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Pete Roth

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  1. To be sure you understand how both Lane Keeping and Lane Centering are supposed to work I would recommend you read the Owners Manual. You may have a mechanical issue preventing the proper operation but these days we see more than a fair share of problems which are nothing more than someone not understanding exactly how their vehicle is supposed to operate or perform.
  2. Here is the real easy way to get the latest status on your vehicle. SKIP the lengthy instructions that only serve to confuse you. ASK THE DEALER. Our information is as accurate as the VOPC Don't waste an awful lot of time trying to "do it yourself". Just call the person you ordered your new vehicle from. If they are too dumb to get you an answer you didn't pay enough, which is why, I'd assume, you need to find this information on your own, so then you'll just have to put up with the level of service you paid for.
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