed with all the other waste.
  7. The Topic was about,That lying piece of shit Brad Stockhoff,It had nothing to do with you trying to be H.R. and telling people to come to work. Go fuck yourself.
  8. I think I will expose everything Monday. What the hell?? lol lol lol lol
  9. John Regan,If you want any type of respect,I would advise you get rid of that lying,Favortism showing,Statement Solicicting Supervisor Brad Stockhoff.He was a piece of shit as an hourly employee,So what would make you think he would change his ways getting snuck in to take the test as a supervisor and becomming one?. It dosent take 2 or 3 employess to make a warehouse.It takes a whole building to make a warehouse. You have had constant problems with this asshole and you still do,But yet have you took the steps to sanction this piece of shit. You have been addressed on a constant basis about this guy. He dosent even want to stay in your building because he isnt allowed to do his stupid shit. So why dont you just accomadate his transfer then? Brad you are unethical,your a liar,and you will do anything to make yourself look good even if its off the backs of the hard working hourly's. Get a clue ya loser.
  10. And not to mention that,They all are a bunch of lying assholes anyway. Same Snakes,Different heads.
  11. No comment, :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: funny guy. lol lol lol
  12. I was informed that 5 hidden cameras were discovered in the Ontario HVHC. Its sadd to see this Company snoop so low too spy on us. I bet there in every Facility. If this is old news,Its new news to me. Dammmmmmmmmm.
  13. Bye Bye Paul Nielson. See Ya!!!! :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet: Hope you enjoy Ontario.
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