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Everything posted by 1993Stang

  1. Dude, you are so clueless. School was easy, if you knew how to pick up a pencil, spell, use a computer, write a thesis paper, you could do whatever you wanted in life also, instead you will stay a "yes' man until the end of your career. I'm sorry that you see me and do not know who I am. I watch from afar and laugh at you : ) Good Luck!!
  2. Hmmm, no quit the company that I love so much, that's a good one. Working hard watching you work is fun : ) My brain is just fine as I bought low and sold high so I'm good with the day to day humdrum of my life and listening to you sucking ass still at your job. Yes, the company is a business so a big pat on the back to you for pointing that out. Really, how competitive is it anyway with those high salaried employees getting another raise soon? Seriously? I am far from a sore loser, I have a voice that many feel about their leaders regardless of what you say. I will definitely be posting all the future upcomings of the salaried workers. Here is just one thing that you might of missed. The day of the final vote tally.....social security got a raise in COLA, which is great for all of those who will receive a bump in their paycheck but bad for a Loser like you because of coarse you do know that anyone that voted 'NO" talked about COLA being returned would of be nice and anyone with half a brain like yourself would of realized that a 3.6% increase would of been nice. Isn't it funny that they happen to come out with that news just after the vote?? You my friend will always be a "Yes" man, I'm sorry you have to bend and blow, your back must get tired. Turn on the fan it gets hot in July, whew!!
  3. It could be done, unlike electing the president of the U.S there are far fewer votes being casted in an election for the I.U.A.W and its representatives. Right now unfortunately OIM is right, the membership has to deal with it, however, don't be to quick to think that Right to Work might come to your state. Right now there is a bill in the house in Michigan that might allow teachers the opportunity to Opt in if they want to be members of a union. Thats right opt IN meaning the state will no longer take union dues out automatically but if the teachers want to continue to belong to a union, they will have to set up their own payment plan to belong.
  4. DTP Nick you have no (fill in the blank). Trying to get a better position Good Luck!
  5. LOL, if we truly needed the money, unlike some, we would not stand on our principles and sell out our brothers and sisters those with plants closing, our retirees, and our 2nd tier employees. What do you not get?? We were o.k. with helping out our other fellow employees with just the equity of sacrifice that was given up until the company said we made a profit. They are now making a profit. A democracy to have us properly represented, now that would be wonderful, however, we do not elect people like King, Settles, and other appointees with a vote by the people or the membership unfortunately. Funny how social security just today said that they will be getting COLA of 3.6% because of inflation, no wonder the company did not want to give this back. 3.6% of your paycheck adds up. Giving back money, what money would we be giving back since we had concessions and they nearly took $30,000/year as stated by Bob King. O.k. I guess half back isn't bad NOT!
  6. No surprise there that COLA is increasing for social security, good for our retirees who collect. This increase will be in January that is TIED TO INFLATION. So there again is the fact that some paychecks will see an increase in COLA while others the "yes" voters will not. Do the math, how about 3.6% on your paycheck. Does not seem like much but its a lot better than $1500.00. Can you hear them laughing at you from their offices both the IUAW and company? Our voting was over Tuesday and this report came out today.
  7. OMG, you so get me. This is exactly what I mean. Why not the news before the vote, yes we all know why. What a bunch of cowards they are. They probably voted yes just thinking they might have one more shot with all the new investments being made. Sadly, it did not go as planned and then to smear it in their faces with a notice right after the vote on Monday. It really is sick and announcing only 60 days to get out.
  8. Last check I received they took out union dues, so if I was salaried, I want my union dues back. The only woman that didn't like me were the ones that wanted my job on the line.
  9. You are so right. We all said this would happen, more lower seniority people would be voting this shit in because they would be offered more by the IUAW, their numbers will grow and anything that a veteran loyal employee asks for will always and forever be "off the table". The IUAW knows that most high seniority people would be rooting for the lower waged earner while the lower waged earner probably only cares about themselves right now. Can you blame them with those near poverty wages?? In a few weeks we will discover what raises both management and the IUAW will get and still most won't care. More profits for the company on the backs of near poverty wage earners and yep the IUAW is o.k. with this!!
  10. First Nick, stop and come out from under the desk. Second, yes they knew it was going to come but not just days after the vote, Third, there are long term seniority folks that will be affected period. Fourth, stop thinking about your stinking self for ONCE and realize that the final call was made just yesterday and the plant will be vacated just before Christmas time. So let me get this straight, I am stirring (use 2 R's) up shit while your o.k. with their front page news article that they say will be concentrating on more F150 products that are more efficient. To TCAP employees, I have worked with many of you in the past and I want you to know that most Brothers and Sisters are praying for you especially around the holiday season. We are sorry to see such a long heritage of fine workers and their families end on such a sad note with the closing of the plant. I hope all 769 hourly workers find a home to continue. I read about the 1992 seniority guy that is very worried about what his family may have to do. I only hope with that kind of seniority he can bump DTP dick to the curb!!!
  11. Yes, I'm surely going to Thank the I.U.A.W now that the closing of the plant in Twin Cities is happening on Dec 19th and letting the 769 hourly brothers and sisters know about this just yesterday (Monday) after the vote. Rock on with that I.U.A.W support Fatso!
  12. Well you can add another plant to the list that will be permanently shut down on Dec. 19th. Add Twin Cities to the list of plants that will have 769 hourly employees without a job come December 19th unless these employees are able to transfer. They were told just yesterday, pathetic!! You say "Yes" and the company still says "No" and so it continues.
  13. No, I am not unhappy that you are getting a raise at all but the point is, you are getting one while the rest of the veteran employees are not so I would find it easier for you to say yes to the contract because you are getting a set raise something that is solid as opposed to something that might not happen like profit. So do you see why some might not want the contract to go thru. Either way stagnant wages are stagnant wages. Sadly, fighting for fairness in pay seemed to be what the union used to represent.
  14. I'm just asking, but you are a team leader and you will be getting a raise?
  15. How do you get right wing from that, I just don't get it??? When you have 8746 no's with 2 plants left to vote it is not good DIE at all. There is a breakdown of unity and respect for the union leadership as a whole. Most people that are saying "NO" respect what was done long ago that brought us what we have today but you will never understand the history of the labor movement or the hard fought battles of yester year that brought what you have today. You are nothing but a "YES" man and probably always will be. Die, Fatso (I'm assuming he has that name because he doesn't work the line), give up and roll over so easy. The company wants this, you say o.k., the company comes back again, you say alright. You said "yes" to no raise for 10 plus years and think that is o.k. You sold out the retirees as far as everyone else is concern because you wanted to satisfy yourself first. You think the guy across from you that is entry level should make less than you because somehow he works less hard than you do??? You are satisfied that you are not worth more to the company than what you have right now. Let me tell you something the IUAW will never be mad at him because he sticks to his union beliefs that all should be equal pay for equal work period. He believes that when most people are loyal to their company, they should be rewarded fairly. He believes in the philosophy that if we work as one team and we help give up some, we should receive in return what was given when times get better. He is not fighting for anything that the IUAW has not fought for in the past at all period. Bob King fought for those same things when the union was strong. Equity of Sacrifice was put into the contract not to be ignored for a reason. This should have been settled. You cannot be happy with this because in the end they did not fight for their veteran workers and in the end those transplants whether foreign or not will see that they do not need a union because most transplants get a wage of $14- $18 without paying union wages at all. All the outsiders see now is the union getting cozy with the company and giving themselves a raise while everyone else remains stagnant. The rich get richer and that is right wing politics.
  16. Can we see some final numbers!!
  17. Shocking! 51%, even with that number, the membership has soured and been broken by these recent votes. The membership has sent a message, too bad no one is listening. Now only more new hires that will be afraid to vote and cast a true ballot. Wait until the IUAW gets their raises. Oh and management will get another bonus just for saving the company more money off of the hourly.
  18. Sadly, $110 million out of the strike fund was used to organize before King took over back in 2006, then in an another double-dip of funds in 2010 of $160 million was taken out to organize and bring more union members in when King was in. Since 2006, $317,000 people left, that is a lot of dues paying members. Now you also have to include $300,000 used to help save the NUMMI plant in California which resulted in 4,700 people losing their jobs. My question is, if your non-union transplants make the same competitive wage as your second tier workers, I am concerned with the fight to organize. While you have then just completely eliminated ever giving the seniority full time wage earner any concessions back. I absolutely understand that when the bargaining is going on, Mr. King has to see it from both sides, but as hard working U.A.W. workers, we are also seeing it from one side (the company side). Some people say don't compare Al Mulally's salary but if its one Ford, it truly is one competition, to sell more vehicles at the lowest cost period. His hourly rate if he works 80 hours is $19,500/hr. A wage increase for all the hourly workforce is an increase in the dues that are needed to keep organizing. I get the catch 22 though, the company will not hire more, if wages are not kept stagnant, The U.A.W needs more workers to add on to the U.A.W. Meanwhile the ones who are paying the most dues have their wages remain completely stagnant. Stagnant is one thing but not for 11-12 years.
  19. Bloomberg News reported this to be totally false. The headline said "UAW recant replacement workers" How can you recant if the IUAW said they never said it. Jimmy Settles that a strike can "be called after 72 hours"
  20. A friend of yours called you fro WHQ but yet your not salaried, not union, and supposedly have friends in high places, I think you work in the cafeteria and you are being prepared to make less food for lunch and listening to cafeteria gossip. If you know someone at World Headquarters, why not a better job for you?
  21. Really who is going to train them on the jobs. The veteran workers, the IUAW (laughable), the supervision (more laughable). Are the skilled trade replacements certified? Doubt it. Good luck with the PR if what happened to Boeing happens at Ford.
  22. Good Post! Isn't it a darn shame that the outside people and media have to loop us into this (european vacation tour) business. As if the line workers would ever have enough time to go on a European vacation. Jimmy Settles seems like he and King are the only ones that do not want to go back to the table. Why? Because they want "Yes" people, less work for them and more contracts to be signed the way they want. Let's face it and this is not against the hard working 2 tier workers who are probably working their asses off but basically have to say "yes" because the fear of losing a job is a lot closer reality than others. To then kind of hint around that they will be replacement workers, what, are they anxious to represent these folks?? Scabs?? Yes people.
  23. King stated not too long ago that "no one should get that much money" meaning that Al Mulally was given 3.8 million shares that equated to more than $54 million dollars in a bonus. King stated "it was morally wrong". He eluded to the fact that our hourly should get most concessions back as to level the playing field. He stated that $14 2 tier cannot have a decent living or raise a family off that. So again I ask, why can't the grievance of equity of sacrifice be settled before the contract is ratified? Why are we even talking about a strike? What you say to your membership, sticks. We are asking for the same thing you were Mr. King when the salaried were collecting these bonuses. What changed. The economic environment was way way more fragile back then when Mulally took over until 2010 when a 6.6 billion profit was made. The first that big since 1999. ALL WE ASK IS TO SETTLE THE GRIEVANCE OF EQUITY OF SACRIFICE, then we can discuss the contract. Then lets see the fuzzy math concept spelled out about the profit sharing??? Why this money as well of the signing SETTLEMENT cannot go into a 401K to avoid the high taxes? Why is there a cap? What part of the percentage goes to the IUAW? When Settles was asked if he was going to get a raise, he laughed at the member asking and would not answer?? This membership just wants the questions answered? We know u read this so answer the questions. Public forum or not.
  24. Maybe they should tell us what kind of raise they will be getting?? What kind of concessions have been taken? Why on earth the U.A.W. membership can't have a vote for and against them? Convention delegates, are you kidding me?? They don't want to lose their jobs if they vote the people above out!!
  25. Hello, wha wha shen, toyoto is the company that had that little ole' break fiasco, did you forget??? Besides the production line workers have nothing to do with parts that are recalled. They are told what to put into the car, their is little ways of knowing if a defective part (FROM A SUPPLIER) is bad before installation!! The item that was recalled was for a bad part (from its supplier) not for the incorrect way in putting in a part which does not go very far up the line when it happens. If the Fusion is so perfect in quality, why would they be moving it here to be built by U.A.W. in a town called Flat Rock, Michigan alongside the Mustang. So Allen deserves millions because he asked workers to voluntarily sign a release plus a buyout to leave the company. Thousands left so I'm sure they were anxious to do something else. Everyone is replaceable that is why so many CEO do not last long at one company unless they own the company. Why would anyone buy a Fiesta? The Focus product is hands down a way nicer vehicle IMHO.
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