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  1. This is my opinion. Vote the way u want pussy. Dont cry later when were getting fucked over the next four years. The union is weak and there showing it . They dont care about you and me. They want to control and sway not represent.Get that thru your head you trashy piece of garbage. Your probably the scum that dont show up for work and is on medical all the time. You go out n drink beer n pop pills all day on breaks. Your probably excited about the unlimited $20 doctor visits. I once believed in the union back in the day. Now it is nothing more than a mafia that protects its own up top and worthless lazy assholes who dont want to work. By the way go look at the numbers apparently 50% of ford workers thinks this is BS to. Wait til the DTP vote comes in. Last time i checked we are all fighting against each other. Its not one for all and all for one.The more the leadership roles on us the more it shows how out of touch they are with the membership. Go put your kneepads on and wait for the International UAW to walk by and blow them good. I'm sure in a few months you will be on here crying and complaining about the contract. Dont bother replying because your comments mean nothing. I could care. I get the last word. I got more time in the shitter than you have years in. Keep looking up loser!
  2. There are some pretty solid rumors out there that the UAW INT is not very happy with us. So they are resulting to scare tactics and intimidation to get workers to vote the way they want. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS! DO NOT LET THEM SAY TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT THE 2ND TIME AROUND EITHER. Last time I checked the UAW was born on the principal of democracy, to allow members the right to be heard. Why is it that when we speak we are told to keep quiet? Former leaders would be, and probably are embarrassed in the new direction of the UAW. They are allowing ACH workers to vote on this contract. VP Jimmy Settles has been traveling around calling people unintelligent who vote no on this contract. There is also a strong rumor that the UAW INT is saying that if we vote no on this BS agreement there going to teach us a lesson and make us go on strike. THIS IS A WHIPSAWING TECHNIQUE THAT YOU GUYS HAVE PREACHED AGAINST THAT YOUR USING AGAINST US NOW. I feel like I’m in the majority where I can say the company and us don’t want this to happen. What I believe is being questioned is how hard did the UAW INT work to get a good deal. No contract talk break offs and no tension between the union and the company. We have been low-balled brothers and sisters. SO UAW INT I’M CALLING YOUR BLUFF! AFTER THIS GETS VOTED DOWN YOU GET YOUR BUTTS BACK TO THE TABLE AND BARGAIN IN GOOD FAITH, BECAUSE THAT IS YOUR JOB! IF YOU WORKED HALF AS HARD ON THIS CONTRACT AS YOU DID YELLING AND BADGERING MEMBERS WHO DON’T LIKE THIS AGREEMENT WE WOULD BE VOTING YES! AGAIN NOT ONCE DID YOU SHOW YOU WERE STRONGARMING THE COMPANY BY THREATENING THEM WITH A STRIKE. INSTEAD YOU EXTENDED THE AGREEMENT SO YOU COULD GET POUNDED BY THE COMPANY. OF COURSE THE COMPANY IS HAPPY WITH THIS. WE DIDN’T GET ANYTHING BACK. So if they don’t want to bargain in good faith and quote want to teach us a lesson. I encourage members to visit this site to learn a little more about unions. Discontinuing VCAP is a good way to be heard to. Welcome to social media. All INT members should be elected and if they were this wouldn’t be happening. http://www.unionfacts.com/union-member-resources/how-to-decertify-your-union
  3. The retooling there mainly talking about has to be done for new models anyways. They have had tons of problems with the Fusion in Mexico and have been wanting to bring it here for awhile. Ford workers are getting jacked on this contract. Think about it not one time did the union and company break off talks. Not one time during this. Not one time was there any tension which again tells me the leverage we have we didn’t use. Again that’s why all INT members should be elected. Which makes me believe that the union went in and low-balled us or didn’t fight hard enough for more. All the UAW INT. cares about are adding members to pay dues that’s why they are happy with this. So they can add more uneducated garbage up there that’s not qualified to do the job clocking in and serving no purpose, but hey as long as its there friends and family and the members have no say WHO CARES RIGHT? WAKE UP! We should have got all of this plus more. $6000 signing ? GM got $5000. Don’t forget about the grievance that is not being talked about. Why? They want us to accept this crappy contract first. Don’t be surprised if we are not getting anything out of that grievance and they don’t want to tell us. Come on! They know. There is nothing in the contract that says ACH or TEMPS will become tier 2. This tier 2 is causing all this BS. Its got to go! So they will continue to screw them over instead of making them tier 2. Of course we want our skilled trades back to there job. Its about all for one and one for all. Look at the big picture. There are some good things, but we need to take care of everyone. How many of you have been lied to continuously and shafted? Now your going to sit here and tell me why I need to vote yes. These idiots don’t care about us they care about themselves and how they can hook there friends and family up while maintaining there gravy job. Look how Keatts pulled his son up to region with like 4 yrs seniority. We couldn’t find anyone more qualified? We could of, but no one else had a chance. I could of found someone more qualified under the Detroit bridge. STAND STRONG AND VOTE NO.COME ON BLIND SHEEP OPEN YOUR EYES! They don’t want to hear us. They don’t want to call us back. The way we speak is by hitting them where it hurts… VCAP! They are causing the destruction of a great organization! The ones that are on here defending this are more than likely related to the trash up top or are the trash up top. I hope you have enjoyed reading this and your comments mean nothing to me. I will not be reading them. This is the truth.. I get the last word.
  4. OUR UNION SAYS THIS IS WHAT WE SHOULD BE LOOKING AT. I STAND BY THEM. ITS A EASY "NO" VOTE. I WON'T BE READING ANY REPLIES TO THIS. YOUR COMMENTS MEAN NOTHING TO ME! ENJOY! The tentative Ford contract means this: Ford will give us a signing bonus of $6,000 (before taxes), plus four $1,500 bonuses (before taxes) and promises of profit-sharing. But we lose all the concessions we gave up. Everything that we want back, Ford said NO! NO! NO! NO raises, NO COLA, NO performance bonuses, NO Christmas bonuses, NO Easter Monday holiday, NO return of lost break time. NO overtime after 8 hours. (Letter on back-up time doesn’t change this.) First tier autoworkers lost up to $30,000 in concessions over the last few years. Now Ford wants to continue these concessions for another 4 years. At what cost to us? Lose another $30,000? All for $12,000 in bonuses? No raises for 4 more years, after we have already waited 6 years? They give us 2011 profit-sharing this November – by taking it away from next March’s money – hoping we will jump at the money now and forget about what happens later. The biggest concession is that 2-tier will continue. This contract does not bring up the 2nd-tier workers up to first tier. This contract keeps them permanent 2nd-tier, with no path to move up to first tier wages and benefits. The pay increase, spread over 4 years, barely makes up for what 2nd-tier workers lost in the 2009 concessions. The supposed 20% limit on 2nd-tier workers is filled with loopholes. The percentage of 2nd-tier workers will increase, meaning the threat of everyone being eventually reduced to 2nd-tier will increase. The profit-sharing formula is supposed to be improved, by including North American operations instead of just the U.S. But what is to keep Ford from shifting profits around to hide them? Do you trust Ford? There is also a cap on profit-sharing when there didn't used to be one. And there is no guarantee of getting profit-sharing every year. This contract makes us pay for what Ford did not put into the VEBA. The VEBA is underfunded because Ford only put in 57% of what was needed for retiree health care. Retirees are paying more out of pocket. Instead of making Ford pay for their obligations, this contract would take 10% of any profit-sharing we might get to put into the VEBA. New retirees will take another hit because for the first contract ever, there is no increase in the 30-and-out pension. Current retirees’ Christmas bonus is taken away from them. There are promises of new jobs. But remember the 2007 contract where Ford promised to save 10,000 jobs – instead we lost 17,300 jobs. If you look closely at the promises of jobs, it is mostly work that Ford was going to do anyway. When the past concessions were taken away from us, they wanted us to believe that when the companies were reporting a profit again, we would get back what we gave up. It was all a lie. They want us to accept that these concessions will be permanent. But we don’t have to stand by and watch our families’ standard of living be permanently reduced, while our bosses are the only ones who prosper from our hard work. The Ford contract does have more upfront money than the GM contract. But let’s remember why it is more – because we voted “No” in 2009. It ‘s a good lesson to remember this time. I’m voting “NO” and I ask you to vote “NO”!
  5. 2 tier has to go and this will stop. Well this is the trash we elected. There all full of it and will promise anything to keep there job. Its time to clean house starting from BOB KING down. The people up there in these positions are a joke. P.S. My ankles are grabbed and prepared take this contract. Thanks again INTERNATIONAL U Aren't Working! I think its time for you guys to go back to Germany for another pub crawl for good.
  6. OUR UNION SAY'S THESE SHOULD BE OUR CONCERNS The tentative GM contract means this: GM will give the workers a signing bonus of $5,000 (before taxes), plus three $1,000 bonuses (before taxes) and GM will get to keep all of the concessions that they have taken from the workers. NO raises, NO COLA, NO performance bonuses, NO Christmas bonuses, NO Easter Monday holiday, NO overtime after 8 hours, NO return of lost break time. NO end to skilled trades consolidation. Everything the workers wanted back, GM said “NO, NO, NO.” First tier autoworkers lost up to $30,000 in concessions over the last several years. Now GM wants to continue these concessions for another 4 years. At what cost to us? Lose another $30,000? All for $8,000 in bonuses? The biggest concession is that 2-tier will continue. This contract does not bring up the 2nd-tier workers up to first tier. This contract keeps them permanent 2nd-tier, with no path to move up to first tier. The pay increase, $3.50/hour, spread over 4 years, does not even make up for money that GM 2nd-tier workers lost in the 2009 concessions when their wages were frozen and they lost bonuses. There is also no cap on the number of 2nd-tier workers. The percentage of 2nd-tier workers will increase, which means the threat of everyone being eventually reduced to 2nd-tier will increase. The profit-sharing formula is supposed to be improved, by including North American operations instead of just the U.S. But what is to keep GM from now shifting profits to overseas operations or their financial arm? Do you trust GM? There is also a cap on profit-sharing when there didn't used to be one. How is that an improvement? And there is no guarantee of ANY profit-sharing. Worst of all, they want to put active workers against retirees by taking away 10% of profit-sharing and diverting it to the VEBA. Of course, we want to help retirees. The VEBA is underfunded because GM didn’t adequately fund it in 2007 and then further reduced it in 2009. The company has all the money, the company should fund it. New retirees will take another hit because for the first contract ever, there is no increase in the 30-and-out pension. Current retirees get no increase while prices keep going up. There are promises of 6,400 new jobs. Most of these jobs will be for 2nd-tier wages, IF the promises of jobs are even kept. In the 2007 contract and 2009 modifications, we were promised that concessions would save and create more jobs. But in 2007, GM had 73,500 workers. Today GM has 48,000 workers. What happened to those promises for new jobs? When these concessions were taken away from us, they wanted us to believe that when the companies were reporting a profit again, we would get back what we gave up. It was all a lie. They want us to accept that these concessions will be permanent. But we don’t have to willingly accept that our families’ standard of living will be permanently reduced, while our bosses are the only ones who prosper from our hard work. PASS THIS ON
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