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Everything posted by uaw12

  1. I'm amazed that our local, reps that were apart of the problem for the last 30 years are now claiming to be change agents, although before the modification vote they said nothing of the potential ramifications to the membership. If as rank and file we vote back in the candidates that backed the agreement no lesson will be learned. In many cases they were walking around with the International Rep. trying to gain favor up North.
  2. The point that I have taken from all this is, in the past many of us have voted for people that we liked as individuals and maybe not good workers or potential reps. With a contract coming up in a little over a year we need to be discerning and ask the candidates the tough questions before we vote. Another blunder that locals have made is voting in reps that are grouped on a ticket with someone that we may like but the majority of the ticket is a group, hell bent on just staying off the line.
  3. Hey Captain you said many things above that I agree with, voting low seniority for the sake of it is a mistake, but my point is that we need to start to take a good look at the people we elect nationally and locally and question all the candidates friends or not about their positions. Also my point is that it does not make the UAW weaker to challenge those in charge, on the contrary, it is the backbone of a vibrant union. In 1979 1.5 million UAW members, 2001 720k, 2009 450k members, it may be time to rethink our game plan of UAW-FORD as a team.
  4. Hey Captain again if pointing out when I joined is the best you can do, your in for a continued confused life. As for pattern bargaining, this was broken many times in the past and I liken this situation to a Doctor who has a patient in ICU versus a check-up, their both patients but they must be treated differently. Our brothers and sisters at GM and Chrysler are in the ICU and we have been given a clean bill of health. As far as moving on, if I was in your spot I would want to say" the members have spoke and now lets move on". One difference though if I were in your spot I would take a stress leave for a few months and claim I could not remember my blind following of International. Again Captain loud and wrong is still wrong. I still have not heard you refute the fact that equity of sacrifice which was touted to the members has been shown to be another scam that you fell for in March. The day we ended voting the company announced 1 billion profit. Now Captain you can put all the STFU you want but get your soon to be defeated officials on the phone and try and come up for a defense of the defenseless.
  5. When the International Reps came down to LAP in March the big part of the Modification that they wanted to harp on was equity of sacrifice. The same reps in October reminded us all, of the equity of sacrifice clause and how it was a linchpin of the agreement. After the article with Fields outlining everything that would be given back to salary in the New Year it is no surprise that Bob and the other reps have been silent, how do you spin the facts, any other way, except you were taken for a ride. The wonderful part is that the checks and balances worked, by the memberships vote, but the downside is that any remaining credibility that the locals that supported this had, is now vaporized. International has not enjoyed credibility by the rank and file for some time, it is the job of the voters to vote in Brothers and Sisters that will work for the improvement of the membership and restore trust by the members.
  6. Hey Captain your ability to explain your position is amazing, I'm sorry your going to have to run for election or defend a sell out agreement, it seems I hit a nerve as you should feel ashamed and ridiculed. As for me being new to the board, if this is the best you can do, I wish you the best on the assembly line after the next election. When secure in the facts one will give the facts, when one is wrong they will call others names. If you are secure in your position, please go around to your co-workers and tell them that voting down the modification agreement was a mistake, and let's see how that works out for you. I feel sorry for your group, knowing that your days in power are numbered the willingness to do and say anything will only further make you a historical joke. P.S. Loud and wrong, is still wrong.
  7. As we all found out with the Nov. modification vote, due to the lack of accountability at the IUAW, B. King was under the assumption that heavy handed tactics would work as they had since 1976. The last time a proposal was shot down by the rank and file. Another shock is in store for B. King at election time at the local level, and in electing delegates to the Convention in June. There is a silent majority here at LAP that can not wait to send a different type of delegate to represent our best interest, not Corporate Unionist best interest at the Convention. Trade Unionist just may be ready to take back the UAW.
  8. Being a joke in the respect that in March it was touted that all stake holders were sacrificing, then in November we were ask to give up more, then the next month it is announced that salary will get their givebacks returned to them in the New Year. UAW officials that ask last month for give backs look like a laughing stalk.
  9. Wondering, after the modification failure and with the most recent release of information on salary gains, how many plants in the system will get huge turnover at the local level, of UAW officials. From my perspective, the modification in March and the section on equity of sacrifice being a joke at this point, I can not vote for any local official that supported the latest givebacks. Your thoughts.
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