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JohniesCash last won the day on May 14 2010

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  1. And you want another mans stake to be ground up into hamburger so you can remain on your ass and not have to eat hot-dogs. Your right I have no compassion for the lazy. So get off your ass get off the board and do something to change the Insurance Laws of OHIO. 2 Thessalonian 3 8] Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought; but wrought with labour and travail night and day, that we might not be chargeable to any of you: [9] Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us. [10] For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. [11] For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. [12] Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.
  2. Statism and Scripture Kudzu Government May 14, 2010 From General Motors to health care. From bank bailouts to national anti-obesity campaigns. Government is becoming more and more involved of every aspect of American life. Most Christians are rightly uncomfortable with this. But most of us can't explain to our friends and neighbors why that is. That's one reason I broadcast BreakPoint every day—to help Christians understand and defend a Christian worldview as it applies to every area of life. It's also why I launched the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. At ColsonCenter.org, we feature the work of respected theologians and worldview thinkers—people like T.M. Moore, my long-time colleague. As part of his weekly "ViewPoint" Bible studies, T.M. Moore has written for us a fantastic study called "Kudzu Government: The Lust for Autonomy and the Roots of Statism." The fundamental principle of a statist worldview, T. M. writes, is the belief that "government is in the best position to create the conditions and provide the framework for maximum human flourishing. When such becomes the operating principle of a nation, then nothing is off limits for government intrusion, revision, redefinition, and control." T. M. compares this kind of government to kudzu, a rapid-growing, leafy vine. Kudzu has its proper place—as an ornamental vine in a garden. But when it grows unchecked, it literally devours everything in its path. Any of you who have ever driven down a country road in the South know exactly what I mean. Likewise, government has its proper, biblically sanctioned role—which is to restrain evil and promote justice. But as T. M. writes, "When government becomes a law unto itself...it breaks the bounds of its proper confines, and forcing its ways on every other area and aspect of life, it smothers and chokes everything it touches—values, institutions, establishments and entities—and replaces them with itself." The statist worldview is particularly dangerous to religion. As T.M. writes, "Few things rankle the kudzu state more than the loud-mouthed prophet who simply won't go along with the program." So statist regimes either silence religion altogether (a la Communism and Nazism), or, just as insidiously, co-opt religion to use as a tool for government power and policy. Look at the situation in America today. I've talked many times about the threat of abortion and gay marriage to religious freedom. Revoking non-profit status, laws about anti-discrimination in employment, revoking medical or pharmaceutical licenses—these are all "soft" ways that government can seek to force religious individuals and institutions into conforming to government policies. What makes T. M.'s study on "Kudzu Government" so useful is the way it employs Scripture to illustrate the dangers of statism. The story of Jeroboam, Joseph in Egypt, Ahab, David, and Solomon—all of these illustrate the tendency of those in power to want to assert more and more authority over their subjects' lives. Please come to ColsonCenter.org to download a free copy of "Kudzu Government." Use it yourself, and give it to your small group. And be sure to come back every week for a new ViewPoint study by T. M. Moore on topics of great interest to Christians—all from a thoroughly biblical perspective.
  3. Im sorry for not PMing info I posted and have edited my post on the JO CHODACKI post . Have a nice day, MostRespectfully, wb
  4. Please prayerfully read again longball and try to rightfully divided the info. Here I will help. Hint (its not the UNION its OHIOs INSURANCE COMPANIES) That is all... :reading:
  5. You closet fluffers are all the same. :shades:
  6. Your the one that is lacking in the knowledge department. The Trust is responsible for providing retiree medical benefits to UAW retirees of GM,. Ford and Chrysler. A fool's post is known by the multitude of his words without direction . http://www.uawlocal400.com/UAWRETIREEMEDICALBENEFITSTRUST.htm
  7. Let me do some further research. I do believe What UNION Ford retirees get is different than GM retirees because of some of the comments a GM retiree friend has said. :stats:
  8. You have falsely accused those that live in Michigan of having better retiree health care and the UNION of negotiating a dual contract for said same.... Stop your sillyness.
  9. My brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath and much slower to post.
  10. Your not my sea daddy son. No the point you are making is that your State has problems so you want all the other States to have the same. What concerns me is when a socialist starts sounding like a fascist. Stop your sillyness if you can. That is all.
  11. Yea I guess I was as bad as Nori. :shades:
  12. Been doing more important stuff.
  13. Well im sorry that your "FEELINGS" got hurt. They also had pictures of Martin Luther King going into pool halls. Which was a thing a man of the cloth didn't do back then. :reading: Actually Leadership comes from the heart. Orders come from the top. There are ways to disobey unlawful orders and not get in trouble. People that vote with their "FEELINGS" are one step closer to becoming a fascist. :shades:
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