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Everything posted by longball

  1. Jimmy G.....You must have your package someplace nearby....Tell us...Is your retirement offer less than what it would be if you just retired..... without the 35000?
  2. I worked with a man who retired with 38 years and took the 35000...knowing this guy I am confident that he gave up not one cent of his 38 year retirement. If I'm wrong I'll apologize later but...How can you...Buck...Ex-commiteeman...put something so obviously wrong on this message board. For a man who claims to have.."NEVER LOST A GRIEVANCE" and "KNOW THE CONTRACT INSIDE AND OUT" make a statement that is as off the wall as a 30 year cap on retirement if you take the buyout ...thats just wrong.
  3. What are you saying Pumper? If you haven't served you shouldn't have an opinion?
  4. Please don't try to tell me you think that only the republicans are dirty. Both sides are full of party loyalists that will do anything they are asked. Cover-ups are rampant in all recent administrations. So again what is your point?
  5. Blah Blah Blah....what's your point?
  6. Here's a guy...I assume...(dark270) ...who's livelihood depends on another person...Ford...allowing him to come to work only sometimes...(layoff)... Now you want the good people on this board to actually think that what you say about politics is revelant...I think you should get more education especially in history ...or maybe just listen or read more...but with an open mind...not with predetermined opinions and outcomes. If you are as "all over it " as you write...you should focus you future on public service. Myself...I'll leave the leading to the elected leaders...I believe they have MUCH more info at their disposal than you. Opinions are like assholes and you are one
  7. I shouldn't have write this but...the high seniority jobs are the ones with high overtime....See, we don't mind working, so we use our seniority to get the jobs where you make more money. I don't think you know how the whole thing works.
  8. Buck, Nice to see your still around...thought maybe you got voted out or something and lost interest in this useless banter. Anyways welcome back! longball
  9. I agree that NAFTA has caused many problems....But Bush the first didn't sign it ...Clinton did...good democrat
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