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Everything posted by hajime666

  1. anotherautoworker, you're a bitter retard. i stopped responding to you after it became clear that you enjoy the company of small boys(you mentioned it out of nowhere). and then you tried to be cool with your internet speak pretending to mock the younger people. is it really that hard to understand the other side of the issue? all you do is attack and look more stupid with each sentence. darwin has been calling you for a while now. trimding, you keep going on about inflation. there isn't inflation during a recession!!! supply and demand. goddamn, supply and demand. cost of living is down. a 30yr retiree makes about $150 dollars less a week than a 40hour employee?! since there is barely any overtime for any plant. thats about $6500(generously) a year you lose in pay. the previous buyouts gave you $100,000, at 50%(excessive), to go the fuck away. do the math. you stayed for $4.00/hr and less. hey all!!! if you could retire with a $50,000 bonus and benefits, what would you do? I'D KEEP WORKING IN A FACTORY!!! oh wait, that would be stupid. its not about young punks dissing their elders(you get respect when you earn it, not just cause your old), when people have no idea when its cost effective to go, it's stupid. 40 years with no kids or wife??!!! i know him. and i'd rather be dead. and jesus, trimding, what else do you need? apparently your shits in order. you loved your work, now love your life
  2. i said 'boom goes the dynamite' once. just once. how many times have you said it now? dwell on it. you throw 'BUUURRNNNN' trying to be hip and cool. your not. you sound stupid. what are you? 60? you were quick to leave out that i said to trimding i wasn't trying to be an ass by correcting his math. but you were right, i meant to say 10% of 100 would LEAVE 90. you are correct. but you did know what i meant. supply and demand cannot be calculated on one end alone. if no one buys then prices go down. it would suck to be retirement age now because of the downswing the economy is in. but in a few years the market will go back up. "a dollar tomorrow will not buy what it can today." well, i can buy your house for half of what you paid for it. BUUUUURRRNNNN!! lol. i make extra money serving at a restaurant. what kind of mouth breathing, slack jawed, wanna be pedophile would assume i would dance for young boys? is that where your mind goes to right away? young boys? what else was in your fantasy, pervert? why would you even think that? eewww. did you go see the jonas brothers movie with a trenchcoat on, you faggy bastard. your post really tell a lot about you. angry, repressed, homosexual, pedophile. you said it, your old, no kids, no ex(girl), just a house. you sicken me. apparently ANOTHERAUTOWORKER dreams of young boys. why else would you go there? there was no reason to do that. i've been civil with you til now, but i will not converse with a boy loving pervert. hey, john wayne gacy, you and your windowless van disgust me.
  3. "Add to that I have lost HALF the value of my home over the past few years -- IM FUCKED PAL! ". i read, anotherauto. i also said that was an example you gave me. "I never said ONE WORD about being in debt. Not one. In fact, it may please you to know I have ZERO debt -- ooooooohhhh BURN! I simply said my home LOST VALUE." I never asked about your debt, i was implying i worked my way out of mine. burn? really? i stopped saying that in 8th grade "You worked TWO jobs --- You DID? Oh my goodness! And they were HARDER for you!?!? Why dont you tell us all how much they paid you? Did those ass kickers have any health bennies for ya??? " yes, one of those two jobs is ford just like i said in the post. yes, my other job is harder and faster, but it's fun as hell. 2.52/hr + tips which is usually 250 plus a night. my bennies came from ford. "I can post and be angry that I worked hard for all my 10 years and you big bad old timers wont get out of my way - whaaa" comments? Or the one where "Ive been working for 10 years at a $30 dollar job and still cant afford a house -- whaaaa!" is that my quote from you? when did i tell anyone to move out of my way? i asked why they don't leave. they can stay til they die. when did i say i couldn't afford a house? i have tesphe, other stocks, my savings and a perfect credit score. i just don't know where i will end up. What makes you better than renters? not just me but anyone who rents? i'm quite comfortable in a 4 bedroom house with 2 roommates(not my mom and dad). trimding--'With no COLA, and 10% inflation, that means an annual decrease of buying power of 10%. In five years, that is 50%. Also, any savings will be worth 50% less. It is not a good time to retire if you are looking at another 30 years of uncertainty. It is a good time to change careers if you are a thirty something with no future in the auto industry, instead of crying for people who have it made to give it to you.' i'm not worked up, i'm actually having fun. i imagine anotherauto screaming at his computer screen. gbg also has a point. this is what i'm confused about. i'm not asking for anyone to give me anything. if your retirement check is within $100 of your retirement check why do you stay? THAT IS ALL I ASKED. i didn't say anyone should leave. also, it's not 50% in 5 years. 10% of 100 would be 90, 10% of 90... and so on. but as that happens prices go down, not inflate. we are in a recession. not trying to be a dick about this, trim, but we won't see inflation for several years. i'm just sayin. i never said for anyone to retire? why does everyone keep implying i am? i want jobs for everyone. i was just curious why people don't. do you lose money when you're laid off opposed to a retirement check? i'm just asking questions, i have no ulterior motive. well, pissing off anotherauto is fun though.
  4. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!! does anybody read? i'm not asking for people to retire!!! i'm asking why they won't!!! anotherautoworker said cause he got screwed on his house. he said it much angrier than that. much much angrier. sorry you bought a house, dude. i almost did and i would have been screwed right with you. lucky me i think it's funny how people take credit for what the union reps did to get us where we are. what the fuck did you do to negotiate our contracts?! i've worked two jobs since i started at ford. and i work a hell of a lot harder at my other job than at ford. sorry all you angry dudes, i rarely work the line. but i do know a shitload of jobs. i'm glad some of you have easy jobs, i really am. i put 25% into my tesphe and have no debt. i had 8,000 in cards two years ago but demolished that. is it me or are the angriest people the ones that can't leave til they die? take your anger out on me, i hear its therapeutic. but who are you really mad at? me?! really? am i really asking something no one thinks about? and all the 'look at me! i made a clever remark!!' comments are redundant. hey, captain obvious! the joke is old, don't bother posting. and please use emoticons, nothing gets the point across better. unless you have a pic of your mullet, them boom goes the dynamite!! you win
  5. and how are my sentences hard to read?! how sentences read my hard to? retirement age is a suggestion. it's like a C student. 'well, if you cant get by on your own by now we'll help.' it's not a goal!! why would anyone try to make just enough to retire with a goal like that in mind?! good for you if you set the bar that low for yourself. just do as much as expected, or less if you can. life is a race against the clock. not just your own, but everyone you know. every hour you spend at work is another hour you didn't spend with your grandchild. would your daughter rather have a hug or five dollars in her birthday card?!
  6. "AND YOU IT DID STIMULATE NAME CALLING FOR YOU WHAT DID YOU EXPECT YOU ASSHOLE." WHAT?! i can't even read that sentence. anyway i ask the question i'm just gonna get angry people calling names. i meant losers/non-planners. two different groups. just curious which group you're in(I can take a guess after your angry illegible post). we all know people who couldn't wait to retire at 30. they had kids that they took good care of. what makes you any different? what mistakes can the younger generation of workers avoid? marriage and kids isn't really an arguement. divorce, maybe. i understand that the name-calling makes you feel better but it actually doesn't ring of any valid counterpoint. you really had nothing to say that hadn't been said by angrier people already. i am an asshole because the angry posts made me smile. to me it showed how bitter people are. but then there were some very good, coherent posts that i enjoyed reading and could probably have a rational conversation with those people.
  7. Hi hard driver. although i didn't mean to be that direct and agressive(it was late i was tired), i was curious as to what would make anyone stay longer than needed. most of you were just angry at me and calling names. citing how the union got us here and we should be grateful(among other things that had nothing to do with what i asked). some said marriage/divorce/kids and layoffs. no one really answered my question. there are people that still retire comfortably at 30 years that had rocky careers. someone said they were on 7 12's or 10's... really?! did you spend like you were gonna make that money forever and now you're stuck with the bill? someone said they wanted to work til 75 or more. good god, why?! if i had kids or grandkids i'd want to spend time with them or out having fun. basically, i'm planning to live my life for me and not through the company. i realized this great opportunity to work for ford and how they could help me get ahead. i'm taking every advantage possible to have a life and see the sights. i do not want to get up every day and dread going to work. i sure as hell never want to look froward to going to work, either.
  8. is it poor planning? didn't pull out? don't think someone else can do your job? is work the only place people talk to you? my guess is lonely and afraid... 30 years and you couldn't get your shit straight?! HaHa. I'll be done in twenty(on 40 hours) or less. i have 10 years now. c'mon, losers(non-planners), tell me why you're gonna be working and i'm gonna lay out on the beach before i'm too old to enjoy it
  9. How about we get rid of the slugs first. We know who they are. Non-working spoiled babies that contribute nothing to the production process. Why should people who actually work worry about their jobs. Get rid of the permanent restrictions(no work available, sorry), the crybabies(WAP got a shitload of those from MTP) and anyone who is just the fat on the meat. Sorry if this offends you but, this would make way more sense. If you were running a company would you allow people to milk the system like this?
  10. how badly do you have to screw up that 30 years isn't enough to get your shit together? 30 goddamn years?!? "Well I have kids!" You shouldn't have them if you can't afford them! Seniority?! fuck you!!! if you can do a job at your 1st year you should be able to do it at your last. if not, get the fuck out of the way. you are useless. i laugh at everyone i see with over 30 years-- LOSER!!
  11. i wasn't replying to you. accidentally quoted you. i was replying to the the first entry.
  12. If you're so sorry to have witnessed this you can just quit and walk away. Everyone coming into the two-tiered wage system will be lucky to have a job. This option came out of neccessity to the company. TO STAY THE FUCK COMPETITIVE AND IN BUSINESS!!! Do you really think the UAW wanted this? Poor baby, do you still blame the Japanese, too? Do you have a a 'buy american' sticker on your t.v.? Why don't you look around your house and figure out is union and american made and try then figure out how much more of their money they EARN without crying how much they're entitled to.
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