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  1. ohap is shipping most of us in jan. about 100. some go the 2nd i go the 9th. spread out weekly. total will be over 125.
  2. need a place to sleep during week. will be traveling back and forth from ohio on weekends. For few weeks or for a few months. depends on living arrangement and how soon i can settle in.
  3. yes it wise to invest in china. but why put the burden now on union?ford management should eat the loss. they will get the million dollar bonuses when the ramp up the china markert. we lose food on table and shoes on my kids feet now, so they can make million dollar bonuses when china opens up. and thats not good. i prefer to make the cars here and ship them there. keep jobs here not in china. just once i wish ford would take the money they dont really need (bonuses) and let us have some form of stability. like i said take the 56 miil and let us 40,000 workers split it. really who do u think really needs that money? us 40,000 or billy? i know the 40k would pump that 56million back into the economy like tomorrow. do u think any money bill spends goes into our usa economy? his yachts ARENT built in usa. his marble and wood floors werent bought at home depot.
  4. if ford loses any money its their fault not the unions or the competitors. i see bad decisions made all day that cost our plant alone thousands a day. ford didnt lose billions. they made it look like they did. its all in the value of their stock. thats how these companies are valued. assets and debt. they spend billion over seas on infrastructure. net lose there. but once that structure is up and running it masses buillions. nutshell.......they spend 50 billion building structures in china. then they get it all apraised and find out it appraises for far less than they invested. hence the loss. yet they have a completely functioning infrastructure in china now. so now they use that appraised loss to restructure the loans and such. and ford comes out ahead. and yep its a shell game. all large companies in this world plays game like this....ITS ALL ABOUT THE STOCK PRICE.
  5. seems we all get told how lucky we are. compared to who?? the ones that did and do drugs? the ones who cant keep a job cause they cnt handle the public? or the one that are so out of shape and or FAT they cant handle the job. anyone could be making five figures today. u chose not to take that path. so why are u blasting the ones that have it a little better than u??? we are union, and we do what unions do, we fight for a better life working future
  6. why is it that when nba and the nfl can STRIKE and get MORE but if a ford worker whos tired of LOSING WHAT WE ALREADY HAD wants to stand up and vote no get sfrown apon by NON FORD WORKERS.
  7. listen carefully. when ford says they lost 50 mill. its not that it came out of their pocket. fords pencil pushers say they will a mke a profit of 100 million this year. well when they only make 60 they will say they lost 40 million this year. u cant lose something that was assumed.
  8. omg im so tired of hearing people whine about how us union people are greedy and dont understand how lucky we are. first of all how lucky are we? we bust our asses for thirty years for a living wage and a retirtement. our bodies and minds are beat to hell. yes we are lucky that we have the ability to make what we do. anyone complaining about how great we have it should think about the reasons they dont. did they choose not to participate in highschool? did they go to college? did they inter a field of work that has advancement? i doubt all that. they took the simple way out when young, and probally still doing it. dont blast me cause i got at decent job. if u people only knew what it was really about working on an assebly line or haveing to pack thousands of parts. when it was really hot his summer, guess what? i was in a factory working. and u can add 20 to 30 degrees easily. poeple dont understand the work we do, u cant just walk up and do it. most jobs take hrs to learn. some takes days or a weeek even months. add in carpal syndrone,bad ergonomics,incompitent mangement,and the odd union brother here and there. lmao its funny how we have it soooooo good. yet it seems most of us is barely making ends meet. if we are considered midddle class then we must be at the bottom. why cant we get more this contract and then see how it goes???? if it drains ford then we can have concessions in a few years after they prove they arent competive. 56 million put into a bank acount with 100s of millions. split 56 million between 40,000. thats what im expecting. and that wouldnt hurt fords bottom line at all. and i bet we all shut up and sign.
  9. so what does this contract do for LAP? theres about 80 of us that were told we were going in dec. now im hearing march. any info would be appreciated.
  10. Ive seen alot in 19 years. avon lake to lorain back to avon then to sandusky and now back at avon. and waiting to transfer to louisvillle. this agreement for avon is a kick in the face. our last president nick sold us out and we lost the transit now being built in kc. So we get the camper frame and the f 650 and 750. we build around 740 vans a day. our orderbank is around 6000. we have two shifts. 1850 manpower. what is going to happen when such a low build unit comes? even though we will continue to build the e series cutaways. its not enough for 80 plus hrs of production a week. THIS DEAL SUCKS FOR OHAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but its better than hearing its going to be shuttered. Im voteing no on this contract because ive been there. done that. and heard it all. and i believe that ford needs to share the wealth. as for the concessions coming up in nov....heck im hopeing for a vouche program at the minimum. say 15 grand. i would love to buy a new f150 but i cant afford it in these harder times. ok theres my two cents. hope i get some good cred. oh and i hope kentucky has better weather than this lake erie effect shit.
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