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Everything posted by F150MANBDV

  1. WGL @ NAP Took buyout. Last day worked was 11/27/06 I JUST NOW GENERATED A PIN NUMBER FOR MYSELF. - 09/13/07 @ 12:25 EDT. You must keep your login ID current and password expires as always...every 90 days or so. Does that answer the question ?
  2. HEY THANKS FOR THE UPDATE GUYS ! GREAT NEWS INDEED ! I went out Nov. 27th and relocated back up to the Philadelphia area so even though Ive been at a new job since the 1st week of December I've been dying waiting for NAP to get their act together so I can start actively stock trading using my VectorVest software with my buyout. I got through to Angela in HR and she confirmed that they did indeed get my check and it was dropped in the mail today to my new address up here ! Well at least I wont have to worry about any additional taxes until 4/2008..... HEY...GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS TO ALL OF YOU AT NAP AND I HOPE ALL YOUR HOPES AND DREAMS BEGIN TO COME TRUE IN 2007 !!! We all have earned EVERY penny of that buyout....!!! I finally can close this chapter in my life and move on.....Amen ! Take care everyone ! And may God richly bless you and your families as we move on beyond FOMOCO !
  3. He did'nt have to....I work with him every day....he is in my group and he is sincere in simply trying to offer his co-workers an opportunity to put their modest buyouts to work for them using tailored and prudent investment advice. Its not a scam...its not a "pie in the sky" pipe dream or some crazy get rich quick sceme....if you are local here in Hampton Roads you can check the company out for yourself....go to their office...call them up....dont be content to follow the crowd who just want to shoot down somebody based on apathy and fear. And yes, before you ask, I AM talking to him about my own personal situation....so take it for what its worth.....if you think you and your family are at least worth investigating another way for you to go to use your buyout cash and make it work as hard for you as you did to get it then by all means give them a call....you might be very happy you did ! Good luck to you.
  4. Instead of jumping on the "ignorant pile on" bandwagon why dont you call the company he mentioned... here is the link.....investigate for yourself and open your mind instead of following the ignorant masses like a sheep....check the company out....ask for information.....do your own "due dilligence"...then when you find out that this company is legitimate I would suggest to you sir that you would owe this young man a sincere apology posted right here just like your previous comments above were....do you have the courage to find out for yourself or are you just another sheep ? http://www.steinfi.com/new/steinfinancial/
  5. There is NO CAUSE for personal attacks on a person's character here. I have worked with this young man on a daily basis for several years now and he is beyond reproach. The company he is about to join is legitimate and their offer is sincere and genuine. If you choose not to avail yourself of an opportunity to lift yourself and your family up by the prudent use of what limited buyout funds we have been offered then that is your choice and you are certainly entitled to it.....do so.....and move on ! Allow others to form their own opinions and make their own choices without your vitriolic and narrow minded views and uninformed opinions. Everyone in Ford has some very hard choices to make now, there is simply no need of people of your ilk to muddy the waters more they already are.
  6. DITTOS ON THAT ! Ive got a huge interview here locally on Friday Nov. 3 that I would love to say YES to.....Im ready to get off this sinking ship ! :titanic:
  7. After Ford's earning announcement this morning of an operating loss of $5.1 BILLION LOSS. North America LOST $2 BILLION alone based largely on the collapse of F SERIES SALES ! Mulally stated very clearly that this kind of loss CANNOT continue so I would expect that they really attempt to speed up the cost cutting because the product side just cant come fast enough to turn this thing around quickly. They will also RESTATE ALL FINANCIALS back to 2001. I find it hard to believe they will be ADDING weeks to NAP in this environment.
  8. I've been reading this thread and as another Libertarian I could'nt agree more brother ! That old axiom about "power currpts....." has never been more true ! Both parties have been guilty forever....not just the last 12 years ! If you read some of the founding fathers papers, especially Madison, they believed VERY STRONGLY about the "citizen politician" as a servent of the will of the people.....WE ARE after all a REPRESENTATIVE REBUBLIC.....NOT a Democracy. Their job is to represent our will.....unfortunately over the decades people have been happy to walk away from the responsibility to be engaged in the functioning of their government as a result of becoming who we are....the GREATEST country ever conceived by man and blessed by God. It is very sad when I hear on the radio during Hannity's "man on the street" section where most people dont have a clue who their most powerful leaders are but can instantly identify such idiots like Alec Baldwin, Paris Hilton, and Jessica Simpson !!!! As citizens in this most blessed land we have a responsibilty to become informed voters and NOT just follow the "party line". Until that happens Im sorry to say that we all desearve EXACTLY what we get ! There is plenty of blame to go around....total disgust and apathy with the "status quo", sound bytes generation, lack of comprehensive civics education in our public schools ( which is 1 of many reasons why I have been homeschooling my daughter for the last 6 years now ! ). In conclusion the only thing I could add is that if anybody needs a reason, a very personal reason, why they should seriously consider beginning to vote for Libertarian candidates Ill give you 1...... HR 25 Do yourself a favor....GOOGLE IT ! Educate yourself on the incredible power of this legislation to unleash the greatest wave of prosperity the world will ever see( created by man ) that would touch ALL LIVES. Investigate it, NOT JUST THE SOUND BYTES....and contemplate how this WOULD affect you and your family in a VERY REAL WAY on a daily basis directly in your quality of life and your opportunities for realizing your hopes and dreams. The 2 main parties will NEVER consider such a life changing legislation but it is gaining bipartison support, hard to believe, but its true....unfortunately it really needs a grass roots wave, which as been gaining momentum lately.....here in VA the Demogods have been running negative and totally misleading ads referencing HR 25 aimed at a local Republican candidate. If you believe in limited government as like was originally envisioned by Madison and Jefferson, if you believe the best thing that government can do for this economy is get the hell out of the way and allow the American spirit drive this engine to unprecedented levels, if you belive that government is supposed to be a servent of the people's will then you need to seriously consider, and educate yourself on the Libertarian party as a true viable option and the true inheritor of the vision of our founding fathers. If you're still not sure I invite you to take a very simple test on this website....see for yourself where you stand on the Libertarian party as an option that more closely represents you. http://www.self-gov.org/quiz.html We get EXACTLY the government that we vote for....we have ONLY ourselves to blame if we are not satisfied with the results. Need more information ? You might be surprised..... http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz-score/lib...ecb040632ff4e5f Libertarian 2006 Vote....who represents YOU ? http://www.vote-smart.org/index.htm
  9. How true....maybe in 50 years Michigan will be the new "tropical paradise" ! Might be a good time to be buying land about 5-20 miles from water....YIKES!!!
  10. OK Thanks...big difference from Monday....thats good to hear at least !
  11. Did they have somebody from the 919 there to witness it or do we have track them down at the union hall ?
  12. Good stuff guys ! I needed a good laugh ! Reminded me of a few things in Sealer with a certain supervisor who is not there anymore.... I guess all alot of us will have pretty soon are some good memories to bring a smile to our faces. Hey Atlanta...I LOVE MY 2004 TAURUS SE....GREAT CAR ! Its a real hell of a shame that Ford would'nt stand behind such an icon and keep it viable ! Im just tired of all the uncertainity and ready to move on. Good luck and God bless to all !
  13. Thanks guys, that makes a little more sense to me....appreciate the info. Ill stay with $100k and walking away.
  14. What's happening on Weds? I gotta tell you if this for real it would change things for me a little bit, when you add $28k to the $45k and transfer its almost what you would get if you took the $100k buyout and leave Ford. Yeah its spread out over a longer period but you would'nt be starting over and stopping your pension accruing. While I would'nt be thrilled at the prospect at moving up there it's an option worth considering if they do sweeten the offer and at least it would be moving to a very new plant making a product( F-Series ) that you know will be there in one form or another. Great now its even more confusing, I sure hope they dont change anything else ! How the hell are we supposed to make a huge life move when they change the rules ! Please, if ANYBODY finds out more FACTS about all this and how the transfers are going to work please post it here for all of us. Thanks. Good luck to all.
  15. They ask you which buyout option you will be selecting and give you that form which is just a basic information form; name, address etc, as I said earlier the only catch is you have to have it signed there by a union clown and somebody from management, otherwise its simple enough which is why I was kind of pissed that they did'nt have their s**t together....its not that complicated they just need to have those appropriate bodies available to co-sign or witness. I would also make DAMN SURE you get a copy of your signup once its witnessed BEFORE you turn it in, Im not trusting anybody up there with all this ! Good luck to you.
  16. Well dont let me disuade you from going in but from their comments it was just really obvious that they were not ready to finish the signup process for each person right away. I only live 15 minutes away from the plant plus I had to take care of some other things while I was there so it was'nt a completely wasted trip. Ill probably just wait until 3rd shift starts back next Monday. Ill give them this week to get their collective s**t together. My biggest unanswered question right now is what happens if you get a firm job offer from another company and can't afford to just walk away without the buyout....Ive even left a message with the PM to address this issue. Do they really expect people to just sit on their ass and not even seek other employment ! Ive had 3 interviews and Im trying to get more lined up for our down time next month out of the area, there are 2 big job fairs coming up, 1 this week at Macarther Center and a huge one next week at the Pavillion. There are ALOT of companies out their who are looking for people with manufacturing experience at all levels, just look on Monster.com and Career Builder.com I dont see how they expect people to not even make an effort to secure another position and just sit on their hands and depend on Ford to expedite all this while our lives are being put on hold. Just talking to some of the people in line this morning and the sense of frustration at this whole F**KED UP situation is real and everybody just wants to finish all this and be done with it. This situation with not being ready for the signup process after 5 weeks to prepare is NOT going to help matters at all !
  17. Went down 1st thing this morning at 7am....THEY ARE NOT READY ! You cant even hand the form back in because it has to be countersigned by 1 of the idiots in the 919 AND someone from FOMOCO management and NEITHER were there ! When I tried turning the form back in and asked them when this could get this done the only answer was sometime this week ! They had 5 weeks to prepare for this and once again have fallen short ! What a f**king joke ! The prevailing attitude seems to be...."you're not going anywhere so just wait for us while you put your lives and those of your families in limbo while we try to get our s**t together" ! :shrug: Geeez Im so sick of this place and all this BULLSHIT !
  18. I wonder if they would be that nice if you told them you need to go because you just got a job at Toyota !
  19. My sub is direct deposited on Weds morning and Ive been getting VEC check on Thursdays, and Ill be happy to goodbye to both when I get my buyout check !
  20. I hear you brother....lets hope if that is the case they call in as many TPT's as they can to be able to let guys like us be able to move on, I just got through this afternoon to the HR director for an out of the area company that I would love to get into and in fact Ive already done a phone interview with so it is going to really suck if it turns out that they blow this opportunity for me because they wont let me go....how many people are in the same boat....talk about being pissed off workers....you would think that would dawn on them but I guess that is giving them too much credit for intelligence or they just wont give a shit. You're right, if that is the case its going to be hell in there and I wont be looking forward to it either !
  21. Well, hopefully starting at 7am Monday morning we will all start to get some hard facts instead of all this insane, second-guessing BS. I was re-reading that one handout that I got, specifically page 8 of 9, paragraph 5 on the STEP. 5 Q: Can I leave early if I accept the STEP( $100k ) ? A : It is expected all terminations will be effective no later than what is indicated on the supplemental information sheet. ( 1/1 to 9/1/2007 )..... It does go on to say that exit dates dont have to be on the 1st of the month so that should help open up exit dates to get people out the door more quickly. A real good number to get now would be if someone could find out NAP projected production numbers now into 2007. That should give a more realisitic picture of what is going to happen down the line. All I want is a REAL date for my "Last-Day Worked" so I can go from there and start to make some real plans to relocate ! Good luck to all. These last 3 weeks for 3rd shift should be a real hoot.....!
  22. One of the ladies from VEC told us Tuesday that because of the extended down time we were required to register now with the VEC but we could do that online which was pretty easy to do. Im hoping Ill be gone by Jan 1st so I wont have to deal with that BS about having to file each week with 3 applications. The job fair was ok today, not great, I was expecting alot more. There is a huge job fair coming up on the 24th at the Pavillion at the beach, its supposed to be the biggest of the year and there are alot of employers listed. Also if you go online to Monster.com and Careerbuilder.com, register there, and fill out a resume there are alot of manufacturing positions out there, especially for different levels of management, skilled trades, and lean manufacturing positions like Six Sigma which pay very well. So there are good paying jobs out there to be had, especially if you are open to relocation but even in this area, Norfolk Southern is hiring, Alcoa, Stihl, Mitsubishi Chemicals, Northrop Grumman, Mearsk, Geico, USAA, Amerigroup, just to name a few. At least it looks like we are coming out at a pretty good time to be looking for something, it could be alot worse. It looks like for alot of the buyout options other then the 2 early retirement ones that they are shooting for Dec 31st as the Last Day Worked date which based on our current schedule which actually be the 8th for 2nd shift and the 15th for 3rd shift. Then your actual date of termination would be the following day....MAYBE*! I love their disclaimer at the bottom of the page though..... * Effective dates for authorized applicants beginning on 1/1/07 until 9/1/2007 based on timing of transfers and operational considerations. In guess in other words UNTIL you have your specific "TERMINATION DATE" in writing in your hand you could theoretically be stuck here until next September, but Im hoping they will want to get rid of as many of us who are ready to go right now to thin the herd asap. So for any who can be out by then I would think you should have your checks by the 3rd week or the end of January. That is what I am hoping for anyway ! God Bless and good luck to everyone as we move on after Ford. Im looking forward to a GREAT 2007, with a fresh start, new career, and new area of the country to get to know. :happy feet:
  23. NAP DOWN BIG TIME. 2ND shift back for 1 week on 10/16, then 10/30. 3rd shift back 10/23. Plant down 3 weeks then.... 3rd shift back 11/27.... 2nd shift back 12/4 3rd shift 12/11....LAST SHIFT ? THEN WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ON 1 SHIFT JAN 1ST. Signups for buyouts start 10/16 and they are dragging them out until 11/27....CRAZY ! Man Im ready to move on now instead of this long slow death !
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