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Everything posted by compressedST0NE

  1. IF the Cards are like the St. Louie workers...The Tigers will win, The cards just won't show up to work!
  2. Every ONE of the bargaining reps, almost all of the district reps, chairman, president....the elected NEED TO GO!
  3. Bluegirl ...the openings @ AAI are ONLY because of absences. IF more workers transferred, OUR relatives with low seniority would lose their jobs. We are WAY over-roll now. Our low seniority workers fought for years, working as f/t temps, to get hired. THEY come to work, and shouldn't be punished with a lay-off. Temps that were laid off last year, were brought back to work to cover for awol's. Again....openings are only because of workers not coming to work. I've heard #'s ranging from 400 to 850, that we are over roll by.
  4. If the new attendance policy is NOT voted in...low seniority will be cut out of the plant, before year end. Gen pool people in MICHIGAN should have been brought in, NOT norfolk or St. Louis people. They are not within the region! somethin' is smellin' fishy :yup:
  5. Why isn't the Mazda 6 on the list?
  6. Please answer this question: After the new International Agreement is voted in, will people be able to bump lower seniority out of other plants? I'm hearing "maybe", "no, if no openings are available, and they're not following product they cannot bump" to just plain "i don't know." The Union has nothing to offer Ford for our new contract, pretty much Ford is in control.
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