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  1. Hi There Could not help join this conversation. I've been a Ford dealer in Europe for more than 13 years. I've lived in the US before becomming a Ford Dealer. I'm sorry to tell you that THE AMERICAN WAY is lost - hopefully not forever. Buying AMERICAN has got nothing to do with price - quality or where the product has been produced - it's cash flow. All asian brands will move the money out of America to improve their way of life. Its simply a question of Americans buying their own products no matter of quality or price to protect American jobs. As I mentioned before I'm European - I do not own anything that has not been produced in either Europe or the US. Every product I buy - I search where the product has been produced and who owns the company. Supporting a worker in a western country that gets payed because I bought a product he worked hard for - gives my country a better chance - because the worker will buy products thats produced in my country. Just look at Kia or Hyundai - Kia is a Ford product and Hyundai is a GM product. Back in time the large US car producers saw the markeds in Asia as possibilities for expansion - but the nations had restrictions for import of products from the western world(of course to protect their workers) So what do we do Ford and GM thought? We'll create brands overthere - not possible - because local legislature said that businesses had to be government owned - communism you know - Doesen't matter Ford and GM thought - we'll pay for the factories - let the governments own it - and we'll make the money and get market share. What happened - not enough in Asia could afford a car - what does the factory do to make money - EXPORT. And Ford and GM can't do anything about it - THEY DO NOT OWN THE FACTORIES. Labor is cheap - quality and safety does not have to be high - because the buyers in Asia does not care - so production is cheap. MAYBE ASIA LOST THE WAR - BUT THEY'RE WINNING ALL THE BATTLES - AND STEALING ALL HARD WORKED AMERICAN DOLLERS RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE. Hi There Could not help join this conversation. I've been a Ford dealer in Europe for more than 13 years. I've lived in the US before becomming a Ford Dealer. I'm sorry to tell you that THE AMERICAN WAY is lost - hopefully not forever. Buying AMERICAN has got nothing to do with price - quality or where the product has been produced - it's cash flow. All asian brands will move the money out of America to improve their way of life. Its simply a question of Americans buying their own products no matter of quality or price to protect American jobs. As I mentioned before I'm European - I do not own anything that has not been produced in either Europe or the US. Every product I buy - I search where the product has been produced and who owns the company. Supporting a worker in a western country that gets payed because I bought a product he worked hard for - gives my country a better chance - because the worker will buy products thats produced in my country. Just look at Kia or Hyundai - Kia is a Ford product and Hyundai is a GM product. Back in time the large US car producers saw the markeds in Asia as possibilities for expansion - but the nations had restrictions for import of products from the western world(of course to protect their workers) So what do we do Ford and GM thought? We'll create brands overthere - not possible - because local legislature said that businesses had to be government owned - communism you know - Doesen't matter Ford and GM thought - we'll pay for the factories - let the governments own it - and we'll make the money and get market share. What happened - not enough in Asia could afford a car - what does the factory do to make money - EXPORT. And Ford and GM can't do anything about it - THEY DO NOT OWN THE FACTORIES. Labor is cheap - quality and safety does not have to be high - because the buyers in Asia does not care - so production is cheap. MAYBE ASIA LOST THE WAR - BUT THEY'RE WINNING ALL THE BATTLES - AND STEALING ALL HARD WORKED AMERICAN DOLLERS RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSE. Have you recently visited a Hallmarks or Disney. Hallmarks have lots of nice products - especially Christmas ornaments - like ALL AMERICAN figures like Starwars, Donald Duck, Batman, Superman, Daffy Duck - turn them over - look at the nice box - ALL SAYS MADE IN CHINA OR KOREA. Visit Disney - turn over Mickey Mouse - Goofy - MADE IN CHINA. I'm not a pessimist - but I think - and that's where it all starts - tell it to all you know - SUPPORT LABOUR IN THE WESTERN WORLD - OR WE WILL PERRISH.
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