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  1. One person complaining about our pay & benefits is Betsy DeVos (dick's wife). Betsy says "the problem with Michigan, the workers make too much money!" Fri. afternoon a Gentleman called Mr. Hannity's show. The caller informed the show about SPP.GOV, the superhighway and all the homes that will be seized by eminent domain. Mr. Hannity listened, quietly. He ended the phone call, and only remarked on eminent domain being a dangerous decision. I assume he found no problem with the highway?! People you find umbrage with my user name? How about if I change it to OURpoliticiansHAVEabandonedUS?
  2. Everyone knows jobs are moving south...but not everyone knows they're building superhighways, 4 football fields wide. IF Congress truly doesn't know about this "shadow" government SPP.com, why the secrecy? Starting in Texas, and every state this highway will be built, homes will be purchased through "eminent domain." You're dead wrong, the republicans WILL have a rough time holding onto power. Hell the people in Ohio are fighting to get Bush to pay them back $12 million dollars of their retirement, that Noe stole. He illegally funneled the money and funded Bush. Maybe you're willing to allow this administration to build roads...not even built by Americans, through the HEARTLAND of OUR Country. But pal I'm putting up a fight. People like YOU with 8th grade IQ's accept, without question. You are the one with your ears up your A$$!
  3. Bold, I just phoned an ILWU office in Washington state, the representative informed me their contract expires July 2008. He knew nothing about the million worker march. mngirl, obviously Ford is part of this covert operation. Are You inclined to believe that Mr. Gettelfinger knows about this? Perhaps we need to contact the International.
  4. Supposedly Congress, The American and Canadian People don't have a clue that Bush, Vincente Fox and Paul Martin have formed this shadow government. Please visit the website spp.gov This will show proof of the superhighway being built from Mexico thru Canada. This highway will be used to transport Chinese and Mexican goods. The borders will merely become "speed bumps." Our borders are not being closed, because this shadow government will allow slave-labor commodities to eliminate OUR jobs. Their goal is to start the highway in 2007. We need to contact our politicians. We need to wake up! We'll not only be unemployed....but where will our children work? http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=52164
  5. I voted for Jennifer Granholm, AND I will again! The garbage fiasco was initiated by republican aka social darwin...John Engler.
  6. IF you really want to know how OUR new ceo will shake up OUR company...google what HE did to Boeing...things will get extremely intense. Thousands will lose their jobs. Bill Ford couldn't do what this Man has been hired for.
  7. http://www.detnews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic...=73254442107325
  8. ...Actually, I'm wondering if big business had Perot put on ICE. We never hear a peep out of him...
  9. Football, You must be REALLY bored! Funny RUMOR!
  10. "Scuse Me?! Ford isn't using a governmental agency to wiretap my phones, or watch my keystrokes. You my friend are the "fool" if you believe our gov't has given us & our employer an even playing field... Obviously you're part of the 29% that still support the donkey that sits in OUR White House. Your job should be impeached....
  11. Money, Hold your arms out ...imitating a scale. Pretend, okay? In one hand is an imaginary Blow job...in the other is NO job...YOU tell me which is better! Your future is looking barren...with bush in office. Smarten up!
  12. ROTFLMAO! Money ...give it up...you're not smart enough for this site!
  13. What a picture of loveliness! :tequila: No wonder people think we're crude.
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