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sync 4/windows 8


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There is much I do not like about sync4.  The software appears to be an endeavor to put everything in the cockpit in one easy touch screen.  I disagree.  There are a few that should be left alone particularly the icons along the bottom of the screen.  They are poorly placed for a touch screen.  That is, leaning your hand near or on the screen while adjusting something on the main screen can trigger the app on the lower screen.  In fact, the a/c, heat and defrost should have been left as separate, easy to touch buttons…sorry you just put too much on the screen.  The seat warmer especially. I’m forever turning that on and roasting my backside.


Second, many apps, and screens lack a return to previous page.  This leaves the user with no way to go one step back, but instead must return to the Lincoln screen.


I have more, but won’t bore you with details.  I’m not a quack.  I’m a retired IT manager with extensive experience in data centers and field service.



Bill McGrath Retired IT manager at@t,  EDS (now HP) and USAF 25 years

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