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Everything posted by nvsked

  1. To arms to arms......let the revolution begin, Its time the ivory tower politicians (Republicans & Dems) get a dose of reality.... No pensions after one term, no life time medical, vote yourself a raise mother f---c---ers......$140,000.00 a year, plus public paid expense 12 to 15 weeks vacation a year.........AND I'M OVER PAID.....DON'T MESS WITH MY M TV
  2. Not to hurt your feelings, but KTP has pulled enough people off the line and given them journeyman status to consider it a regular event...The latest production journeyman were pulled off line within the last month or so...NO OVERTIME ALLOWED so bring in production journeyman (gotta a ring to it production journeyman) Never mind 600 trades in production or ILO... AND the KTP plant chairman is a national negotiator. Supposed to be a grievance or appeal or something put into system over issue??? See where it goes, seems International is not worried about trades.....Hope they retrain everyone to be electrician
  3. I was just commenting on the fact they want to remove the name Kentucky from "The Derby" managers at Churchill Downs want to remove the word Kentucky from the celebration they want it known as "Derby Celebration" maybe they want Beshear to pay them or something to keep it Kentucky Derby??? No matter it will still be known as Ky Derby..all I meant
  4. ITS NOT THE KENTUCKY DERBY...... It's a Derby Celebration or something
  5. Get a disposition on grievance from local.........then article 33 of constitution good luck
  6. Regardless of how many Project Coordinators you introduce into a given process, Ford management structure requires that a salary individual be responsible for a given job. Upper management culture requires that a salary individual be responsible for the given task, because without someone in fear of their job, the ford salary culture doesn't work.... The Ford process is to rule with intimidation. We have all kinds of language that support trades responsibility for maintenance work, project work etc Ford accounting breaks down every cost associated with producing the product as direct and indirect ... Indirect labor cost for skilled trades are approximately $55.00 per hr ST, $40.00 per hr @ 1.5, $55.00 per hr.@ 2x...Ford project work let out for bid to contractors, establishes the labor rate at $77.00 per ST hour,(recent projects) larger premium for OT work. So low in fact, that contractors have recently went to outside trade locals seeking a 10% reduction in wages.... YET Ford trades are still less money, plus our recent work rule changes make us more flexible than outside unions...... Management's attitude is... I don't care what it cost for contractors, I'd rather see a contractor do the work... that way I don't have to be responsible, and those skilled trade SOB's don't make more money than I do.... They can save money if they fix their Commodity Management System....Vendors on site at Ford locations make a fortune just by Ford running PO's through them...Ford management diverts x amount of money from a project to the commodity manager as an escrow account for use at a later date and to avoid Ford approval chain....The CM makes 10% off all money diverted through the fund....they make more money off the fund than they do project work...lol But it's better than dealing with the 13 signatures required to approve a Ford PO..... If the Union wants better access to projects....work on project funding process... something that doesn't put UAW trades at severe disadvantage
  7. FYI The first rule of effective communication is not to talk down to people, assume they are just as involved as you.
  8. Armstrong.....Is a curious poster?? Joined in 2010 with 200 post and counting( a lot of post in short time).....makes you wonder where all these opinions were prior 2010....Seems like a firm supporter of the IUAW (Mr. King)'....fairly articulate even uses comma's ...... some what knowledgeable on current events internal to UAW.......would seem he is a plant level politician aspiring to obtain IUAW status?? Or someone part of a caucus attempting to promote a theme or message.....but not a member of FFF??? Any member request on Fanatic's... Furious I haven't seen one, maybe he's a friend of Level's
  9. Could be just a Fluke......wiggy wiggy wiggy all the way home
  10. This coincides with stepped up efforts from people like Senator Bob Corker and the new VW in Chattanooga
  11. define what region of the world we are speaking of......mechanism's are influenced by culture, religion, trade treaties etc So without clearly defining the market it's practically impossible to answer
  12. Well union bashing is a popular theme on this forum, but unless you work for Ford you really don't understand the union / management relationship..... I mean, what gives Corker the right to discuss our work rules, wages etc Whats your job I'll give you my opinion, and we'll see how many share my opinion.... if enough people share that opinion it must be true? When you use terms like whining, isn't that bashing? I have a lot of friends in management, and there are some POS's in management...... I think you'll find that in society as a whole doesn't make it a union thing
  13. Y is a function of F if wages are a "hot topic" one would have to surmise the prevailing opinion is "over paid" seeing as no one suggested a pay increase...... And, most politicians avoid statements of record, as I'm sure are aware.
  14. Marginal really..... you want exact quotes of Mitch McConnel very pro business to the extent he's willing to exploit Kentucky...IMHO As far as limits on executive pay both GM and Wall St made requested to go outside the imposed http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/10/gm-to-seek-easing-of-exec_n_794992.html By John Crawley) - General Motors Co Chief Executive Dan Akerson said on Friday that the automaker is seeking "some relaxation" in the restrictions on executive pay imposed by the U.S. government. Mcconnell "Senator McConnell is the chief architect of a 'just say no' strategy that will lead to thousands of teachers, police and firefighters losing their jobs, put our fragile economic recovery at risk and increase the deficit," Blaine Rummel, the group's Assistant Director of Legislation, told CNN. "It's time for Sen. McConnell and the Republicans to stop trying to score political points by doing all they can to stall America's economic recovery. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2010/07/26/afscme-takes-on-mcconnell-on-home-turf/
  15. Agree... recent statements from Rand Paul suggest he's been converted, when he was questioned about priorities at a recent Republican fund raiser, the fund raiser was to pay off the deficits of the newly elected members Good ol Washington business as usual
  16. @ 12m annual, the focus isn't on max life cycle of machinery.... as demand increases so does priorities, a lot goes into the business decision The culture is coming around, working our way down the punch list.
  17. Complex issue....Short answer budget constraints and local managers... If you have a maintenance manager that was promoted / assigned to a dept after 20 yrs in production, they typically see preventative maintenance as waste. No need to keep all these parts either.... Bring in a maintenance manager from another plant and it's we did it this way at plant x, unfortunately, its not one size fits all. I've heard soooo many times, WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE KEEP THIS MACHINE RUNNING.... Well lets see...it was the wrong application from the start Robot A , a 150 series, is capable of handling a max weight 200 lbs torque at 100 cycles per hour, and we are running a 225 lbs endefector and blowing out joint 2 ....it gets ugly sometimes.
  18. The management team has done a great job, we're working hard on making products people want, at the highest quality, with competitive pricing, the rest will work out..
  19. I remember that episode, that's when meat head was moving out of Archie's house to move next door.....FYI not everything is as it appears on TV. And, personally I do my job to the best of my ability, but I will continue to work to see that our government (policies) is of the people, and not just PAC's that help elect them. Thanks for sharing your opinion Arch....
  20. Dearborn is 3 crew...KC has capacity....Super Duty capacity exist also
  21. Ford VO (vehicle operations) has pages of ergro standards, hopefully some day an IE will read them....enough said safety stickers for your hard hat...Shows you've had the "message"....Pollution control those were the days, electrostatic precipitators, bag house, lead, arsenic, stack compliance had my share of that, you should see some of the stuff that water screens collect Yum
  22. After about 20 yrs people usually have significant bone and joint issues, some are totally disabled. Those 50 second cycle times are killer, a drop of water ripple effects Yes QAS system Quality Assurance pull cord system alerts supervision also lights up over head marquee to a concern...QUALITY IS PRIORITY ONE AT FORD NEVER happen too many checks and balances total system shut down QUALITY STAND DOWN heads will roll Where was the supervisor! Cannot speak for this situation, other than to say sorry would not happen at my plant. WOW! The prejudice people have "The unionized plants??" This must be the situation at every "union" plant, any other group of people you care to vent on... At my plant....Once you have a tag from security that establishes you are aware of plant safety and security practices (no pictures allowed, allowed in pedestrian isles only etc). You would arrive and no tools are needed, you may consult but to preform work you need to take it back to your shop, or explain the actions you want preformed to the trade assigned to the job. You need no extension cord we'll have our own. Use any rest room you want! Please stay off a ladder unless you have been through the Ford UAW safety program "Working at Heights"...Safety is job one! And! If the supervisor warns us ahead of time, we'll meet you at door with tools ready to go...cycle time its all about cycle time....get lean, continuous improvement Thanks for sharing your experiences, have a good one
  23. OH my bad! So what do we call it when a company threatens to move production over seas if you don't accept a wage reduction? Legalized extortion, bully taking your lunch money!! No No I got it....Free Trade...... of course nobody represented labor during any negotiation of any trade pact
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