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  1. From What I have heard, all Temps must be gone by years end.
  2. Multiple postings at one time for many locations is just one opportunity. If anyone tells you different, contact you union leadership. :happy feet:
  3. "Super" TPT Employees are eligible for a Lump Sum Performance Award if they were on the active employment rolls as a "Super" TPT as of December 31, 2007 AND remain on the active employment rolls as "Super" TPT as of March 12, 2008. Each eligible employee will receive a Special Lump Sum Performance Award for 2007 in the amount reflected in the following Schedule: Pay Periods worked Special Lump Sum Performance Award More than 39 weeks $ 1,000.00 27 through 39 750.00 12 through 26 500.00 13 or less 250.00 Payments will be made in separate checks and sent to locations by Wednesday March, 19, 2008 for distribution to employees on all shifts Thursday, March 20, 2008. reminder: IWO's (INCOME WITHHOLDING ORDERS) will delay your check up to 60 days. GREAT JOB. CONGRATULATIONS !!! :happy feet: :happy feet:
  4. Count on the Skilled Trades buyouts to be more than the previous offers. My 2 cents, I agree with Level. :shades:
  5. I understand now. Good Luck to you and yours. :shades:
  6. I don't think that's a very good point. At Twin Cities we had our own Hydro-electric plant and not only did ford sell it, we are closing. As far as cost, it doesn't get any better than your own Hydro.
  7. I feel this is one of the best posts I've seen in a long time. I sit here and ponder what could have/have not been. I work at the Twin Cities Plant, with problems abound. When the buyouts came we had better than 200 of our skilled trades(out of about 240 total) and about 1300 production( out of 1500) take packages because we were going to be idled in May of 2008. We had to act fast on how we were going to get transfers, people hired to run production, who would we get to take the skilled trades place in order to run until May 2008. A lot of people's lives were going to change in less than an 8 month period, fast. Although the decisions on the part of our members was voluntary, after time, there was a feeling of confusion, because it was quick. We advised our members to take their time, check with actuaries, cpa's etc. before you make your decisions. It was like a panic because everyone was in fear of not getting something to carry them to the next job. We were able to get our skilled trades into the surrounding local skilled trades and brought back as outside contractors in order to run. At the same time we hired new long term TFT's off the street and were able to bring back those members that took the hundred thousand as rehires. Now you know for sure if you take a package, you cut all ties with Ford motor Company. You are not hired back as a TFT or anything. We now have about 250 new hires and 250 rehires as TFT's. We continued to look at our long term possibilities and it didn't look good. We noticed the federal government extended the side crash test until 2012 or so and saw the business case to present to the company that up until the middle of 2009 we could complete and make money. We submitted the business case and with the contract we were granted a few things never done before... we receive and extention to stay open until Septmeber 2009...an exception to the long term temporary employee letter of understanding, meaning our temps cound work longer than one year.. this exception also maintained their wage progression at the higher level...we suggested to the international that long term temporary members, including rehires receive the signing bonus and we got that... we requested the xmas bonus, but no word as of yet... and we requested the performance bonus for the first two years... no word yet Every day I never forget were I came from...a line worker... given the opportunity to serve my membership..yes, I am part of the Union Leadership; I am Jim Eagle, the Chairman of one great local, UAW local 879. We have done so much, with so little, that I feel we can almost do anything with nothing. When the new hires came in they had no guarantees. No they won't get hired, but they have a chance if Ford does hire in the future according to the letter for Twin Cities that is now part of the national contract. No our rehires will not get the chance to be rehired, because they took a package and cut ties with ford, but we did get them back for awhile, until 2009. Things that have and would not have happened had we not tried. It's not the thanks that I and the rest of our Union Leadership is looking for, its the idea that we have and continue to try and get more for our members, and the need for our temporary members to understand that it was difficulty to accomplish but we did it all for them. The reason for all this explaination? It is very difficult with some temporary members thinking they are entitled to everything. Its their right to have it all. Although I, and the rest of the Union Leadership, of Local 879. will continue to get everything we can for our current members, long term temporary members and our rehired members, I fear it won't be enough to satisfy all. Too all that suffer the trials and tribulations of a closing plant, I wish you all good fortiune and a long life. :reading:
  8. The effective date is the 19th of November 07. So, two pay periods from then is what I understand. May be wrong.
  9. Pumpmast, We are not trying to take anything away from Atlanta, we were only happy that we got another year. You are correct about it doesn't matter. Ford does dumb things. I hope that changes in the future. Nobody's plant is safe. Thanks to all the plants that were Number 1. Good Luck to all. :shades:
  10. The point I was trying to make was two fold. With the new attendance program, in order to use an EAA day after the fact, you needed 8 hrs to cover an AWOL. With the 4-10's you would see less than 8 hrs in your personal days as you switch between 5 days and 4 days. I'am very well aware that a member may take days at the 4 hour or 5 hour rate, but you must have 8 hrs to cover an AWOL. You will also run into a problem when it comes to bereavement pay. 40 hrs pay. When on the 4-10's you get 10 hrs a day, but the contract states you get 5 days for your Mother or Father or Child. On 4 10's you get paid upto 40 hrs which covers Monday thur Thursday. Only 4 days.
  11. Contractually you get 40 hrs of personal time, not 5 days. When you work 4-10's, you get 10 hrs a day, and yes, that adds up to 4 days personal time. The real problem is when you go back and forth ( two weeks 5-10's and then two weeks 4-10's) you end up with fractions of hours left. 2 hrs of personal time left, or 4 hrs of personal time left or 6 hrs of personal time left. It really causes a problem when you want to use EAA day after the fact, because you need to have 8 hrs ( on a five day schedule) and 10 hrs (to cover on a four day schedule) in order to cover the AWOL.
  12. Congrats on being extended for another year. You deserve it. :shades:
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