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OAC Lineman

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Everything posted by OAC Lineman

  1. Although I won't pretend to be an expert on the situation, the 39 year old has 16 more years to work in their lifetime than the 55 year old. Thus, the buy out doesn't need to be as large. Although I don't necessarily agree with this process, I believe it is the intent of the corporation's buy out imbalance.
  2. Different body shops, same paint shop, and other than that, they run on the same line.
  3. Is it better for the U.S. economy to buy a Fusion or Camry? Assuming that we all work for Ford, the answer is clearly the Fusion. Our friends and neighbors know where we work, and what we drive. If we drive a Camry, it shows that we don't even believe in our company. Therefor they won't be buying a Ford either. When we drive a Fusion, we encourage our friends and neighbors to buy our Ford products, made in America, or not. Some may buy Fusions, but others will buy Focus's, F150's, Explorer's etc. And the more Fords the public sees on the road, the more they will gain trust in the Company. Look outside the box. You driving an American based Ford can do a lot more for the American economy than you driving a Japanese based Camry, no matter where the actual plant is located.
  4. I believe there are approx. 360 brothers & sisters still on lay-off. Three shifts are already operating in Paint & Body. Trim & Chassis were scheduled to start the 3rd shift in April, but rumours state it could be sooner. We are still building the Freestar, but I have no idea if there is a finish date for it's production. We were originally lead to believe that it may be around April, but once again, the rumour mill is always churning.
  5. I was told by a few people, including my steward that A-shift is on lay-off the week of the 24th. The board said show up at noon, when I last saw it before shut down. Ford has failed to get in touch with me. Is A-shift off or not?
  6. YES!, but make sure you are getting parts for the Edge put onto your job, or your job may end with the Freestar. Possibly causing a three month lay off outside of seniority.
  7. Of course you can have a heterosexual pride parade. Just organize it, and get the proper permits. Caucasian heritage month, put forth a motion, and acquire some supporters, it's probably easier than you think. Who ever said you had to be a minority to have a special day, or celebration. The Toronto Pride Parade started out twenty some years ago with just a few people. Now it's the largest in the world. It takes a lot of time, energy and determination by a lot of people to make it successful. Although I sense a lot of sarcasm in your post, and don't believe you would be serious about the issue, you could definitely organize your own hetero event, if you wanted to dedicate your time and effort.
  8. You stupid, ignorant hand gun advocates are about as dumb as a bag of rocks. You want to compare hand gun deaths to car accidents and medical malpractice. Nobody ever said hand guns are the leading cause of death. You mean people actually died before hand guns where invented? When someone pulls a gun, and purposefully shoots another human being, it is the most cowardly act one can bestow on another. No shit, a hand gun can't hurt someone until someone actually picks it up and uses it, I had no idea! "Non-factual stats"; OK genius, where is my non-factual stat. The only stat I came close to making was "hand guns were invented to kill people". Maybe I should have said shoot, instead of kill, my apologies. If there was another purpose, (for their invention, I know you can hunt with a hand gun, but that is not the reason they came to be) please fill us in, I can't wait!
  9. I always love those who compare someone who pulls a gun, and fires it with the intent to kill with a car which blows a tire, and veers off the road. Yes, I will agree, ACCIDENTS happen more often than cold blooded murder, ya got me there!
  10. Typical ignorant reply! You assume because I support equality for LGBT's, that I am gay myself. And I'm not sure what's wrong with your friend, but to get benefits for my wife, before we were married, all I had to do was to prove we lived together for at least 6 months. Maybe commom-law relationship language differs in the states?
  11. Hand guns are made to kill people. That is the sole reason for their invention. To encourage legal ownership, is to encourage murder. We saw that young girl murdered on Younge st. in Toronto by crossfire from a "gang" shootout. Can you imagine the amount of casualties had there been, say 10 citizens who may have pulled their "legal" guns, and fired back at the "gang bangers". Two wrongs, don't make a right! I won't pretend to know the answer to get illegal hand guns off the street. But to have a Trimdingaling running ramped with a "legal" hand gun will not solve a thing! And, although a lot of criminals have hand guns, there are many more who want one, and can't get one. The more people with "legal" hand guns there is, the more hand guns there will be for criminals to steal.
  12. If groups which have been discriminated against stopped "cramming" their views down the public's throats, we would still have slavery in the south, and women would not be allowed to vote! Wake up, and embrace equality!
  13. I can't figure it out myself!
  14. Dude, it has absolutely nothing to do with the walking distance, it's the principle of the whole thing. Secondly, if you would of shown up to the membership meeting on Sunday, you might have a clue as to what's going on, and how your leadership plans on dealing with the issue. Third, I think I just heard Management say "jump", it's your turn to say "how high"!
  15. My question is, are you, as a member of the leadership going to park in the non-Ford lot, since the motion to do so was voted on, and passed? Seems like the segregated parking may not only divide the members, but the leadership as well! I apologize about my last post. It should have stated "workers of colour", sorry for my ignorance!
  16. Not to say whether it's right or wrong, but the brother in question said "two workers of colour" he was walking in with one day said this to him".
  17. What do you feel is the likelihood that the V (Freestar) will cease production before the C shift begins production? From what I understand, if a person was to bid onto the C shift, they would become what they are calling "V interference", until the C shift starts in a year or "later". With that, if the V was to cease production before then, you would be laid off for three months before you would be able to "bump" to the lowest seniority job. Almost seems like a punishment for being willing to go to the C shift! If the V continued production at least until the date of the midnight shift, you would not be laid off, but would become the company bitch. C shift anyone?
  18. Don't be so one dimensional. I'm not talking about "the specific" job you may have today. Of course jobs get eliminated, or medical's can bump. Unless the plant closes, or you are laid off, "You show up to a job in the plant". Hence, the membership owns the jobs! The Canadian Auto Workers do not support foreign, non-union made Mazda's having Preferred parking, while CAW built GM's and Chrysler's are forced to park elsewhere. Bring it up at the meeting on Sunday, and see if your leadership shares your views. The last time I checked, the Civil Rights Movement did not invent the words segregation and discrimination. So don't try to make more of it than there is. Look them up, you might learn something.
  19. "'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt." Before you decide to speak on the leadership's behalf, I highly recommend you find out where they stand on said issue. The "Union" in no way, shape or form supports the segregated parking implemented by the company. Secondly, it is my "right" to work at Ford, and I do "own" my job. When they said "you're hired", I obtained my right to work there. And until their lay offs reach my seniority (with call back rights), or they close OAC, I do own a job at OAC, and they cannot take it away from me! Discrimination is discrimination!, whether it be race, gender, sexuality, the car you drive, the clothes you wear, or the colour of your hair. And to fully support the company's mandate of segregation is an expression of perceived superiority!
  20. Sorry!, your post seemed to me to have an aura of superiority to it. Parking may be a small issue compared to the other shit which is going on, I agree. But it is something in which we can stand our ground, and say "no, you can't do this to us". Show some balls for once. Ford may own the factory, products, and profits. But we own the jobs. We need to remind them of this!
  21. I would really like to hear about how you are discriminated against. This should be good!
  22. It seems that you think you are above me, since you are not going to bring yourself down to my level and discuss the parking issue. Our jobs are being eliminated. The bargaining committee endorsed it, and the membership ratified it. Since you are the "all knowing", what would you suggest we do to save our jobs? The parking issue is an extension of the concessions we've already made, but it is something we, as a membership can stand up and say "NO" to. We can't do that with the "FLEX" agreement, or the supplemental we endorsed after that. It may be a small issue, but it is still an issue worth fighting.
  23. Those spots with the names on them are not illegal to park in. You may get fired from your job because office jobs are generally not unionized, but you can not be charged under the law. You also answered your own question. You cannot, under the LAW, discriminate against someone based on the make of their vehicle, just like you can't discriminate based on the other reasons you stated.
  24. You are completely wrong. You can not invite me to your property, ask me to stay for 8 hours, and legally tow my vehicle while I am inside. A complete contradiction in terms. And as far as your list of "minority groups" goes, You seem to think you are better than everyone else because you are a "white male, who drives a Ford". Why do these people automatically hit your segregation list? It is ignorance such as yours that creates hatred amongst the masses!
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