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Allen does have a friend

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I know, this whole thing makes me sick. Our Atlanta plant has shut down, the salaried retirees are facing the extinction of their health benefits, and all the while Mulally and his ilk are making millions, and bringing their "buddies" in for a free ride. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to shut down plants, destroy health benefits, ruin peoples lives, hopes and dreams - heck, you could pay me a WHOLE lot less than that to make stupid decisions! I guess it's the ole' "how many billionaires does it take to send a corporation spiraling into bankruptcy" question - the more, the better it seems!


And how much do you hear about FMC selling off chunks of their business to private equity firms? Not much, because they don't WANT you to know about it! Private equity investors have a reputation for swooping in to buy struggling companies on the cheap only to demand steep cuts in jobs and wages to ensure quick profits and a big return on their investments. Gerald Meyers, a former chairman of American Motors Corp. and professor of business at the University of Michigan, equates the hedge funds' interest to "grave dancing."


"The effort is to try to pick them up as cheap as possible, skinny them down, squeeze the hell out of the (United Auto Workers) and then take them public again," Meyers said. "Then make a bundle of money, walk away." Look at Delphi. And last week, hedge fund Pardus Capital Management bought another 2 million shares of former Ford parts unit Visteon Corp., increasing its stake to 15.6 percent.


The rich get richer. It's not just about making a profit anymore, it's about making billions, no matter who you have to destroy to do it.


I truly believe that we ALL will have to answer one day for what we have done or NEGLECTED to do in our life. That is my only consolation - that the evil that men do in the pursuit of wealth and glory will one day have to be answered for, and they will be held accountable for their greed.

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the new guy is union negotiator, and labor relationship "expert" ...


he will likely not be hired before the 07 contract negotiations though..


DetNews said that Mulally want's him to manage reform of the employee benefits and labor structure, to cut costs. This is actually mainly on the salaried side - not just UAW.



Edited by igor
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the new guy is union negotiator, and labor relationship "expert" ...


he will likely not be hired before the 07 contract negotiations though..


DetNews said that Mulally want's him to manage reform of the employee benefits and labor structure, to cut costs. This is actually mainly on the salaried side - not just UAW.




If he is a union negotiator why would he want to wait to bring him in? Sure if he is head of human resources then he will handle both but his background will give Ford one more hardnose on the frontlines during contract time. Most things most likely are agreed upon already but the sticky points left will be the fight and Allen found who he wants to send in the ring.

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