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Scab Picker

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Everything posted by Scab Picker

  1. I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean by "my personally". I might know you but I also know your kind very well. I AM THE UNION! Just like MY Brothers and Sisters and WE do care about US. Since you aren't an English major why not use the group author?
  2. That's It! I can hold my head up high when I walk out that gate for the last time knowing full well that I and MANY others didn't fall prey to these UNION BUSTING PREDITORS who use peoples emotions as a stepping stone to glory. LEAVE MY UNION BROTHERS AND SISTERS ALONE! We are going through enough right now without your meddling. You pretend that you have a richeous fight against the union but you are really on a PERSONAL crusade to vilify our local leaders and place yourself on a pedestal. You are upset because you cant get elected! You just want to lead something don't you? Why don't you lead all your UNION BUSTERS to the truth about who's in charge and why this all started? You are pretending to lead but you are the worst kind of follower. You are a PUPPET. A simple tool for the puppet master is all you have and ever will become. If you had any dignity you would crawl under a rock wouldn't you? You don't and you NEVER will. You may be a SCAB to our union but you are the FILTH of our whole society. You are worthless lumps of mindless flesh. GO AWAY SCABS. WE DONT WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE. You don't have any your self so you shouldn't be surprised that you cant recognize it. Plus "standed" is not a word so I get my 10 points back. And "definetly" is misspelled too so I'm up 10.
  3. This is a great post. The sad fact of the matter is these few followers that never did get involved will NEVER understand how their sideline screaming hurts solidarity and helps to weaken a once proud union. Loyalty, Pride, Dignity, Perseverance, and Solidarity are values lost on these poor coattail clinchers. What a sad and miserable existence it must be to have no idea what these values mean.
  4. And yes HABLO, I cant wait to get our checks together! Its the unions fault! The education money didn't go far enough. Isn't that the way I'm supposed to blame the union?
  5. Jordan you can go to sleep too. I'm done with you.
  6. Who said Group leaders were exempt? I for now couldnt agree with you more! Those group leaders DID turn their back on their Brothers and Sisters. NO PHONE NEEDED........
  7. Wow GUN that's a nice endorsement. Its been a pleasure working with you. I'm sure you will do well back in the real world. It's always been nice to know there were those who didn't have a knife for anyone else's back.
  8. I wont even go in depth with a response to you. You are too shallow. All I'm going to say is it is you pointing the communist finger preaching about the high cost of union labor. It is after all the communist who wants to take away any form of pay grade. One wage for all slaves. What has Organized labor done? Provided a good living wage, safe working environment, and the strength of collective bargaining. The cost of union labor didnt lose my job you little ignoramus weak minded fool. The loss of good paying jobs in the middle class market did. Those are the jobs created by union labor. You see the middle class was formed right down to the beginning from the organized labor movement. If an employer didnt want to pay a fair wage nobody would work for them. Now thanks to, Yes the pseudo intellectual communist mindset the middle class is being destroyed. Their jobs are being boxed up and shipped to TURD WORLD COUNTRYS. I do try to spend extra money on the quality American made goods and services wherever possible to keep our economy and way of life prosperous. One of the best Communist ploys is to accuse your enemy of the very thing you are guilty of just like you are doing. You are right in one aspect. There isn't enough time in the day to explain your week minded blather. You will keep buying cheap goods from other countries and purchase your way out of your way of life. The sad thing for you is that you will never understand after organized labor no longer exists why your Communist ideals cant possibly work. You will however always find comfort for your sad existence in the thoughts of those who have you fooled. You have appropriately named yourself stinky titty. I have no facts????? It looks like aside from posting funny little pictures you don't have anything either. Your taking advantage of the education obviously didn't consist of proper spelling.
  9. Wrong again! I wish you could conceive loyalty. If you could we would have had the strongest union ever needed. I really wish you will take a breath and look again at sticking it out TOGETHER as Brothers and Sisters. GOOD LUCK, honestly. I cant even begin to help those who wont help themselves but together as a UNION we will get through this. This is an awful time to stand alone. I'm not alone I do have the help and support of my Brothers and Sisters in 919. After FORD I will miss all those who stood together and walked out with dignity and pride for the job we did. GOOD NIGHT.
  10. Since you couldn't say anything better for yourself I will speak to you both at once. If you think for one minute a union rep would want to come and see you two every day then your as crazy as a shit house rat! Complain Complain Complain....Yeah you don't come to the Union meetings because they are bitch sessions. Well look at yourself....Your Bitching! You are bitching about the union not striking????????? Do you think for one f'n minute the company wouldn't love that? Wow, no need to keep any workers. Send all the work to Mexico since they are striking! How can anyone say we should strike now? This is the simplest economics lesson I've ever seen. You just might be too simple to understand. Here is the bottom line for those not too simple to understand and read it twice if you don't get it: Ford car's, suvs, and trucks aren't selling so there is no need to keep more employee's then needed to build what will sell. So should we strike to keep twice as many workers as needed? You think YES? Maybe if we're lucky we can get a pay reduction of about $20.00 an hour to keep everyone employed. Is this your great plan. You talk about how in the union its every one for themselves but it seem as though you are the master of it. The union hasn't failed you. The economy has failed you. And in turn you blame anyone but yourself for being unprepared. Its time to grow up now. You cant blame the union because your not qualified to work anywhere else. Our union negotiated education money for us so we wouldn't have to worry about this situation. $3200 a year for education. The union has negotiated your pay, benefits, soon hopefully a buyout. My question to you is if you feel so betrayed so let down with your union not looking out for you why don't you go NOW. Oh yeah you are still waiting for our union to get you a buyout. Lets not forget how you don't need the union. PROVE IT ASSHOLE...LEAVE! You only pretend to be strong enough to stand on your own. YOU CANT or you would quit FORD with all your SCAB friends. Nobody wants to lose their job but it is time to be big enough to take your lumps and move on. There is life after FORD for those willing to accept reality and quit making excuses for everything gone wrong in life. One day soon you are going to have to quit blaming everyone else and stand on your own. The union has not turned its back on you they are trying to balance survival with severance. Do you think you could do better? NO you cant. I cant think of any reason why a union rep would conceal anything for any other reason then a gag order. If our union could tell you what you want to hear then you would be happy but that would make them liars. Our glamour president has definitely spent plenty of time giving interviews to the media - no doubt. Did you hear anything new or earth shattering from these interviews. NO you probably knew more then he told the press. Why pay union dues? Have you ever heard of loyalty? NO you bail out and leave everyone else holding the bag. YOU accuse everyone else of the very thing that you are guilty for. You turn tail and run. You are worthless as a unionist and probably as a worker too. Good luck finding another babysitter who will put up with your whining and sniveling. NO BUYOUT'S FOR TURNCOAT UNION BUSTING SCABS! If you werent one or thinking of becoming one you would agree.
  11. I sure hope you don't expect anyone to believe that you haven't seen your rep since April
  12. They've already talked to a lawyer about that. Ford will pay them. I as a Union Member DO NOT support it.
  13. At the Norfolk Assembly Plant we have had our share of Union problems. All these problems seem to boil down to the same FEW morons stirring up false rumors, hijacking union meetings, and generally causing trouble. These FEW idiots have tried to divide our union through personal attacks, lawsuits, and even using allegations of racism to incite others to follow them. Our Chairman was FIRED for cursing at a supervisor that just happened to have a tape recorder. This supervisor went in OUR Union hall and threatened one of our reps so he knew it was coming and recorded it. These FEW union busters claimed it was racism that got the chairman fired which was proved to be false. One of the Union traitors even testified in court FOR THE COMPANY. Worst of all was that traitor held an elected position in the union. Since just about all of our plant could see the BS these FEW losers can no longer get elected. What is there to do when nobody listens anymore? Well, they dropped out of our union and on a daily basis encourage other through deceitfulness to also leave our union. I see these people as traitors just like FORD who sends jobs to MEXICO when AMERICAN workers and buyers built FORD MOTOR CO. We live in a "right to work" State so union membership cant be required. Just suppose that your plant was also in a "right to work" State. How would you feel if a small segment in your plant was trying to bust your union?
  14. Oh it's not that I idolize anything but yes, I do believe that MY (our) union is responsible for the job I have had for many years. The economy is not the fault of any union. Nathaniel Brandon never had to do a hard days work in his life. I think it is you idolizing pseudo intellectuals who's philosophy validates their silver spoon. Labor unions ARE the cause of a middle class society. Perhaps you the great intellectual follower could explain the definition of "statist". I do owe my job, standard of living, and safe workplace to labor unions. I opine that anyone who turns their back on those who have given benefit are traitors and the absolute lowest form of existence. These people who couldn't have the reigns turn their back on everyone else that wont support their ambitions. They left their supposed brothers and sisters standing alone. They are deserters and their divisiveness will return to visit them. Good luck oh worthless turncoats that your seeds of discontent will grow in your own garden.
  15. OK I'M CALLIN BULLSHIT! There arent enough tradesman in body to get it out this fast (17 total people in the plant for all three shifts). and why is FORD paying weekends if this was true. FORD would have to pay greivences if they brought contracters in. Are you trying to tell me that BUDDY NEWBERN, JOE RILEY, and TOMMY THOMPSON did this all by themselves? :shrug: I'm sure they would'nt have covered it up with a tarp on the truck its not getting pulled out untill JUNE 07 by PICO.
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