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Fordwife's Achievements



  1. How will you suppliment the other 1/2 of your salary? If you are in school taking 12 credit hours will you work part time? Do you think you will be able to work and go to school at the same time? I'd like to get a veiw from other people taking the Education buyout. What are your plans?
  2. I just read this on Detroit News. Here's a link to the story http://www.detroitnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/a...PDATE/609140440. I'm wondering if they will broadcast the announcement on TV or radio. I'm anxious to get some answers and to hear those sweet words "It's time to sign up for BUYOUTS" :happy feet:
  3. I sure hope this means they will be offering buyouts company whide. Therefore, everyone who wants one will have the opportunity to get one and move on with their lives. BRING ON THE BIG MONEY!!!
  4. Looks like the stock price is up to me http://money.cnn.com/quote/quote.html?symb=F at $8.39.
  5. Wizard, I tried to wait it out and see if someone else would ask about CAP but since no one is I thought I'd ask. My husband only has 6 1/2 years and frankly, I'm worried!! Do you have any information at all about CAP? Do you think they will go to one shift? Will they get another vehicle? I've heard of layoffs coming, do you know exactly how many? Any information at all will help. I'm tired of all the rumors!!!! Thanks so much!!
  6. Just curious, is this accurate information "If the job loss trend continues as expected the number of workers leaving the automotive industry in America will be the highest since 1998, when a record 84,230 auto workers lost their jobs."
  7. Sounds to me like someone is jealous!
  8. I posted the same questions recently about the education buyout. Here's a link to my post http://www.blueovalforums.com/forums/index...?showtopic=5475. It's on page 6 if you can't get the link to work. Hope this helps you. My husband and I have many questions just like you do. Hopefully when the buyouts are offered we will get more information on this package. My husband is wondering if he can take another job while he's attending school?
  9. Thank you so much you have been a big help. So I guess if they are offered in mid-September than whoever takes it will still be on the payroll until the middle of October. This is just what I wanted to hear. :happy feet: :happy feet:
  10. Maybe I should rephrase my question.......What was the timeframe from when you signed up for a buyout until your last day of work? Anyone?
  11. The article I just read states that the buyouts will be offered in September. If this is true, when do you think will be the last day for an employee to work that takes the buyout? How long does an employee work once they sign up for the buyout. My husband and I are trying to put a timeframe together to see if it's in our best interest to take the buyout. Also, do you think this will be offered to all employees or just a certain number at each plant? I am full of questions this morning.
  12. If the buyouts are offered at the plant my husband works at he will be signing up for the education package. I'd like to know if anyone here has taken this option or if you know someone that has. Here are my questions? 1. How long does it take to get your 1st check? 2. What happens if you take the buyout in the middle of the semester and can't start your courses for a couple months? 3. Do they take union dues out of your paycheck while you are in school earning your degree? 4. What happens if your GPA goes below what is required? 5. Is the amount you receive to pay for your education a separate check from your weekly earnings? Is this amount taxed and added to your yearly earnings? Good luck to everyone working for Ford that will be taking the buyouts (if they are offered). I'll keep my fingers crossed that when all this mess is over everyone is happy in their employment no matter where it is.
  13. Add us to the list of people who are holding off on buying a new vehicle. DH and I would like to buy a Freestyle. My Windstar is a 99 with over 93,000 miles on it. It's definately time but we have decided to put off all big purchases for now. We do not want to be stuck with 2 vehicle payments (DH has a 2005 F-150) if he were to get laid off.
  14. Trimdingman, I do love and cherrish my husband more than you know. I'm sorry about your ex. To bad she, and everyone else for that matter, doesn't realize how hard it is to work at an assembly plant.
  15. I know exactly what it's like. I hear all this from my husband every day. I feel his pain and appreciate all that he does for our family. Just because I have never worked on an assembly line does not mean I don't understand. And what does having low seniority have to do with it. My husband knows people with less seniority then him that have way better jobs. You see, I do know a lot about his job. He and I have a great relationship and we talk. Therefore I do understand what he goes through every day. I'm not sure if you have a significant other but if you do maybe you need to communicate better. As far as blowing your nose or going to the washroom my husband says you are wrong. It is the JOB of your group leader to releave you and let you do these things. If your group leader fails to do his job, than you need to talk to your Union rep. Do you know who your union rep is? If not, than you need to find out. If you need any other help, just let me know. My husband may have low seniority but he knows whats in his union contract.
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