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  1. There is so much trouble in the Amercian Car Industry that it's going to take years for anyone to get out if they ever do. I don't see Rick Wagoner crawling away. And Dr. Z thinks his companys problems are a laugh. Most people don't even know he's a real, I mean you to to his site and he's a cartoon. Everyone expects miracles overnight. The government could care less, we have more Japanese car makers moving in every day and no taxes for them, no unions. The best non Ford car was and still is the Delorean. Why can't we have cars like that today. I knew Mr. Delorean, sure he made some big mistakes, but when you go it alone, that takes courage.
  2. To Blue Oval moderators: stop sending me this crap from this sick creep. I really thought you were going to clean up this board, but the same sick people are here. Get me out of here. I have my own Ford pages, anyone who loves Ford will love them. All we have to do is get rid of Mularky, sorry cousin, but that was a stupid move. Come to Darkhorse..
  3. Never had a situation like this before, mostly it's people buying Jap cars and they are junk and the Unions who have been demanding the world for the last several decades. And government could care less. It's not Mr. Ford's fault, he just got stuck with all this that has been buildingup for years. I never had a junk Ford ever and have bought nothing else since 1990. My dealer calls me all the time asking if there is anything he can do for me. I know more about Ford than he does.
  4. Mr. Ford, you got to make the commercials, I don't pay attention to any of these except the ones with you know who in them. This Mularky guy is for the birds. what were you thinking, hand over your legacy to this no brainer. I think he's close to retirement age. GEt rid of him. Every American car maker is in trouble , you don't see those CEO's giving their jobs away, yeah I'd be stunned if Mr. Wagoner ever did that, he is hanging on for dear corporate life. And why waste millions of dollars on Mularky, money could be much better spent. What do I have to do, I got 4 Fords already. Your page is almost finished, pages I should say.
  5. I told you not to send anymore lemon crap. NOw this is really getting sick. Where is the moderator? I don't think there is one an ymore. If there is write to me. The Blue Oval has turned into nothing but crap.
  6. I told you before do not send me anything more to my mailbox about the lemon. This is an extremely sick person who belongs in a mental hospital. And all those who anwer the posts are pretty sick too. Anyone who spends 24 hours a day for years doing the same sick thing is dying for attention. Elizabeth Parke Coming soon to the Ford Page.
  7. I told you moderators not to send me anymore crap from the lemon dirt bag. There is no use in having moderators on here. And all the scum answering this jerk are just as bad no matter what you say. Anyone can put any number of supposed hits on their pages. Next time it will be the hit man. Lemon is seriously in need of help and should be kept in a mental hospital. Good bye to all the creeps on here. I have my own Ford page.
  8. 10 stories high! Dr. Z on the Chrysler Building, they trying to ruin it! I guess they think he's funny. First off his name and position are on screen for such a short time, I think most people have no idea who he is. And he invented the automobile too! Yes, those suits don't fit Mr. Ford's style. Nor does written script. Be yourself Mr. Ford. Wear old jeans and hop into a Mustang or F-Series truck. And say what you want to say. And keep watch out with that jet.
  9. I'm glad you people are so far off it isn't funny. Will be glad to take any of your jobs for free.
  10. Why haven't these people been banned from the boads yet? Do we need yet more moderators. These people have an IQ of a 3 year old and they sure do want attention. I never had a problem with a Ford in my life, must be that gasoline in my veins, more like like those wonderful Firestone tires that I insist on.
  11. I think the Bold Moves commercials are horrible. What does a guy getting off a bus in NYC need with a car? I don't like any of them. Mr. Ford, why don't you get out there and drive your own cars, no scripts, just sincerity. Even Wagoner drives a Lincoln. I guess transmissions are all that are left? I know Cincinnati used to have a Ford plant there somewhere, no doubt long gone.
  12. I can't believe after all this time the lemon is still around. He is totally sick and so is everyone who goes on and on about him which is exactly what he wants. WE don't have a moderator on here anymore, he has nothing to do but make up sick crap! If he's not in the insane asylum by now, he would be. I care about Ford and never had any problems with any of them. They even saved my life.
  13. We just need you , Mr. Ford, doing the advertising and not like last time with prepared scripts. It's just not you. That's why the 2002 commercials were so successful. Can you imagine Mr. Wagoner doing this stuff! As far as I can see, there isn't going to be any cool looking cars as long as we have these jelly beans. I'd like a car with a real trunk, take me back to the 80's or the 60's. Honestly I don't know why anyone bought a SUV. I had a luxury van which cost a mere $13,000. Does anyone really care about the price of gas? I don't see anyone cutting down much on using the family car.
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