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Everything posted by sickofthebs

  1. hmm lets see,,they would have got 15 million in tax credits right,,hmm,,,say just for shits and giggles whats the moving allowance for 3900 people,,seems the norm is around 50000,,,so close kcap and spend more then the 15 million in tax savings you would have got,, i def agree that most persons in mo are stupid but how about thinking before you post,,yea and dont try that its a 1 time cost to move people crap compared to the 15 million a year,,thats going to just sound like the shit coming from our local leaders and the company,had the idiots like bob done there fucking jobs and got there ducks in a row with the company wordage then no one would be in any mess right now,instead we have plants against plants again,
  2. so everyone make sure to kiss the companys ass and do what your elected union officials tell you to,because we all no they are looking out for everyones best interest,,i mean hell they have told us to accept concessions and all,they have all said they do not support having c crews at there outside the union hall meetings,,,refering to the huge line of bullshit at local 249,lol really they dont support c crews,,the deff were not lying about that,hell they fuck us just as bad as the company,,anyway,,make sure to do everything the union tells you and vote yes for everything they say,,then vote there asses out of there
  4. how about a mass sit down,,make them see whats going to happen to there jobs when detroit calls
  5. Message from Your Bargaining Committee We are going to start a monthly letter to keep members informed of issues and communicate everything we can to people about what's happening in KCAP. The SUV system is currently in a very bad rebalance period. The company unfortunately has taken an approach that is resulting in discipline for many of our members. Management from supervisors all the way to the plant manager refuses to follow the negotiated process to resolve workload issues that they agreed to in the 2007 local agreement. This puts your local leadership in a position that could lead up to a strike if not resolved. All of the SUV committeemen currently have work standards grievances in the beginning stages. If the workloads on these disputed jobs are not resolved we will go into a D-1 at the plant. The membership could be asked to take a strike vote very soon regarding these disputed workloads in the plant. More information will be forthcoming on this subject. We want everyone to understand that a strike is the last thing anyone in your local leadership wants. The company is forcing this action by their refusal to follow our agreements surrounding workload disputes and we CANNOT and WILL NOT let any of our members fail by allowing the company to set up jobs that hurt people or nobody can perform 10 hours a day 365 days a year. We will get through this troubling time and rest assured that your local leadership will take whatever means necessary to make sure people have a fair and equitable work load. KCAP has many new managers that keep transferring in from facilities from all over the U.S. They all seem to have a different view on how things should be done. Most of them don’t have a clue on how we operate here and what has made KCAP successful over the years. We can assure all of you and them that not one of them is here because they are a great manager. They are here because each and every one of you working the line everyday allows them to be. YOU are the reason this plant is successful and YOU will continue to be the reason KCAP is successful. Most of these managers do not know any of you or your leadership and are more concerned with reaching the next rung on the ladder back to Detroit than they are with our plant and our people. We will take it on our shoulders to make sure we build quality vehicles for the customer no matter what. Please keep that in mind even with all the chaos of rebalance going on right now. When this is done we will begin working on how management treats the employees at KCAP. We have heard over and over that this workforce is near or at the top in quality and efficiency and how we have surpassed Honda and Toyota in quality. This makes YOU the best assembly line workers in the industry and it is our STRONG belief that people here should to be treated that way. Anything less is unacceptable to us and should be unacceptable to all of you as well. Unfortunately management here at KCAP has a very different view on how to treat people as you all are well aware of. Todd Hillyard Chad Troncin Bret Zorich Bargaining Committee ok,,one of two things,,they are kissing our asses now,,or they finally relize we are the union,,good job barg reps listed on there,glad to se someone sees what we do here,,somthing to add though,,how about we see more of the barg reps on the floor
  6. ru kidding,,lol just stop bro,,you make kc look bad with a post like that,,plus if you read the last thing we voted for that passed that should have been flusshed you would relize that you cannot follow your product unless its in zone,,there is no one in zone for kcap,and following your product is a joke,all they have to do is change the model number and its not your product,,plus if any union employee bumps another to the street that is just pathetic and u cant call the uaw a union anymore,,not to mention kcap is way to much of a money maker to close,,plus they allready prom new product in last aggreement,,unless they want and iuaw want class action lawsuit from 4000 people,,well you get the picture,,and anyone who says it cant be done,,ive allready talked to my brother in law,,who is a contract att for our stupid govt,,oh and he is also a labor proff part time in california,,good luck bob and alan. local 600,,i will say we are all sorry for a post like his,,i just hope you guys can vote it down with candycane blowing everyone for yes votes
  7. my god,,you are the scum under the toilet of the worst bathroom in ford or in the world for that matter,,you stupid bitch,,how about put your real name on here so i can come up there and have a nice talk with you,are you really that fucking pathetic that you have to bash a great job from a plant that showed what a union is,,ill bet you would steal a cane from a 93 year old women on her birthday just to beat a 10 year old child on his birthday so you could steal there cake.you are pathetic
  8. ok,,anyone who approves this shit should have every union priv stripped of them,,no more gloves,no more computer with internet,no more pee calls,no more breaks,,no more anything,,because thats where they,,the company and some union officials want this. if you have the nerve to vote yes and sell out everyone for a thousand bucks that they prob wont pay,then fuck you and suck my fat dick.any of you union reps like the pres at kcap should be thrown to the curb and put on the line with the worst rebalanced job in trim.if you support this crap then take a fucking buyout and go work for a fucking chinese shop,kcap showed the nutts,now everyone should follow suit and grow some fucking balls.
  9. once again i repeat myself...no one is bitching about working the overtime,or working at all for that matter,,this whole thread is about the contract being broken over and over again and no one doing shit about it,,maybe if you guys up north had half a freakin brain you would relize that,but wait,,you guys are used to letting managment get there way on everything,,i mean you are the first ones that started all this shit with the first coa,,maybe if you had any balls up there we would not be in a position to open it once again,,maybe had you all stood the fuck up off your asses and said fuck no the first time they would have got the message,,,and when they came back and closed more plants our stupid officials would have said ok,,here ya go,,three day strike letter,,,and suck it,maybe if everyone actually joined together and said fuck you alan,with your millions every year,we would not be building a great fucking car in mexico,,everything is a maybe,,just like maybe we will all be working next week.point is if your in a union,,ACT like your in a union
  10. let me fix your post for you,,what she is really saying is here in michigan we or i will get under any desk and suck off anyone as long as we or i can help fuck any union employee around the world.we will be happy to accept any concessions you want as long as we are able to work and build someone elses product,even though we build it with low quality and end up fucking the consumer..lol like we do our union bros and sisters,,once again a stupid bitch has poked her nose where it dosent belong,not even thinking that the post was about the contract being thrown out the window again and nothing done,,,your one serious idiot,,by the way if your with local 600 let your barg rep who is so vocal about no votes all the time that everyone is on to his bullshit,,vote no on everything but let ford give us money to retool for things we suck at building,,sounds to me like back room barganing.ill bet your the one under the desk in the back room also
  11. next union meeting you have start a recall of all barg,committe men,alt,even the fucking rats living at at the hall,we all no you have to get signatures for this so while in the parking lot everyday or night get them,,cut the head off the snakes in office,,,then elect people who will fight for the worker,,stop electing your god damn friends and 35 year employees
  12. why wait till 2011,,every local should start the recall on evey one of them now
  13. At a meeting here Tuesday, the local leaders voted overwhelmingly to recommend ratification. "Failure to act in this situation will undermine our efforts to continue to win new work, to protect U.S. jobs long-term and to ensure that Ford can continue to make contributions to our pension funds," United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger and Vice President Bob King, head of the UAW Ford section, said in a statement to members, a copy of which was obtained by The Detroit News. so this is all about the veba payment that is due,,why dont you have the balls to just say it,,they said do what we want or no veba money because of your stupidity in barganing,,letting words like commitment in instead of guarantee,, how dare you even think about buying anything from the china people,,your a discrace for even listening to the whole spew of shit coming from the mouth or your husband that you were negotiating with,,,oh oh sorry you dont negotiate,,you just listen and accept,,your fucking pathetic,,both of you for even bringing anything to us with the words buying and china in the same paragraph. 1000 bucks,,,,hey suck my big fat dick,, anyone who votes yes for this should be beat in the parking lot and sent to another country,,along with our new ceo,,bob king and ron gettlefinger,,
  14. stripped down huh,,lol walk the line here my friend,,,no what the fuck your talking about before you post you fucking morons
  15. lol and 65.5 sit in the repair hole because you guys still cant get it right
  16. and if they dont then what,,sell us all down the river to get the money is the international way
  17. they want the same,,ok,,take bill and the rest of his family to bankruptsy court,,let the govt tell you how stupid you are infront of the whole nation on tv like they did with gm and chrysler,ruin the name you have got in the american publics eye in the last year,,you stupid fucks you get sales threw the roof because we are all busting our ass and you have the fucking nerve to ask for more,,well fuck you,fuck your we will be at a disadvantage crap and you can all suck the moisture from my nutts if you think you will get one more fucking thing,,,hey how about we open it back up and tell your ass what we want instead of you getting more,,,2.1 billion profit and you want more,,once again fuck you.lets start with a raise,havent seen one in ten years,but mulay gets 17 million bonus,,everyone of you say you have to pay the people that to keep the best,,well last time i looked ford was number one,,,meaning we,the uaw build the best,meaning we are the best so you have to pay us for being the best,oh yea i want our ten minutes break back,i want our cost of living back,should i go on,,nah ill end this with once again,,,f u c k y o u
  18. ok they are getting rid of escape,,they cancelled the down weeks for truck,,what is it,,the same old ford stupidity,,build up the f 150 then send the shift over to build out the escapes,,fucking retards in mgmt,,if it happens again they better be ready not to run,that c crew can be filled with temps and let them handle it,,no sen employee should work a horrable shift like that at all ,,will do nothing but fuck up the rest of your year,,by the way im done with my 30,so fuck everyone that says be happy your working and all that shit
  19. i could not agree more,time to clean house,all the house,not just barg,everybody and anybody who has anything to do with the across the street bandits,all the way through the im a fat lazy ass who gets days off for nothing womens com,,we need a young hard ass in office,someone with less then ten so u no they will be around,someone that is not brain washed 1 sun a month,we need the guy or girl who comes to work everyday and bust there ass on there job,who will tell even the highest foreman to go fuck his self to his face and then get back to work,the real union meeting is on the floor every day and night,,exactly where your reps belong,,some of u no who im talking about here,u no the guy or girl we need in office,he or she works right beside u,,i no him,
  20. the escape,,we will be getting our f 150s back from your plant in due time sir,,thanks to your very narrow margin of yes votes,,thanks
  21. anotherautoworker,,pay attention,he did not say only if it was ratified by us,it will be here,,the transit connect will be in ohio,and i will correct you,,we can vote it down by 70 percent and the nation wide vote for yes will be tied or 1 percent twords no,,thats only if 100 percent vote from our plant and we hit 70 no,,but the delima comes when kentucky votes and we all no how that will go
  22. if you plan to vote no then there is a buyout waiting on you just sign the paper and leave,simple as that,they have us by the balls because our negotiators suck and they are in bed together,the public hates us and if we vote no kiss your ass goodbuy with no buyout,
  23. plain and simple,,if they want a yes from kc it better not be that piece of shit ugly,euro trash that everyone will once again say what were they thinking,,the transit that is,why do we have 2 kugas by suv right now,,why are the news stations in kentucky reporting they have it,,why will they just not say hey vote for it and u get this,,better yet,,why will kc be last to vote,,it will allready be decided by then,,unless its so close we decide it,,lol then we have a dog in the fight to say what we want there
  24. rofl,,,you sir are a fucking idiot,,what did you go into the gay porn industry,,u thank ford and then go buy a tundra,,lol another stupid american,,hey why dont you just shove your head up your ass
  25. heard there are new cars in for all of us if everything ratifies,,25000 voucher for you to drive what you build, lol yea right gettlefinger would not think to get us anything to sweeten the pot for a yes since it will happen no matter what.good ol boys voting procedures and all,guess they can still collect dust on the lots,,sorry they can collect more bird shit,,hell maybe we all driving them around town would have ben good adver but hey we are run by idiots
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