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Everything posted by billn59

  1. I ordered a Lariat Short Bed 350. Silver w/Sport Pkg and 5th wheel prep.
  2. Yes that is correct. Once your truck is alive it will have all kinds of code in the BCE modules.
  3. This is pretty accurate assessment. My status changed overnight to this.
  4. You should be able to see the window sticker a few hours after it goes into production. The link in the order status doesn't work very well. Try the link in my post above. It should work.
  5. Getting so close now. I'm checking for updates every few hours.
  6. Try this for your window sticker: https://www.windowsticker.forddirect.com/windowsticker.pdf?vin= Put your VIN after the =
  7. My build week was Oct 16. Went into production Oct 11. As soon as I was able to see the window sticker, KTP went on strike. Nothing has changed on the Vehicle order tracker site. Still says "in production" with an Oct 16 build week. However, they did change the the date in the special order box on the window sticker from Oct-11 to Nov-1. Some of the numbers at the top of the window sticker changed also. Lariat Ult, 6.7, CCSB.
  8. I never understood why some dealers won't use X-plan especially on a factory order. For their part, they only have to submit the order. Then do a little paperwork to complete the sale. Its not like they are buying the truck from Ford, storing it on their lot so a salesman can tell you how great you would look driving this new truck. Basically a few hours work and they still make money and get credit from Ford for a sale.
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