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2014 Sterling Gray Fusion Titanium

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What do you mean delayed? It do not see any single place it has been delayed at all. Maybe you are forgetting what the 'E' in ETA stands for.


In Transit - Arrived at Intermediate Point (Union Pacific Railroad ) Yarcenter, IL Jan-13-2014, 08:31 CT.


ETA Feb-02-2014.

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I provided my opinion of the car being delayed, so that you would know why I'm asking for an update on the estimated day of arrival, as provided in your original reply to my tracking request. Delayed, to cause to be later or slower than expected or desired. Since this isn't the first car Ford has ever shipped, 3 weeks later than the original ETA, it seems to be delayed. And yes, I also know what the 'E' in ETA stands for. Estimated, to calculate approximately. Thanks for the update.

Edited by ReadySetSmoke
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I don't need the dictionary definition of delayed. I also do not need attitiude - you do want my help, right? I mean you are asking for it. Your vehicle has not been delayed. Your Estimate is evaluated and changed in every step of the production and shipping of the car. You do realize that Ford doesn't own a shipping company and ship it them themselves, right? Other companies ship the vehicles. After the vehicle is produced, unless there is a production concern - when you get your vehicle is up to the shipping company.


In the years I have been here tracking for people, I've debated amongst myself if I should really be giving out the ETA with tracking. It causes people to needlessly act irrational at times. If I provided you updates and never provided an ETA to you or stated I did not know it - we wouldn't be having this conversation. You are making the arguement harder for me to want to keep providing ETA dates.

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Ha ha ha, I love when people of forums get to play the victim. You questioning my understanding of what the "E" in ETA sets the tone. I'm quite happy being polite and professional, which is what I thought this was going to be based on the first few posts, polite and professional. You started the tone and the attitude. You may not have meant to come off that way, but re-read through some of your posts to other users and see how they are insulted by some of the things you say. Not knowing you or your mannerisms or your sense of humor (which seems to be as dry as mine) plays a significant role.


I understand that it is an estimated arrival and factors that Ford has no control over affect delivery (weather, derailment, mechanical issues, etc.). You seem to be excessively defensive regarding estimated delivery dates. If ETA's are such a major source of confrontation for you, simply say "See Rule #10 and #20" on your first reply to users when providing an ETA. Oh, and don't worry, none of the ETA's you provided were news to me. The first ETA was provided prior to Christmas by my Dealer, and the second was provided last week, you simply confirmed them for me. I should also mention the "delayed" is a direct quote from the Sales Manager, not something I made up to gain sympathy from you or anyone else.


I also understand your rules and the need for them. I want tracking information, I provide the VIN. Participate in the community before asking for tracking. No chatter in this section, that's what the rest of the forum is for. I agree with the rules and would do very much the same if it was me. Many users of this forum that are in the process of ordering new vehicles, myself included, are thankful and appreciative of the service and information that you provide on your own time, but you need to understand that you are openly and admittedly an employee of Ford on a publicly accessibly forum. As such you are a representative of the brand, and you need to be aware of the tone of our comments and how you deal with the users of this forum.


I fully expect to find this topic locked, as you don't seem to like when users explain or defend themselves in the tone that you have established. Multiple things can happen from here. You can lock or delete this topic, which would not surprise me. You can ignore this and all future posts, which would not surprise me either. You can give me a warning, or have an Admin delete and / or disable my account. Or we can act like mature adults and move past this. Ultimately, it's up to you how we move forward with this.

Edited by ReadySetSmoke
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I don't need policing or schooling by you, but thanks for the offer. Maybe I can suggest your name to the other admins as someone with the fortitude and accumen to be allowed to police and administrate all the forums here. It really sounds like you'd get off on that. You certainly seem to think you're the best person for the job.


People often forget that words typed on a page don't convey attitude. Only how you read into them does. What I tell you are straight facts, nothing more. The number one (unspoken) rule in tracking through dealerships - they don't have to to tell you anything or even the truth. They are only there to take your money and they do that by telling you whatever is easiest for them to calm your nerves. Up to the point where you started to question what I was telling you, at no single point at any time in the production run or delivery of the vehicle was there an actual delay status. I already said that before. For some reason though - for me to have to say it convincing enough for you to believe or understand that - you believe I'm attacking you and you tell me I must be mistaken. I'm not taking your money, only your attitude. I have absolutely nothing to gain by lying about your tracking status. You must think I am made of time that I only have to waste to want to do that.


You are very self-righteous. I am not reading into that, that is what you want to convey to me and you are doing that very well. I am not here in any offical capacity representing Ford Motor Company. I have never, at any time whatsoever, stated as such. I have access to the tools and I am here simply representing you, the buyer, by trying to help you through your headaches in you getting your vehicle by being straight, truthful and up-front with all the information people like yourself desire.


I should have closed and deleted this thread 4 posts ago when you started challenging your assumptions about what is going on with your vehicle and what is actually happening that I am telling you. Truthfully, the future of this thread is up to you. I'm giving you a chance and leaving this open. You state you understand my rules. If you do, then you would know why the rules exist at all. I don't have time to waste like I'm doing right now. If you truthfully want tracking from this forum. Take this back to tracking requests and believe what I have to say.

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