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  1. I just wanted to let everyone know that #2 shift is CANCELLED tomorrow the 30th of January 2008. I thought Spring would have told everyone on here. She must be the only one allowed to know this information?????????????
  2. Spring You are wrong on that number. It was 84% overall. I understand that it is only 2%, but it just goes to show you how misleading you are!!!!
  3. Mary There is alot of people who had there chance and half of them are related to you. The only reason you never got a chance to squander it is because of your BIG FAT MOUTH. Baire by FAR is the most qualified to help this UNION. Deep down inside you believe that, you just don't want to admit that you was wrong about him. Your dad stuck it to him for years because he was intimidated by him. You say he drops the ball and then when someone picks it up he still takes credit for, that kinda sounds like your brother who goes to Baire all the time for advice and then takes credit for Baires answer. It would prolly be better to stop putting Baire down and stand behind him, but i know you can't stand behind anybody that is not in the JERRY CLAN.
  4. First off Spring we all know your the reason for your dad and Tommie not being elected. (because of your big mouth) Second off everybody is entitled to make mistakes in there life that they wish they could go back and change (like ED BAIRE), But all that stuff is behind him and he is BACK STRONGER than ever before. Like I said in my other post Eddie is always and i mean always taking care of his buisness. Ask some of the people that came to him and ask him to cut a hog he told them hell no thats not the way i do things, if you want a hog cut then you should go to a certain BC's Hog shop. Thirdly everytime i go to find mike he is quietly hiding in office. So if you can't never find Baire to do his job how are you going to find your brother to do his. When Baire was ask to make a decision in negotiations at least made it himself instead going out to call daddy or someone else to make the decision. Mike reminds me of the BROWNS and BARK and NO BITE. Rumor has it that everytime MIKE has a decision to make out on the floor he goes to ED BAIRE for advice because he don't have enough balls to make it himself. (this way if its the wrong decision he can blame Ed Baire. Enough bashin but on a serious note i do think a sub committee would be great.
  5. I don't think having Baire as negotiator would be a bad idea, he's negotiated contracts before, unlike all the BC's. You say Baire is never seen, but anytime he is asked and needed for ANYTHING, it is ALWAYS taken care of!! He doesn't need to be seen to get the job done!!
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