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Posts posted by focusfrank

  1. You're absolutely right, so force them to come up with another idea.

    Exactly. This is a bad deal for the members, why wouldn't FMC and GM and Chrysler agree to this, it takes all of the health care responsibilities away from them and onto the IUAW. So when were told that the fund is in the negative and they (IUAW) needs money taken out of our checks to make up for this we can't blame the company. Telling you in the long run this WON'T benefit us and we will end up losing any money we gained in a raise to make up for this. The IUAW will try and sell this idea to the members with a raise, hopefully the members see through this and vote no. But I think unfortunately the members will see a raise and vote yes on this.

    • Like 1
  2. Ford has shown over the last 5 years that they know how to run a business. IUAW hasn't.


    Ford doesn't control our health care, BCBS does. Or HAP for some of the tier 2s that chose to go that route.

    The rising costs of health care is something that neither can control. Veba is all based on the stock market, which isn't a good thing. Sure when the economy is good, stocks are up but what happens when the economy is down and the stock market is down?? They will force us to make up the lose and tell us (there won't be a vote) we will have to have money deducted out of our checks which will offset any raise we will get.

  3. And I am sure you're the next suck ass that is dying to be back up tag, tag, back up team leader, team leader, and then management.


    Work yourself into the ground, your wages won't increase for it.


    Union shop meathead, no rewards for merit. You will not get a performance review and a raise.


    I for one dislike people like you, your need to show off in order to get a bone thrown your way is pathetic. You're not a team player, people around you should have been smarter and set you up to get canned.


    Just remember one day you'll probably need someone to have your back, non team players should be left out in the cold.


    People like you are the reason a strike would never work, the rest of us would hit the parking lot and you'd scab yourself into running a line alone since you know every job.

    A strike will never happen because nobody is willing to stick together. Everyone blames the company for the poor contracts and all of the concessions in the past when in reality the blame falls solely on the shoulders of those representing us, the IUAW. You can't blame the company for that, its the fault of the IUAW for bringing the poor contracts to the members to vote on. This contract will be no different...

    • Like 1
  4. It's sometimes amusing to read the messages from UAW members when it's contract renewal time. All through the 60's, 70's, 80's the Big 3 gave in to the UAW to avoid plant shut downs due to a strike. They practically gave the UAW anything they wanted to avoid the repercussions of being shut down by the all powerful UAW. And along the way the members got more and more benefits including being paid during extended plant down time, closures and more.


    Now don't get me wrong but in the last couple of decades America has gotten a dose of reality and a good part of that is that corporations have to be profitable in order to stay in business and pay employees. Along the way politicians approved NAFTA which gave manufacturers a way to produce products at a lower cost and send them back to the USA without penalty. And further along the way General Motors and Chrysler went to the taxpayers for a bailout that the politicians gave them because how could they have possibly planned ahead for the cyclical nature of the economy and/or the automotive business. Think that Donald Trump can fine Ford or any other company with a 35% tariff for bring goods across the border, then find a way for Congress to repeal NAFTA!


    General Motors got the bailout due to a sense that they were just too big to let fail. Chrysler on the other hand was a pure gift to Fiat since there were no interested parties. How ironic that it's now basically Jeep that is producing the profits that are keeping Fiat afloat while FCA's CEO is desperately seeking a merger of sorts with GM. Further adventures to follow!


    Somehow a company named Ford foresaw and planned ahead, raised the capital necessary to invest in the future of the company and transformed its entire product portfolio and in turn earned the respect of taxpayers and shareholders alike.


    Ford has invested billions of dollars in its plants and hired tens of thousands of additional employees in recent years to further support its plan going forward for an even more vibrant, successful company for both its employees and shareholders alike. It has historically had a very good relationship with the UAW and no doubt will be for many years. Ford and the UAW will reach and agreement that not only makes sense in general but for all parties concerned. Jobs will be secure, product production plans will be put in place, etc.


    The reason FMC was in the good'financial shape it was when Chrysler and GM needed help to survive was only because all of its profit wasn't only in the auto industry, they had other things not in the auto industry to sell off, while the others didn't.

  5. Not a word. Like I said, hypothetically this is our last week for wherever our temporary assignments are. My supervisor and his supervisor here at FRAP seem to think I'm staying, but I think that's only because they haven't been told what's going on either. I hope I end up staying, I absolutely don't want to go back to MAP and be stuck on nights for the next 10 years.

    Wouldn't surprise me to some of you guys coming back to MAP...

  6. Both Ford and UAW are being eerily quiet about these negotiations. I've never been on this side of it before, but I can remember reading a newspaper or turning on the local news and hearing little snippets by now.



    Is it by design? are they getting ready do throw something at us that's going to be groundbreaking? Will that end up boning us in the end? What about those of us displaced from MAP on temporary assignments? (This is hypothetically our last week if what the guys from International told us during orientation is true)


    Questions I know I would like an answer to, and I'm sure there's plenty of others that feel like me.


    And that's without bringing up the 2 pay tiers.

    Any word on what their going to do with you guys? Any word on Bringing most of you back to MAP to replace those who have left?

  7. It has absolutely nothing to do with sales. It's the people that show up for work only once every other week that caused me and 600 other people their jobs.


    The problem is people don't show up for work and the UAW overlord keep protecting these slugs.

    The elimination of C Crew had nothing to do with attendance, other plants have attendance issues too. The company doesn't give a shit about attendance as long as there's other workers to cover them which there always was.

  8. The Focus is a high volume vehicle and I would hate to see it sourced outside the USA and replaced by a lower volume truck.

    I think that would be a bad trade of platforms Focus to Ranger.


    It should be sourced to the plant that has floor space and truck line up like OHAP or KTP.

    the Focus is leaving MAP because it can be built cheaper in Mexico and in turn means a bigger profit for FMC. They can build the Ranger at MAP and be able to keep up with demand by only running 2 shifts. Plus with all of the postings for other plants now becoming available FMC knows that a lot tier 1's will leave MAP and they will be replaced by the tier 2s that were laid off. More tier 2s at MAP means a bigger profit for FMC, half that plant will end up being tier 2s by the end of this year you watch.
  9. Most Wayne people suck. They all had good jobs at MAP and now are working the line or bid into jobs they have no business doing. Most that took bids are now looking to find other jobs and some have asked to go back to Wayne. Many thought they were coming over to work in 4R. Yes, 4R. Think about that for a second.


    My hope is all you stupid ass high senioty people leave MAP, come to Livonia, and I get laid off and go to MAP.

    I've heard the ones that left MAP and went to FRAP are asking to go back to MAP also...

  10. You never get back anything you've given up in the past when it comes to a contract. So what's gone is gone for good. You notice there's no longer any of this tough talk of striking from the IUAW, that went away as soon as they raised our union dues..

  11. How do you think that they are going to get you to pay union dues in the right to work states? I will tell you they will take over your health care and pension Ford, GM, and Chrysler will pay the UAW for your premiums for both health care insurance and your pension. If you do not pay dues you won't be able to get health care through them and they will administrate the pension also this will relieve the automakers of the "legacy" commitment. They will negotiate for the second tier to get the same pay but they will have to pay the UAW for their health insurance deducted from their check. Now where the problem is if the UAW will have different plans with different deductibles and yes yearly payout limits to keep the monthly premium payments low. As I said if you are not a dues paying member you will have to purchase your own insurance from Obama Care exchange at a higher price then what you can get from the UAW. The problem will be that the UAW will subsidize the premiums to make sure that you will pay less than you can get in the Obama Care exchange. Now their selling point will be guess what you can get your health insurance through your spouse and pocket all the extra money and you will end up with a big raise in your take home pay. Eventually the UAW will mismanage the amount they are receiving from the automakers and down the road after the money starts dwindling the subsidizes will start to get less and less then everyone will be in the exchange. This will not fix the right to work problem for them but it will delay the drain on the union war chest and give them time to try to come up with another income stream to stay alive with the right to work laws. This is a shell game scheme as long as they are showing money coming in through dues and move it around it will look good but it is not sustainable. They are your sole Bargaining agent. They can do this.

    If you opt out of paying union dues you are still entitled to everything a dues paying member is entitled too.

  12. Hospitals don't get stuck picking up the tab....they pass it on to the insured. Make no mistake hospitals are making a killing.


    My insurance has a network of physicians I must use. So yes I'm not free to chose.

    Your right hospitals initially get stuck with it and pass it off to the insurance companies, BUT that's one of the many reasons health care costs are so high. And if you don't like being told what physicians to go see than change the type of insurance plan you have don't blame that on the insurance company. You made that choice


    Interesting and how would you enforce yearly physical exams and health management on people who receive healthcare not from an employer but for "free"?Healthcare costs are "out of control" for a variety of reasons let me just tell you one,in smaller countries that have socialized medicine{with borders and stricter immigration control} the doctors earn a good income compared to the average worker but nothing like what USA doctors earn.My point is that resources are limited and only air is "free".

    Under this plan you would get a letter from the insurance company asking that you schedule a health care assessment, if you chose not too you would be penalized in some way. That is how it would be enforced

  14. How is this any different than an insurance company telling you what physicians you have to go to? Those complaining about being forced to get a health assessment.... You should be getting that every year anyway. People not doing it is why healthcare cost are out of control.

    The reason health care cost is out of control is due to the hospitals getting stuck with picking up the tab for all of the uninsured... Also I don't know about you BUT I have the freedom to see whatever doctor I want, I don't have an insurance company making that decision for me. That all depends on the type of insurance you chose to go with.

    • Like 1
  15. Ford makes over 4 billion in profits so far this year and profits every year since the week after the last contract was screwed in and the IUAW is worried about concessions...?


    I`m missing the logic here.... Dennis?



    1 of the 1788

    AND will want the members to sign a longer contract, instead of a 4 year contract it will be longer. Remember don't blame the company THIS is the IUAW that is coming up with this...

  16. You forgot to mention that the president of each and every local will appoint doctors to care for the people in their locals. These appointee's will be taken from the rank and file of their locals. They promise that only those with big brains will be tapped for these special appointments. The health care cost will drop only slightly, but enough to ensure that each locals doctor appointee's can write their own overtime and travel to anywhere in the continental U.S. to attend health care symposiums to ensure the highest level of health care to it's members.



    To be proactive, and reduce comments to my post calling me ridiculous and/or stupid, this post contains no factual content whatsoever. It is sarcasm in it's purest form.

    I don't agree with this type of joint insurance as it only benefits the company by saving them a lot of money. The members will gain nothing from this, everyone's deductibles will go up so any raise we get we be off set by the medical deductibles we will all pay. BUT why do you think that the president of EACH local will appoint doctor's to care for its members?? Where are you getting this information from and how are you coming up with this?? With this plan EVERYONE will be required to take a health care assessment, ie a physical to see what type of shape your in and also will be able to find out ANY type of medications you are currently taking..

  17. This was coming MTP`er..... we are screwed again.


    Look at the track record of the first VEBA the IUAW took on. Insolvent in a short time. Then the IUAW took on the second VEBA our retiree`s get 300% increase in co-pays.


    But to ask a IUAW member they will never talk about the true nature of the VEBA shit.... You do remember how the IUAW had to have a retired member file suit (a fuckin circus of a trail) just to get the legalities in place to become the administrator of the retiree`s health care. Hell 98% of the retiree`s didn`t know what hit them till the first changes in and the increasing co-pays started rolling in.


    MTP`er we are fucked. It will pass and our health care is gone as we know it.


    This way if the benefits stay close to the same Ford isn`t libel for any of the 40% "Cadillac Health Care " excise tax... Oh and the IUAW can save the membership the excise tax.... by in creasing co-pays and reduce benefits. IUAW CO-OP yep thats gunna work out for who?


    The labor movement has been dead for a long time. Sold out again....


    Who "groomed "williams? the king of the company bitches..... help Ford help Ford what a bunch of bullshit.





    This will not benefit the members BUT the IUAW DOESN'T have any control over co pays like your saying they do, the insurance companies control that.

  18. God this will hurt, hurt really bad !


    The UAW wants to manage your health care in a co-op so that they can get lower prices and bring tier 2 up to par with tier 1.


    • The UAW wants to manage all health care for the active UAW members to save money for the big 3 so they can bring up tier 2 wages.
    • The UAW wants to create a co-op to manage this just like the veba.
    • UAW think they can get a better deal rep 800,000 to 900,000 members on health care costs.

    What I see is the UAW giving the membership no say what so ever in health care and the co-pays, just like the veba the retirees have no say what so ever with there health care costs.


    Look at cable tv or internet, they say the more people the less its going to cost.....Think again ! DOESN"T HAPPEN.


    When the veba was first formed for the retirees the information was little to none. The retirees had to find out for them self what was covered and what wasn't.


    To give my health care so the UAW can manage it with no say so someone can get even par with me on wage is a big fat FUCKING NO WAY !!!!!!


    I will vote this down no matter how much FUCKING money they throw at me and I hope you will do the same.


    Dennis Williams = Bob king in my book , just another FUCKTARD. :play:

    If this goes through it's going to require EVERY member to get a health care assessment. This means EVERY member will be required to go to a doctor and get a full physical to include blood work to see if your in good health and also will be able to find out what type of medication your currently taking by way of that blood work. You will also have to disclose if your a smoker or a drinker.

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  19. Man...I have to get off this thread. There is so much stupidity here I can't stand it anymore and I am tired of explaining the facts to enlighten the ignorant.

    Are you going to try and say NAFTA helped us in anyway?? We gained nothing from it..

  20. To think that a large company will voluntarily do something good for their employee's due to the kindness of their hearts is so very naive. Whether it be in the early 1900's or now. Work conditions were horrendous when they offered the $5 a day pay. Most think Ford offered that pay so the people who made his product could afford to buy a vehicle which would increase total sales which would increase profits. Sounds logical, right? WRONG. Read this article for the facts behind the $5/day pay and why it was offered.




    The fact that Ford hired 52,000 men in 1913 to keep a workforce of only 14,000 properly staffed tells it all. Large corporations don't give two shits if their workforce is happy or makes enough $$$ to live above poverty. They will ONLY pay what they must to keep the workforce working.


    As far as our buying power decreasing over the past few years from stagnate wages and other things we gave up was strictly due to the collapsed economy created by republican policies which threatened our companies survival. It falls on corporate greed that we have not been rewarded for our sacrifice once that threat had passed.

    Republican policies?? Clinton is responsible for NAFTA and Obama signed a similar trade agreement with Europe...

  21. Why is it so hard to understand that you don't know anything because FORD MOTOR COMPANY wants it that way. Regardless of what you think the union don't know shit about layoffs and dates until the company wants them to.

    We have been kept in the dark from the time they announced the shift was being eliminated. As soon as it was announced (which most of us found out by hearing it on the local news instead of by the union) there wasn't a union rep to be found or seen. They all of a sudden stopped coming around, you would be lucky to see them once or twice a week. now that the shift has been eliminated and those tier 2's who are still there who didn't make the final cut which now that cut off date has changed from April 9th to I hear some time into March you now see union reps around but they still don't say much at all. Everything you hear about when the next round of layoffs are going to be is all heard through rumors, the latest I've heard is that Sept 12th is the lay off date for the tier 2's. They must know something, I find it hard to believe they don't, you even ask them about the current status of the contract talks and they say they don't even know anything about that. You can bet when the time comes when people can opt out of paying union dues you will see them on a daily basis, and will be full of info and probably some free t-shirts at that. I think the tier 2's that are left there who didn't make the cut are all hoping to get transferred to another plant

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