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  1. Great leadership over there eh? Exceedingly high fuel prices... why? EXCESSIVE TAXES.
  2. Ask Ford about why they haven't brought them over yet...
  3. Nice attempt at satire. No gas tax? Try and do some reading mate... over 50% of the price of a gallon of U.S. gasoline comes from TAXES. Federal, State, & Local. Diesels are more popular in Europe due to the tax breaks given to diesels. Oh, and don't forget the fact that they are 30% more fuel efficient in many cases. Auto Diesels in the states here have been given a bad reputation due to their emergence in the 1980's and their demise due to poor designs from several companies (GM was the #1 culprit: making V8 diesels from Gasser parts). Fortunately for VW, Mercedes, and BMW... they have not died. They have enjoyed quite a resurgence. If you do a search on American Car lots these days... diesel autos are HARD TO KEEP IN STOCK due to the fuel economy benefit, the longevity, and the resale value. Oh, and yes... we're offering a $1,500 U.S. TAX CREDIT on them too. (Politics there) Better yet, show me a salesman who DOES NOT want to sell DIESELS in the U.S. and I'll show you a person who doesn't want to earn fast money. DIESELS are in high demand. Check VW inventories of TDI's... they are high demand. Mercedes-Benz & BMW are right behind them. For you to surmise that we Yanks don't want diesels because of Bullsh*t enviromentalist wacko policies is ludicrous. The 2 cannot be farther from the truth. Again... it goes back to economics. European diesels have been a hit b/c of tax breaks (higher gas taxes too!-- Gov't. intervention in the free market), longevity, and better performance longitudinally. Prove me wrong... you cannot. If you think for 1 moment that taxing people for exhaling CO2 is the way to make us happy... you're crazy. Taxing Carbon is a legal form of racketeering. The people do not benefit from this robbery. It is redistribution of wealth... aka socialism. Isn't Europe trying that and failing right now? YEP. Oh, and by the way Aussie... Virtually everything we do or are associated with involves CO2. Taxing me for exhaling? LUNACY. LIBERTY OR DEATH...DON'T TREAD ON ME. Didn't we fight a war about unfair oppression, excessive taxation without representation, etc.? YES!!! Diesels are viable here... but Ford doesn't want to introduce them yet until the Corporate Average Fleet Economy is too high and they have to implement it. Europe is a great proving grounds for their small diesels too by the way. Ever notice that? Good luck with telling your people that taxing them MORE because they exhale is in their best interest... I'm sure it'll go well with taxing their livestock for flatulating and deficating... releasing greenhouse gasses... UGH!!!
  4. The ONLY way government encourages these days is to make laws that FORCE companies to do what lawmakers wish to be done. Let the MARKETS decide the direction, innovation, and technology... these are driven by PROFITS. NOT by Government. Look at how our Congress has screwed things up... By the way... China isn't going to comply with any "treaty" that will limit themselves from an environmental viewpoint. Do you really think that some "World" agency is gonna stop countries from creating energy by whatever means? Please stop right there. When it comes to self-preservation... mankind will stop at nothing. Don't doubt me. Burn that coal, gas, etc. There's a bunch of it. Make it cleaner, sure... but keep costs low.
  5. Yes, you are right... I know nothing about what the high and mighty Europeans have done... except GO BROKE trying to make their policies work instead of common sense. Got EURO? I don't. An aggressive fuel tax takes money AWAY from the individual and REDISTRIBUTES IT to GOVERNMENT. Yet, you say that you dislike "sticking it to the consumer". Damn... you're talking from both sides of the issue. Make a choice and stick with it. Talk about limiting freedom in the name of the environment... that is ridiculous. Men yearn to be free. History has proven that. If you want clean, cheap power... the market has to demand it, not government. Government can only limit your markets and your freedoms. Read history.
  6. Here's a noble idea to EUROPE: Your idea of saving the planet is DEAD. CARBON TAXES? What a bunch of crap! That $$$ would supposedly go towards what? Stop telling everybody what to do when your leaders are the ones making the tons of carbon with their jets, big vehicles, Industrial plants, etc. If you want to save the planet... Pretend you are a Johnny Appleseed: PLANT A TREE. They are mother nature's filters... all trees, plants, etc. turn CO2 emissions into some good stuff. I learned that back in 6th grade Science. And... it's a HELLUVA LOT cheaper than paying WORLD "LEADERS" and AL GORE to tell me that they know BETTER THAN I DO.
  7. You buy a diesel car for one thing: FUEL ECONOMY. You buy a TDI for another: VALUE. I have experience here. Why wouldn't you buy the Passat TDI instead? Same $$$, more legroom, etc. Hey, $25 K, 6 speed manual or auto... and 45+ MPG real world data. Oh, and don't forget the $1500 tax credit for "Green" automobiles either! I've owned 2 of 'em... along with Hondas and Toyotas... when my Accord craps out... back to diesel. No doubt. Yes, you'll have to buy the DEF liquid (you can buy it @ wal-mart), but hey, where else can you buy a nice car that gets as much as 49-50 mpg while lugging along at under 2,000 rpm's? Oh, and if you really want to have a VW TDI make some "performance"... just get bigger fuel nozzles, adjust the timing, and of course, install a bigger air intake. BUT... your car will lose fuel economy, and you take a huge risk on wear and tear on your engine, transmission, etc. Overall, the TDI is a great car, is fun, and of course... built in the USA (Yes, Chattanooga, TN to be exact). You'll be miles and $$$ ahead in a TDI. Why else is there a 6 month delay in production boys? DEMAND.
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