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Scab Picker

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  1. They look a little smaller then you. I can't believe you fit in that PT Cruiser.
  2. I guess it's hard to make fiends in Toledo, Ohio. But then again it's probably hard for him anywhere...
  3. OUCH you got me, I'm just surprised it took you all day to come up with that. It's hard fighting truth isn't it?
  4. NOPE........just another one on a long list of your new friends............Keep it up your doing great....
  5. He lives in a fantasy world where he PM's people and then accuses others of doing it. Nobody really knows why..........
  6. That's a good idea. Maybe we can add a ban on those that profess the sith philosophy too!
  7. ___ can't even begin to understand what big words like hypocrite mean. The word perfectly describes ___.....
  8. I really don't think you deserve it. I have NO problem with you.
  9. If you ask me, it depends on who you are attacking. Some deserve it.
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