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Posts posted by Maguarry

  1. By way of further information, I placed my 2016 Mustang order on March 31 and it has a May 30 expected build date. I guess mine will be one of the last 2016s built. Hope they don't run out of Guard paint!


    Thats odd, my order was placed on March 31st. too, but my build date is May13th. Must have been a lot of orders that came in.

  2. Yeah, I did send a tweet to FordService yesterday and am awaiting their reply. I'm not really *that* much in a hurry, still trying to sell my current vehicle and it's taking a long time. But I like tracking stuff, that's just how I am. :blush. Would love to see some pics when your Mustang comes in. Sure it'll be awesome! I imagine you'll be able to wind it out much more than I could here in the DC 'burbs, LOL.


    Steven White, what dealer did you order your car from?

  3. Your window sticker will say 2016 mustang on it. Look at the description at the top of the left side.


    It Does say 2016. There is a number up in the top left corner. Is that a shipping code?

  4. Your order is for a 2016, and the car has already been build. You have nothing to worry about there.


    Today was the first time that I was able to see the window sticker and the date at the top has May 13th but the date at the bottom has May 6th. I ran my VIN number on the Friday 6th around noon time and it was not available. I'm thinking the bottom date is the release schedule date and the top is the build date.


    It likely won't help you out with your 'contract' with the dealer. If anything, it will just make matters worse. The fact that you can't find one in a 1500 mile radius only helps their cause, not yours. Think about it. Car comes in right after you've 'pulled your contract.' You want that car. There isn't another one in 1500 miles. The dealer has one EXACTLY like you want. Who do you think will win in that situation.


    Keep in mind, the dealer can't do much about how long it takes to get your car (assuming they have it in at the proper priority). Ford won't make any changes to the price the dealer pays, so if you try to negotiate, you are only hurting the dealer. Just be patient, and enjoy your car when it comes in.


    I'm much happier know knowing that the car I ordered will be built next week. I just hope that it doesn't take a month to ship to it destination.

  6. One of the biggest problems is shipping from the Flat Rock plant. A few years ago I had a customer's GT sit at the plant for nearly two months with no explanation as to why. The car was finally shipped and made it all the way to the final rail destination in Rhode Island only to be recalled and shipped back to the plant. I found out later that there was a question about whether a certain run of cars had the proper coolant installed and Ford had all of the suspected cars in transit returned to the plant for inspection and new coolant installed. Unfortunately, Ford doesn't tell its dealers anything and there's any one of a multitude of reasons why a vehicle might be held at the plant or even be sent off site. On a more positive note, the wait will be worth it!


    Wouldn't it be most cost effective to have the dealer check the coolant than to transport the vehicle back to FRAP. Pay them to replace it necessary .

  7. My desision wouldn't effect the employees at FLAP and it will not be my intention. It will just give me a chance to renegotiate on my contract. I looked over a 1500 mile radius for this combination. I still look from time to time with no luck.

  8. I order a Mustang GT on the 1st of April. They gave me a Vin number and I have been looking to see where I can track it. I would like to find out when it is scheduled for a build date. The dealer has told me that it should be in between May 20th to May 26th. Does anybody know where I can enter the Vin number for any available info?

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