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  1. Did anyone notice that they also screwed the new retirees? When Gm offered the buyouts they retroed it to Oct. 2005, Ford only till Sept. 1, 2006. Why didn't they retro it farther back like Gm did?
  2. If buyouts are offered within the next 6 months, are they retro for recent retirees? I know some of you are going to start attacking me for being stupid but I am trying to find out for a friend of the family. :unsure:
  3. I would like to know how you consider yourself a "man of the cloth"? As a man of the cloth you should know that you don't talk to people the way you have in previous posts. You are supposed to offer words of encouragement. Be a ear or a shoulder. And as a "man of the cloth" I think you need to go back to seminary school. A true follower would never, (let me repeat so that you do not misunderstand) WOULD NEVER claim theirselves to be the greatest at anything! You stated in a post the following quote "The "Swami" rules" wizards ego trip It is inconceiveable that you can stand in front of people speaking the word of GOD. knowing that you take great pleasure in trying to dash peoples hopes. You should be ashamed of yourself. To everyone else on this forum, I apologize. Bless you all!
  4. Amen!!! :happy feet: :yup: :cheerleader:
  5. I know what you mean. I understand where you are coming from in your worry and concern. Just keep in mind that some of the people on here are just as worried as you are and just show it in awkward ways. If possible try to read past the insecurities of some and hopefully you will get good helpful info. I wish the best to you and yours.
  6. What is going to happen on Friday? Do tell us please.
  7. Where are you hearing information about buyouts?
  8. Just bumping this to the front page.:D
  9. Amen! Thank you for saying that. I'm also a NAP wife. My NAP family is very proud of the Quality this plant puts out. And would like it to stay that way. I have been reading these boards for a long time now and some of you act like my 4 and 7 year old. Hold your heads high. Be proud of your plant and the quality it produces.
  10. I agree with you on the the time frame. Production at NAP is supposed to be open till 2008 but I think it will be model year And as it stands there are no plans to have the 2008 F-150 model here. Good Luck to you and yours.
  11. They did the samething here except the roads they did it on are both 35 mph.
  12. I live about 1 mile from NAP and all weekend long we saw inspectors driving the trucks and flooring them up and down the main drag. Alot of my neighbors are complaining about it to us like we have some way of stopping it. :shrug:
  13. NAP is down also. Same reason. Said no day shift, not sure about night shift
  14. I think the plant will be closed after the 2 week shut down in July. We will not come back after shut down.
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