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Posts posted by kitten

  1. You dont even work for Ford anymore Chucky...why even come on this site? Id there a site for Mcdonalds employees where you can gripe about things like serving burnt fries or watered down Sprite?...Cmon go away...you are unemployable...Moderator should throw kitten off because he is not a Ford employee


    I hope that guy your talking about spits in your fries..






    NICK YOU SOUND LIKE A DICK< you have been reported but you must me sucking the mods hairy balls, so he hasn't banned you yet.

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  2. You'll see the rioting against the Unions soon by it's own membership if we don't get a grip on jobs and worker rights, and the business dealings of the UAW and our money!. Not to mention tax dollars the state and federal gov gives away to other countries. Soon these middle eastern countries will be watching us riot on tv. Our system of gov is crashing down, and the first step to get back on the right track is getting Obama (yooo mamma) out of office. Oh I'm sorry "No Drama Obama". Excuse me.


    Where is our Money UAW?

    Where is our Money State Gov?

    Where is our Money Fed?


    Where is the accountability fed gov?

    Where is the accountability local gov?


    Are recalls the solution?


    Maybe we should just all tweet our penis and join the "in crown"....

    • Like 2
  3. As of last Friday there was a memo sent to the supervisors over at the truck plant letting them know that 70 people are going to Rawsonville to work the new battery line after shutdown. They will be transferred out of assembly and back making parts because of some deal someone made in the back room somewhere. Some of the Saline people were also complaining that they didn't want to go to Rouge, so they also are sending those to Rawsonville.


    Is this fair for the people at DTP body, stamping, trim that have more seniority then those truck plant individuals?



    • Like 1
  4. You're killing me here! Please put the keyboard down, and walk away! I'd like to read something with substance. Public ignorance, is not good!


    I'm speaking from first hand experience, so stop being ignorant.


    I tell it like it is, if you don't like it, go walk your dog, and pick up poop.

  5. Hi I recently graduated from High School barely going to turn 18 next week and I really wanted to know what it takes to get a job in the Assembly Plant? I live a few blocks away from the Chicago Assembly Plant since 2003 which might be a good thing, also my mom has a friend who wanted to apply for a job they're (Davis Staffing) but they told him he needed previous manufacturing experience and that put my hopes down because I really wanted to work there and I would work there my entire life If I had the chance because I have loved cars ever since I was a kid. I would really appreciate if anybody can give me some advice on getting a job at the Ford Assembly Plant.


    If you want a job at the assembly plant, sit outside management's parking lot on their breaks and give them a BJ and bring them their coffee. Here's an idea, go into security and ask for an application, and for references put "I'll rat out anyone" just give me a hi-lo or a tag relief job. And if your a female better yet, tell them you can poke your nose in everyone's business around the other females and gossip about how the men aren't do their jobs.


    High seniority workers are supposed to get applications to give to their family members. That's the way it worked for 30 years. Then when they spun Vist-i-blow off, they started making stupid changes and the Union elected workers were the only one's that got the applications. (remember it's not who you blow, it's who you know) so when it comes to the union office none of them will blow each other, so they opt for the ladder.

  6. Here is proof of the problem with this country, and this is why Trump needs to run and be president.


    We need to not give tax incentives for creating jobs, we need to give tax incentives for bringing jobs back from overseas.


    We need to start making stuff again in this country. Everything China makes we can make, and if we did that China and other countries wouldn't be able to manipulate their currencies and screw us over on unfair trade.


    We need to charge china more on sending products into our country also.


    Here is an example:


    Most bowling alleys buy their bowling pins from China, they are shipped over here for a few dollars and sold to bowling alleys for hundreds per box.


    There is guy that bought a factory to make bowling pins here in the US, he put about 50 employees to work, and they now make bowling pins and sell them for only $1.00 (per pin) more then what you would pay if you bought them from China. This guy was featured on the news about 2 weeks ago and praised for creating jobs.


    We need more people like this.


    And we need people in Washington to start saying "NO" to OPEC and China.

    • Like 1
  7. I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, but how can you tell what a signing bonus is going to be 3 months before the old contract expires and it will be a miracle if we ever see that grievance money! titanic.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif


    There won't be any grievance money, your going to get a contract signing bonus of about 2-3k and that's it. Good old Alan may even try and do away with the signing bonus. No telling what else that idiot has in store for us union workers.

  8. Well I am not racist, and my statements were factual. Color was brought up because what I went through was the truth. If a black manager can tell me (before I even start working for him) that and I quote "I hope you work out over here, because people from SRP don't like to work", then to me that is a racist comment. Then to have a person of color (or black) accuse me of saying the "N" word cause he doesn't like me (and was a temp worker) trying to take my livelihood away from me is also racist in nature. As I said I am not a racist. I have black friends. Maybe saying "black guy" isn't the politically correct words to say now, so I meant "person of color" (as you put it).


    And yes it was FAYGO i was thinking of, he was a total asshole 10 years ago when I was at SRP, I didn't know he retired which must have been within the past year or two, because last I heard he was still working there. I never saw him out working on any lines, but he was indeed a head hunter, I actually got a long great with him when I wasn't in his office. It really depends on supervision how good you get along with HR. Faygo was indeed tho a head hunter for the most part, if you found yourself in his office you might as well not even talk and take your punishment cause he isn't going to throw any write ups away for you.


    As for the walking around and creating havoc, see when a person is falsely accused of something and the lively hood is hindered or taken away wrongfully, then the company should expect some type of retribution on the part of the employee. The company may get a couple quality reports for that month that they normally may not have gotten and that is just the way "the mop flops" as I said in my last post, talk to some retired people and they will show you the ropes on how to do things, they have great advise because they were there 30 years and remember like I said, when it comes down to you or them. Your ass gets bent over not them.


    As for temp workers I really have nothing against them, they are just trying to work too. However when you cause fights in the plant with people because your making less doing the same work, you need to reflect on the fact that when you hired in, you were told this, agreed to take the job, and knew that someday you may not be a permanent employee or that you may not make the same wage other's are. And this is why I take offence to temps trying to setup the full pay workers with crap to get them time off in revenge for making 10.00 less. (16.00) an hour is still a good wage if your living at home with mommy and daddy!

  9. Who is the black guy in HR at SRP? if it's who I think it is, he is a head hunter. I forgot his name but he has been there about 20 years. If someone says his name I'll remember it. SRP 10 years ago yes used to be a good plant to work in before the temps came in and the Vistablow spin off happened. I hired in there in 95 and loved it. Made a lot of money in there and always had fun working with idiots. I was always able to get myself out of trouble when trouble came to me, because I know what to say and do when it comes to taking the "Dead Man Walking" path to the front HR office. Talking with retired people and learning the ropes from them really pays off when you get slammed by people up in HR. As for Doctors at SRP the doctors are now even paid less, the old doctors were moved to DTP. (OBOM) was one of them. Remember the fat ugly one what looked like a guy and was black. (yes) that's OBOM.


    As for working with low pay workers at SRP, you need to really just sit and do your job and not talk to them. When I was there I had two people try and take me up front and lie for no reason just to get me time off. When I was at Diversified in Dearborn I had a black temp worker accuse me of calling him the "N" word when I didn't and because the union was black, they went ahead and made up another excuse to give me time off cause local 600 is very shady and full of black people that don't like US white people that come from ACH suburb plants. I had a black supervisor at Diversified tell me he didn't like SRP people coming into his plant cause "WE don't like to work". He got fired from (Tire and Wheel).


    I loved working at SRP, I would take hi-lo grease from the hi-lo garage put in in a news paper and roll it up and walk over to the offices with it near AO and whipe the grease on the door knobs. I'd also put it on my hands and cup my hands and go up to the HR office and whipe it there. Another great place to whipe it is on the attendance office door knob in the main hall way going down to towards the weight room!. lol


    Then the best thing you can do is on you lunch break walk by the pack out areas of the lines that are down that still have parts in their pack out and pull vacume hoses out. Make sure nobody sees you and don't worry there are no cameras anywhere in the plant in work areas. It never hurts to pull out a hose or two, especially when you get 3 days off for something, I normally walk around and create havoc.

  10. I heard there were some EEOC complaints filed against DTP and the Detroit office is sitting on those complaints because they are being paid off by the UAW/Company.


    If this is true there will be big problems and suits filed against the state of Michigan. EEOC is in charge of handling worker rights complaints such a forms of discrimination and employee harassment on the job. I wonder if the EEOC can come in here and make a comment about this because I'm sure those people would like to know whats going on with their case files.

  11. HAHAHA t-shirts the union is selling now, how about getting rid of the nickle fund and giving that money back to the membership.


    How about refunding dues for the past 2 years to the membership also.


    Now they want us to buy shirts? hell=to=the=no


    good luck with sales Saline local 892..


    This is actually against the bi-laws also, so I hope they know what they are doing. They are not supposed to profit off the membership without a vote on where the funds will be going.


    SU-FI your an idiot.

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  12. This thing never made it to third stage it had no merit. How many years is this thing going to be talked about on here.


    The company shot it down because places like Saline ACH had people signing the petition 3 and 4 times. They couldn't even run the thing before it got off the ground. Don't count on getting any more free money from Ford.

  13. I already have one, I took one from one of the ACH plants, it's in my Back yard, we eat "PIG" off it.


    I'll give it back to Ford for one of their new explorers, I figure it's gotta be worth that much!.

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  14. I agree this forum went nowhere in 5 years. The guy might as well take it down and if he was a webmaster, he would learn to montinize it the correct way. He would also invest the money in Vbulliten and scrap this junk.


    I've been infiltrating this site for years, he can't stop me, but he always tries. lol


    Call me the Ford Kitten, I'll claw your face out!

  15. Always bring your cell phone in a hearing with you (hopefully you have a smart phone) and you can use the record function. Always record an HR hearing, remember you don't have to notify anyone your recording them, because chances are, they are recording you, and because neither recording can be admisable in court, it can however be admissible to the Union or local for investigation reasons.


    HR reps will try and get you to fold under pressure after all they went to school and in most cases they are retired police officers that are trained or know how to read a person. Many companies hire people like this. We had a head hunter at Saline when I worked there, and it took a number of people to get her ass fired. We later found out she was moved to another plant. Their MO is to just slam you with time off.


    But the main thing, always record the meeting. anytime someone from the company interviews me, I record it. This protect you because the Union isn't going too.

  16. The major problem we see here when sitting back and looking at all the moves, is the fact that people are being forced to go down town, no one wants to work down town cause they know how fuc*ed up it is. 2nd, they shouldn't have too, they never signed up to go to Dearborn. If dtp doesn't have people to work, then they should give people a choice in the ach plants weather or not they want to go there and not just force them!.


    This moving around crap was the worst thing Ford ever started.


    If you ask me, it's just a way Ford can weed people out of the jobs. They know these old timers that have to go down town won't last a minute and will retire for one. I say make the temps do the hard fuc*ing work if they want a job, us people that have 13 or more years in shouldn't have to be forced to go anywhere.


    Rawsonville is hiring temps to work on the battery line from what I heard. And the union at Saline (Chairman and President) don't give two shits about the Ford people, they have been instructed by the region and solidarity house to start moving more people out of the plants and into DTP where they can facilitate a turnover or termination..


    DTP is nothing but a "Disaster Transport Zone". Once time you smart off to a supervisor, your ass has time off and the union doesn't do a thing for you.


    If your going to DTP after shutdown, may the good lord be with you, "Always with you" , Amen. May your soul rest in piece.. because now you will see what work is.


    I guarantee everyone going to DTP ends up at the body shop!.




    your FUC*ED!


    OHH PS..


    Firs thing you do when you get there, file a harassment complaint on Jeff Robinson (MPS Manager) cause if you find yourself in trouble, his ass will nail you to the wall and watch your medical passes too, if you get one like this, file a complaint for harassment:




    An employee got 200k for this medical pass. I won't mention his name.

  17. Is Jerry Carson still the Chairman there? this could be why you have such a shitty committee. Jerry in the past never showed up for work, nor did he even fight for anyone. These chairman all they care now about is saving their own job. You think ACH plants don't have power or do anything for anyone, try working in a Ford facility!!


    The OP said something about HR people covering for supervisors, yes they are doing more with less, and these people are actually out to try and nail people. They work the line to see who's screwing around, who comes in late etc etc. Why not? they have nothing to do down in HR but sit back at their desk and talk on the phones all day to their friends and family. Some HR reps go to the bar with the Union people (Four Friends) after work at SRP also.


    The Union at SRP was pretty much dismantled when the flow backs started. You then got a bunch of people in elected positions that know nothing about bargaining, writing grievances and fighting for people in a hearing. These people that were elected were people working on lines before the flow backs started 5 years ago and if not for the flow backs, they would have stayed on the lines because they had no experience or union education behind them whatsoever.


    If you walk in the union office at SRP all you see is empty desks with family photos on them covering them which in my opinion if I was a chairman that shit wouldn't be happening, the only thing on those desks would be union books and grievance sheets and pens.


    yes I agree there is too much BS going on in these ACH plants in the union office. People not showing up doing their jobs, Chairman's not holding anyone accountable for walking the floor on a regular basis. Nepotism and favoritism also among certain members and union people etc etc. I could go on for days.


    Once all the high pay Ford people are out of the ACH plants, they will also get rid of the Union in those plants as well. It's coming as sure as I sit here.


    If your one that has been head hunted, I feel sorry for you, and remember there is always more then one way to skin a cat.


    Anytime your behind the 8 ball getting bent over the table, you simply pull a rabbit out of your hat..


    Rabbits = Making up lies.


    Because remember, when it comes down to "you or them" it's going to be your ass you can believe that.


    Remember telling the truth in a hearing gets you nowhere. Anytime you want to get out of something in a hearing you just make up some off the wall lie about what your supervisor did and HR has no other option but to believe or entertain it. Stuff like this always puts a monkey wrench in the investigation they try and do on your ass.


    Remember it does you know good to be the nice guy when it comes to your job!.


    Listen to my advice and you won't go wrong.


    There will be some others that come in and say stuff like "Abuse the system" this and that, but don't listen to those older ass people they know nothing about getting in hot water because they kiss so much ass and suck so much DI*K they never get in trouble.


    And most of the time a union brother or sister gets in trouble for no reason, or the company can't prove or provide one.


    remember play it smart...


    have a nice summer, I'll see you on the other side like OZZY said!.


    (Version 200.2)

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  18. Yes the company breaks all the rules when it will benefit them. That happens on a regular basis and yes 80% of the teamleaders are dome of the laziest employees the company has. It's sad really cuz most days they have it really good. But I haven't heard of anybody getting wrongfully terminated. So I don't know where that's coming from. And it is also very true that the union backs the laziest most worthless employees in our work force and let's the people who come in everyday and actually suffer. There's people in there that work harder trying not to work then if u actually just did the job. U have a choice to work there if u don't want to that's fine cuz there's plenty of people out there willing to do it for 1/2 of what we make.


    Actually I know the guy your talking about, he runs the DTP-rouge blog. He actually makes more money outside the plant then he does in it. And he is not fired, he is working over at Engine plant from what I heard Knick, and stop tweeting photos of your Weiner.

  19. Name 5 things Obama did in 3 years?


    And back it up too..





    oh wait, you can't...


    The only thing Obama did was visit and hold state dinners with world leaders we hate, and that hate us. Leaders that manipulate their currency and take our jobs. Can you imagine the ads the republicans will run. Oh wait! we have Democrat "Weiner" ads to look forward too also!.


    I am a (D) I'll be voting ® this time around and it wont be for Romney.


    Hell we already saw a jack ass in president (Obama), we might as well elect another jack ass (Palin) cause it will make my life easier. lol

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  20. Ford his hiring 90 temps at Rawsonville. This temp business is Bullshit, I hope the UAW gets rid of this in the new contract. (NO More temp hiring), also what happened to back in the day people that worked for Ford got applications for their family members to get them in? how come the UAW/Ford is not doing this anymore?

  21. No the fact of the matter is, if you need an "A" plan, then you better "plan" on saving more money before you buy!. It's an incentive that should have been taken away 10 years ago in my opinion. This buying incentive along with other reasons is part of the reason why we had to give up so much in 2008 to keep our jobs.


    Telling me to STFU is just your ignorance showing how much of a financial planner you need.


    BTW almost 80% of the workforce that has 15 years or more, is in debt or still owes on a mortgage, this is because (YOU) or those same idiots that are making 30 bucks an hour took out 800,000.00 bank loans to buy their new mansions they can't afford along with the jet skis, fishing boats and ATV's they bought that they had to now sell to get out of debt.


    If you fall within this category, my financial advice to you would be to take my financial advice..



  22. Sounds like they FINALY fired you Chuck....You deserved it as you were a horrible employee since you hired in


    First of all you have the wrong person, 2nd of all Nick, didn't you work at SRP in the PIT because you were to lazy and worthless to work on the line? That's what I heard anyway. But that's amazing that a union member would say such as thing to another union member. You should be a shamed of yourself and if you hold a team leader job at DTP your ass should be thrown out the door and made to work back on the line for having such an attitude.


    We all know that the company loves to violate the contract that they put their signature on daily. And not enough people stand up and say anything about it. And it's people like you Nick that make everyone else look bad.

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