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  1. You correct I know people who won the lottery 10 years ago and had kids waiting to be called after going through all the MESC tests and never got called. Just another example why all the elected officials in 228 have to go. I could give you a whole list of lies Neil as spoke to people only latter to say he didn't say that or back tracked on what he said. The Pyro-Electrcian cross training, the new electrical lab was supposed be a posted job,skilled trades was not supposed to be part of the production alternate work schedules coming to sterling. and those are just the few things I can think of at the top of my head.
  2. Well if you have haven't noticed besides not being too many $30hrs jobs around the same goes for $19hr jobs. Everyone knows someone who is out of work or needs a job. So that might explain why there so much interest in a $19hr job.
  3. Really?!?? You sir sound like someone that might have benefited from this underhanded method of handing out referrals. At this point I could care less if the new hires come from the company family members. The company family could be no worse than the family of a bunch of elected officials who have no integrity and obviously have no problem enriching themselves at the expense of every other member of 228. Maybe you might want to go troll the next 228 union meeting trying to get people who agree with you but I can assure you most of the membership think what happened was BS!
  4. This whole situation is ridiculous. In the past a lottery system was used at Sterling and thats what should have happened this time. Any argument that there was some time constraint in getting applications in fast is BS. There is not one person working at Sterling that if told they needed to have a application filled out and returned the next day that would not have done so. The union officials who rewarded themselves with the applications that should have belonged to all the members should be ousted from office. I do not know if there is any recourse to recall elected officials but it is a option that should be explored and probably will be. This type of Nepotism by union officials at sterling is exactly they kind of thing the union is suppose to be against. If you work at sterling you need to help hold these people accountable for their actions!!
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