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  1. Thanks gents. I'll push for more info. I AM THE CUSTOMER!
  2. How were you able to get such frequent updates on your order? I feel like my dealer thinks I'm a pain when I ask for an update. Is there another avenue for checking the status several times a day?
  3. Can anyone at Ford give us some information regarding all the rumors of production delays? Something about the transfer case supplier going out of business? I have a truck on order and need to know when it will be available. Trying to plan my summer.
  4. Just wondering if anyone working at KTP can give some info as to how the ramp-up for the Super Duty is going. Any details on the shut-down, parts suppliers, line changes, etc? Details, details, details please? Thanks from a life-long Ford owner and future buyer of a 2011 6.7L F350.
  5. Whoa, whoa, whoa.... Hugh, you said mpg's in the low 20's. WOW! It's been a long time since Super Duty's were capable of that and it would make this thing a huge home run. Personally, I'll take that little tidbit to be a bit of an exaggeration but I'm wondering if you can follow-up on it. Where did they get those numbers? From the on-board computer? I was going to buy a 6.0 and held back because of the early problems. Then I was going to get a 6.4 and held back because of the dismal mileage. My 2000 Excursion is holding up great but that V10 gets about the same MPG's as a 6.4. Is this the year? Finally? That I get my diesel Super Duty? The money is all saved up, sitting in an account, ready to be put to work...
  6. Thanks for the update. It would be great if someone at Ford at least posted the ribbon-cutting, or team meeting, or something. There are many who are very interested in this start-up and are looking for any kind of news. I'm hoping there will be a Youtube video about day one on day two. C'mon, somebody?
  7. Can anyone confirm if the KTP has started production? Is there a website that the public can monitor for updates and news?
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