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Everything posted by mjpetersmd

  1. anybody know what time we get to watch these clowns on c-span?
  2. went to abc news and saw the video.and yes he gets in a mercedes.time for a new ceo won't even drive one of our own cars.shame shame
  3. anywhere we can see this video.what a slap in our face!!!
  4. ceo of gm just said they been making money in china for the last 10 years.if it wasn't for the money they made here in the usa they wouldn't be there.we kept europe aflot for all these years it's time for pay backs.quit spending the money in mexico and china and bring it back to the usa!!!
  5. does anybody know if our pension is funded in case of the big 3 not gettting the bail out money?Another union brother told me the pension was good for 80 years according to this contract.I retired in august and now wondering what may happen to our pension.
  6. I retired on aug 1.will I be getting a check then for sept 2007 through aug 2008 ????
  7. lot of talk about people adding hho to cars and trucks with results getting double mpg!!With gas as high as it is ford should jump on this and sales would go through the roofs!!they say you can build one yourself for under $150.00 and ford could do it for much cheaper.come on ford wake up!!!
  8. i'm on tlo till aug 1 then i start my retirement.heard cheryl collins who was in charge of the engineers got let go. anybody know who else got let go?
  9. heard ford came and told them they want 1200 people running the plant by august 1 and one shift and lower line speed.you'll need 3-95 to stay working if this becomes true.
  10. the company told union they wanted one shift by june.union talked them into cutting back production.body,paint,stamping will work 2 weeks and then off a month since we have 3 shifts in these depts.production will work 2 weeks then off 2 weeks alt.shifts and heard it will be all dayshift work. will be off all of july then if not any better by august going to one shift then
  11. i took this package the ser plus.just remember you only get the time back and NO MONEY and you have to retire you can't get the years back and keep working. good luck i.m out aug 1
  12. i work in clean up at ktp.was told this morning that anyone that signed up for the buyout with 30 years or more will be gone on april 1.after that clean up will be gone may 1.i asked for a tlo till august because that will be my grow in date.the rest were told to look for another job.it's only going to get worse
  13. i'm going to take the ser plus package.i will not be 50 until july 22.i was told my grow in date would be aug.1 according to the package the soonest i can leave will be may 1.will i have to work till aug 1 or may 1 and go on tlo?
  14. here at ktp we have extra people.about every 3 weeks that have people taking 3 week tlo based on senority.they said they need to get rid of 600 people here. don't see that many taking the buyouts so will probally have layoffs.
  15. i'm at ktp.like i said it is volunteer for tlo.labor relations told me they would like everyone gone by july 1.
  16. tlo is based upon your senority and is volunteer
  17. i'm looking at the ser plus package.my grow in date will be august 1.was told by a supervisor that they want everybody out by april 1 and i would probally be put on tlo till august.anybody hear anything about this?
  18. doesn't the plant have to have a opening before you can transfer?
  19. i talked with a tinner today and he said they want only one tinner in the plant by the end of the year.i don't know what kind of senority they have i do know that they aren't that old.
  20. we have 4 tinners here at ktp and the rumor is they only want one by the end of year
  21. if i get my time back i will have 31.2 years.if this package comes up i would miss out on the 50,000 package.people with less time then me got all their time back and will get the 50,000 package.first ford will have to explain why some did and some did't get lost time back before i decide what to do.
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