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OHIOLOCAL863's Achievements



  1. When's the last day of production? Will they elect a new Plant Chairman? Any other important news? What's going in across the street? Looks like some work is going on. Could it be that Ford has something in the works across the street? I'm sure Mike "Jobs Jobs Jobs" Warren will pull out some serious one liners. Possible one liners from Warren. 1. We're working on it. 2. We're still in the running for the 6F midrange. 3. CD4E might be extended till 2010. 4. The plant might be converted to build engines. 5. Powertrain is considering us for the 8 Speed automatic for 2012.
  2. who filed the paperwork? Maybe the invisible man was Mike "JOBS JOBS JOBS" Warren. He's an invisible man!
  3. If your laid-off and have opted for a buyout, why should you be called back? If your release date hasn't passed, you should still be receiving SUB, be happy with that. It's really simple, if your not back in the plant working, I'm under the impression, you've opted for a buyout. The junior workers, that are called back to work, didn't sign up for a buyout. They have every right to be called back and placed into the open jobs, created by people who quit employment with Ford Motor Company. Remember you didn't have to sign up for anything! If your still waiting for your release date to get here , go and cancel your buyout, if you want called back to work. It's your right as A Union Worker! You say the Union has filed a grievence on this matter, This will be one they will tear up, in order to protect another dope head worker! Hey Rick are you back to work? BLUST IS A BUST!!!! WARREN IS A JOKE!
  4. Hey Rick you seem to have all the information, what is going to happen? If you would really like to know exactly what is going to happen, then I would pick up the phone, make some calls to the proper people and get some answers. In all honesty, do you really think the company or Local Elected Union, has a damn clue as what is going to happen? I would venture to say that Mr. Mike "JOBS, JOBS, JOBS" Warren and Shaun "The Plant Closer" Whitehead has a some real information on the situation at hand. To everyone out here from Batavia, I've finally determined who this BTV to SHV guy is, he's not Mickey, His name is RICKEY and he has blonde hair! AM I RIGHT?
  5. I would say plan to give up whatever the UAW wants. They will give up whatever FORD MOTOR COMPANY mandates them to give up. They will bend over and say have at it, take what you want. The UAW will again screw over the workforce. The UAW would like all the workforce to think they did them a huge favor by getting the company to offer buyouts. All this did was protect the plants they wanted to protect. If the UAW was stong they would of told Ford your not going to close any plants. If you annouce your closing any plants, you will have a strike on your hands. They would have demanded the Ford Fusion be built here in the USA. If not, then another strike threat would have been made. The Union and Company are sleeping in the same bed these days. They have been for about the last six years. This shit wouldn't of happend in the 80's or 90's. The elected UAW decision makers are a joke. They don't strike fear in the company. The Union used to control this country, now it's looked at like a big joke. Talk to people who are not affiliated with a Union, they will tell you it's a joke to have one. This mindset wouldn't of existed back in the good ole' days. For the most part American's would purchase cars made in the USA, now they could give a damn where it's made. The Union could chage this by being tough on how this country is run. I'm sure everyone has heard, they used to burn foreign cars in the lots, why do we let it slide today? If the Union would strike fear in the minds of people, like back in the day, We all would have a good paying job!!!!! GET READY, YOUR GOING TO BE HIT HARD NEXT IN 2007!
  6. Here we go with Mickey Being Goofy! He alway's steps up with all the details about everything. Hey MICKEY, Why did you attend both meetings at Sharonville? Are you working on writing an article to the paper? MICKEY BEING GOOFY!!!! What are you going to do BTV to SHV? Are you taking a buyout?
  7. Hey Mickey, I didn't say anything about taking the Educational buyout. I said take the lump sum of 100,000 and live off of it during the year of 2007. Then in year 2008, you go and apply for College. For your information, I fully understand the levels of degrees in college. I actully have one. If you can afford to go full-time to school and live off of that 26,000, Why wouldn't you just take the 100,000 and get a job and then take night classes? What will you do, if Ford files for bankruptcy? Your going to be SOL! That's why I say take the larger amount upfront and run to the bank, and invest in the highest account possible! If your wise you will break it up into three or four different banking institutions! BTVtoSHV: If your not really MICKEY, then how do you know about the material handling job? I do recall seeing (Mickey) do that job! I don't really care if your Mickey or not! I just think it's funny how the things you post, seem so much like the things he would say!
  8. Hey Dejablue2001 S-10, BTVtoSHV. He (MICKEY MOUSE) has all the answers! He even had the guts to get on here and handout his phone number. You can call him at home if you want! He seems to know everything about the Batavia Plant, Yet he only spent a few months inside it. Hey MICKEY, you want to know why Ford only builds that in Europe. If they had a car here in the USA, that would get 50+ mpg. They wouldn't be able to shut all the plants down! They would control market share, and that means, Plants running at or near capacity. They don't want this. They're happy with where they stand now. The company is finally getting to do what it's wanted to do for a long time. That is reduce North American Jobs! FORD MOTOR COMPANY IS STILL MAKING A LOT OF MONEY! They will make a huge amount of money in the next five years! Will they creat more JOBS in the USA, Hell NO! To the guys from Batavia, What are you planning to do? Take the 100,000, and go to school for free! How can this be done? It's simple, you live off of the 100,000 next year. Then in 2008, you go and apply for welfare from the State of Ohio. If your married, have your spouse quit working, If you have kids, you'll receive assistance for them. They will pay for your college. Your family will have insurance. All you have to do is not get a job! Let the State pay your bills! If your serious about going to School. You'll have a degree in a few years. This type of thing happens every year in Ohio. If you take time and visit a few area colleges, you'll see kids driving new cars, and living in nice apartments, and going to school for free. Yeah, it's not going to make you proud, but you'll get a free education. When your finished with school, You won't have any student loans to pay back! In this day and age, It takes longer than 4 years to get a degree! Do your research!
  9. I'm interested what Ford Motor Company will do with the CVT Transmission? This was going to be the transmission of the future! I think it will be very successful in due time! I find it very interesting that Ford would decided to pull the plug on something, that was considered to be the Future of Transmissions. I'm very aware that, this transmission was costing Ford a lot of money to build. I'm guessing by 2015, you'll see many cars on the road, being powered by a CVT! Just wait and see! Do you drive a car with a CVT in it? If, so could you please give your detailed review of this transmission? December 31, 2006, My last day with Ford Motor Company! I'm not going to up and move, just to loose my job in the future! Anyone interested in a $6.50 T-shirt, That reads on the Front: I USED TO WORK AT FORD! Back: NOW I WORK FOR FIELDS, GETTLEFINGER AND CO. THEY GOT OUR BACK!
  10. Did anyone see Mike Warren at the meeting? Where was Ms. Bust? I was in the 9:30-11:30 meeting. Did anyone else hear Shaun Whitehead, say this following quote"As of 2010, we have no idea what the Sharonville Plant's production schedule is". I can remember during a few meetings (state of the plant) we were presented a few graphs that showed decline in market share, and no new business for Batavia beyond 2008. Wow, how true that has become. I will say to the people who want to listen, I think Sharonville will be closing in the next round of closing annoucements. If not, I will be surprised because Ms. Whitehead made a (BOLD) statement today. She mentioned the decline in truck production and no business schedule beyond 2010. I wonder if PRETTY BOY BRETT FOX, has some inside information on what's going down. Once again, Where was Mike Warren. I would like to see the Batavia Plant workers, get together and vote him out!!! JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! GONE! GONE! GONE! To the 863 Brothers and Sisters, Take the money and run! Thanks ZF/BATAVIA TRANSMISSION/FORD for allowing me the opportunity to dream! Yeah, we all thought we had made it. We as kids growing up watching our mom or dad go to work at Ford. We thought someday we would like to do that. For others, it was an opportunity from a friend or just plain luck, we got hired by FORD MOTOR COMPANY. We felt we had job security in the form of the UAW, they can't protect us all, they sometimes spend to much time working on it. It's a very trying time were in. What decision we make in the next month will be forever remembered. For some they will choose the right one, and for others, they will choose the wrong one. It's hard to say, what will become of that big building on Front Wheel Drive. I just wish nothing but the best for all of us. We all come from different backgrounds, but we all seemed to have something in common. We didn't really like going to work and putting in those 12 hours but by god we were happy on payday. Yeah we might get paid a lot, but with that compensation, we had to miss a lot of times with family and friends, that will never be had again! As, I ponder what to do next with my life, I wish all of the men and women of Local 863, nothing but the best in what's ahead. Good Luck Everyone!
  11. I would first like to say that Mr. PICKER, I know exactly who you are! I would love to talk to you face to face. I now know why you don't see my point. How are you going to survive, when you can't suck out some OT? I once again never bad mouthed the Senior Workers, I just simply would like to know how many people would have to take buyouts for the MOST JUNIOR person to survive in OHIO! The reason I mention the people with 28 years or more, is becasue these men and women can retire with some type of benefit. You for some reason are single minded and thing that someone is trying to force you out of a job, I could careless how long you stay working for Ford. I see that your working on your "NEXT 30" years. Why are you quick to bring up going on strike, being laid-off, being transferred to another plant? Your not taking full advantage of your so called hard fought rights! I can assure you that if I'm some how able to get in my "FIRST 30", That will be my only "30". I would glady step aside and take advantage of my full benefits! I would want to give a young person an opportunity to have a good paying job. I have one question for you, I will ask this and I want you to give me an honest answer! You have atleast 30 years in, When you go work in a new department, when it's time to pick your job, Do you? A. Pick the easiest job? B. Take the hardest job? If your the hard and productive worker you claim, You should be setting an example! Take the hardest damn job in the department. I know that this wouldn't happen. You use your seniority and leave the younger person to do the harder job. Now to the Next Guy, MR. DEMOCRAT! aka Mr. Mike Warren, AKA Mr. Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! If your really Mr. Warren, I would like to call you out on a few things. The first being, Why did you drive around on your little blue scooter and assure the workers that were still in the running for the 6f? When all along, the plant wasn't permitted to bid on this project! Do you have some Left Field answer to this? Next Question: How long did you know the plant was closing? I remember you saying, you were informed just a few minutes ahead of the Mark (The Hit Man) Fields annoucement. Next Question: How many votes short were you of getting elected to the (CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION) THE VEGAS TRIP BABY? Just like our jobs, being Gone! Gone! Gone! I feel I had a part in helping get you elected to office, I also feel I had a big part in you not going to VEGAS!!!! Support for you is GONE! GONE! GONE! :titanic:
  12. Hey PICKER!!!! I don't recall attacking the senior people in the plant in my post. I would like to know how many people must take buyouts and or retirement buyouts, to keep the most junior man in a job. I could give a damn less how long a man or woman decides to work. The reason I asked this is because it would make it very easy for the most junior man to make his decision. I will tell you I'm not that man; I'm for all Union Brothers and Sisters, We have a chance to get some type of buyout from a company that screwed us all. I would hate to see a person not take the buyout in hopes that they would make it to Sharonville, and then be forced to up and move to continue working. Mr. PICKER, How many years do you have in? If you haven't made it in 30, your never going to make it!!!! I'm sure you have some type of excuse as to why your still working. I'm sure some have heard you say well I'm going to put in two more years, then I'm hitting the road. Well, you see how retired workers are now paying some on health insurance. I bet you wouldn't take a dollar pay cut to keep a retired worker from paying out of his/her pension. I would take a five dollar pay cut to keep a retiree from paying any money. Mr. PICKER, What job do you do inside the plant? How will you like working on the assembly line with over 30 years in? That's what will happen, if you force out all of the young workforce!!!
  13. What questions do pepole have? My top three questions! 1. How many senior people must take the buyout for the most junior man in the plant to survive? The reason I ask this, I think we have a large number of people between the two plants that could retire, if they would then I think every single person with less than 28 yrs. could keep working. 2. We as Union Brothers and Sisters, Are very much kept in the dark on many things, What exactly is going to happen to the only remaining plant that we can call home? This being the Sharonville Transmission Plant. As our elected officials, Yes not everyone in this room voted for you, however at the end of the day were still just Brothers and Sisters, who are very much in need of a job! What do you know, and please don't say we don't know anything! 3. Does Wes Malott have any updated information on saving the plant? If not, does he have anymore company issued vouchers to Ryan's? If you would like any other questions asked, Please post here!!!! Will the Local 863 President be in attendance? Wow, too many people put "Trust In Blust" and now do you see that She's A BUST!!!!
  14. I would like to see Ford close the doors on dealerships that are owned by people who offer more than just the Ford Family of vehicles. For example in Cincinnati, You have some car dealers that have a Ford dealership and three miles down the road they also own a different brand dealership. That's why I buy my vehicles at the little guy dealerships in the country!
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