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  1. Not up for some odd reason, but justkillintime is right, look at your taxes as well as your gross, it's in there......
  2. http://www.scribd.com/doc/67470226/UAW-Ford-Contract-Summary Let me know if the link doesn't work, I know the UAW site itself is having some problems. My question is on page 6 it shows a profit sharing to be paid this November for the first 2Q of 2011? Has this ever happened? Don't remember that ever....
  3. You serious Clark? Have you read anything that I've said? I put out nothing, I asked a question. I only posted what was said on the freaking NEWS, I work at Ford as you do, so no I am not checking no sources as I am not an investigative reporter. I reiterated a news report that was deemed "breaking news" on the local news channel, and followed it with a question. I did not have Bob King's number handy at the time, nor do I think he would confirm or deny the report to an employee. Rod Merloni usually is pretty spot on with his reports in the auto industry, my bad, looks like he was wrong. Hopefully the contract works out for us all and in the future I will check with the Obama Administration before posting. Next.....
  4. Coordinated effort?? Liars??? Hilarious!!!! I saw the same report on the news last night that a few others did, saw the post and simply asked ONE question. Sorry but I didn't have time to hack into the Fox 2 News nor the Channel 4 website and create the video or news story to show what was shown on the 6pm newscast (thanks to whomever posted the links). Never said we had an agreement either. Perhaps you should email Rod Merloni and ask him who his source is.
  5. I heard him say the following years payments could be more, but will there be protection so the company cannot open up the contract and take these away like they have done in the past?
  6. The only thing you are missing Jeff is probably my 5000 in grievances, and Vanguard jacket......
  7. The Ford site still has nothing at this point, I just checked my bank and they actually do have the amount posted to be deposited tomorrow, I bank with Parkside Credit Union so if you're with them, it's there, otherwise I'd imagine most banks have them or will have them before Ford actually posts them up on the At-Ford site.
  8. http://www.uaw892.org/Profit%20Sharing%202011.pdf
  9. Don't worry, there's plenty of us who appreciate what all of you retired workers have done for us. Don't listen to the greedy idiots who are all about what's next for "them". Enjoy your bonus and have a great holiday season.
  10. I just spoke with Jerry Sullivan and Ray Swidan. This is news to both of them. Jerry said he would never sign anything to make C crew workers work on days or afternoons, and he isn't expecting anything tomorrow. I guess we can wait and see. I'm just prepared for being on TLO every 3rd week for the rest of the year would be my guess.
  11. Just talked to one of my friends whose company "calls" on DTP, he was told the same thing. He said it wasn't set it stone, but when there is smoke, you know the rest.
  12. I signed up to go back to DTP. My last day at DEFTP was Friday and they are on TLO for the first 2 weeks in I-4 with I believe half of a shift off on the third week. If you want a number to Labor or to one of the union reps there message me and I will gladly give you what I have. Best of luck.
  13. Good, let them cut our pay, take away benefits, etc. I will not pay my mortgage, pay the credit card companies zero, and drive my car around until someone is hired to repo it. I see the Wall Street Journal wants us auto companies to get zero. Again I say good, let them hang themselves, I doubt any of these so called experts have visited any local bar, arena, shopping mall, etc in Michigan as of late. Most of everything is empty. Our wages create business for everyone. If one or all of the Big Three were to fall, as T.O. would say, "Getcha Popcorn Ready".
  14. Cool, let me know what they say at the meeting. I'd be happy to comeback. All OT is cut in Engine, when the plan was to build an inventory of 35,000 engines ahead for some kind of shutdown mid 2009 has been scrapped and they plan to get the excess of engines with maybe a 3rd crew rather than with 2 crews on OT. To me that spells a TEMP 3rd crew and it getting cut by mid-year. All speculation on my part. I would imagine Ford would want some of us back, but we are dealing with Ford, so your guess is as good as mine.
  15. Who knows. They already added the C crew to machining. Now they are speculating on adding a C crew to Engine side or a traditional 3 shift rotation (days, afternoons, midnights), but it is all quiet right now. Talk is adding a 3rd crew for 6 months and then cutting it.
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