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Everything posted by TheEagle

  1. Can't wait to send him back down south to youall!
  2. You are very bright! :tease:
  3. Lol lets tell our politicians as a condition of reelection. where have I heard that before :reading: Thats a great plan furious! :boring:
  4. This is what I am talking about. Too many people forget that there are other people willing to do our work for less. This economy really sucks!
  5. SO what this asshole is saying is my plant has committed work and we are safe but all the people in plants that don't have work fuck you guys??? Fuck Gary Walkwizc this guy is a self serving asshole!!! We need work at Sterling and these other plants! We vote for your plants getting work when we got nothing..then when it's our turn to get work you say vote no!! what a fucking loser!!
  6. Now you hit a nerve! This absolutley pisses me off!! This guy is not worth the money!
  7. That is how I feel. I would love to tell Ford to stick it in his ass, right now is'nt the time. At least Nick and Gary went to the meetings our Bargaining Rep and two Committemen did'nt show up to either of the explanation meetings and are telling people to vote no. Based on what information I don't know. Way to serve the membership! Do what is popular for you so you can keep your cushy job while we hit the unemployment line!! No thanks, I'll vote yes then vote you out of office in 6 months. These type of politicians are poisen! I say ask them what thier plan is when we get laid off, do they have a job for us? If not then hit the road! Uninformed elected people with an opinion that directly effects our families! We need to clean these bums out of our union also. We also have the appointed people telling us to vote no. I thought they worked for Bob King? They don't have to support the leadership?
  8. Thats what Bob Rebecca our past President said to me, He was assigned to our plant. That's why I am a yes vote! We should not have to give anymore after this. This should and better be the last time we do concessions. In 2011 We better stay the same or improve if the company is successful. 2015 if the company continues to be successful we get it back and then some. I would like to hear someone elses plan on how to fight these corporations?
  9. Its hard to type on my blackberry. Thats why sometime I dont get all the letters in the word. Also I have a hard time reading all of this on my blackberry. Sorry. educated! lol. You get the point I am trying to make.
  10. No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO......None compared to Walter...NONE! I am just saying Walter did concessions also..Walter did'nt have to compete with 20 diffrent foreign automakers in america. We had GM Ford and Chrysler who owned 90% of the market, today they may own 50% if that! If those were the figures today the UAW would be talking about how do we ge more for their members. The foreign copetitors are eating our lunch! That simple! But you want to blame local leaders and INTUAW for it? . I also feel that is a slap in the face!
  11. First of all Sam, I am not JT. I am glad I am not. I agree that leadership starts on the floor, thats where our leadership comes from is'nt it? Now I agree, there maybe some weak minded fools in some locals. I am for changing the staus Quo, as long as we don't cut off our nose to spite our faces! I am for telling our leadership how we feel when we feel enough is enough. I just don't see what we gain by saying No right now vs what we gain by saying yes. Jobs are the most important thing there is next to wages, benifits, pensions and the most of all our retirees. Without a job there is none of that stuff. That is my whole point. I may get info from JT sometimes, but I think for myself! I am certain the other Eagles are eductaed as well. If I am a sellout for making a rational decision, call me whatever you want. Because people who think for themselves don't care what you say about them. They think for themselves!
  12. You might be right in the end, but it will be sooner if we vote no! I assure you that! I hope Ford recovers and we are able to come back like we had to in the 80's! But your too young to remember those days!
  13. Now who sounds like the weak bitch. You can't fight the long battle? Walter Reuther would be ashamed of all of you! We stick together we don't trash our leadrship! That is not UAW. Don't fool yourself. Scabs trash thier leadership!
  14. Yeah, you know whats not remmebered...Walter was'nt alone in good times or bad. Because his membership stood by him thick or thin. They would never allow outsiders to see decention. That is what gave us our power....THE MEMBERSHIP.. Remember young man Walter was not the only one beat up..many were killed.
  15. King is a sellout? May I ask what have you done for our Union Have you done as much as Bob King? I bet you do all the bitching and people like Bob do all the work. When it comes down to it, the Bob Kings of the world are'nt to blame for this situation, it's the do nothing but bitch and complain punk bitches like yourself that are to blame! See as people like to talk about back in the day, when the union officals told the membership somthing they followed and they were successful. All we do is complain noone is good enough, everyone is a sellout blah blah blah. We have no personal responsability to our union. It's they they they..when they are us!! Don't tell me my union sucks and the people who run it are sellouts, because if you sold out you would not get a nickle, because you have'nt put a nickel of effort into this union punk! Now fuck off on outta here! Times are very hard on the average american right now
  16. I thought I seen Turkey. gobble gobble
  17. Auto, I like your posts. Even tho I don't agree with you on this one! I even agree with some of what yur saying now. But if I voted with my anger instead of my brain, I would be out of a job soon than later!
  18. He was the best Labor Leader in the history of unions. But if you are going to say he never did a concessionary agreement your an idiot! Would you like a class on Walter P???? Because I would love to rub your face in shit! Walter did plenty of concessionary agreements. Get educated young man!
  19. Cmon next, the UAW is 80 years old there are 120,000 auto workers left in the autoworkers union. We are 25% of the total union now? It's time to wakeup nextup. We are going to bounce back after the auto companies rebound. I am bitter also, I just think we need a bigger perspective!
  20. I believe the time to fight is coming. The time is not today. I believe that we all should be prepared to fight in 2015. Do you know of a place where I can get a pension healthcare and 30 an hour? If so let's fight. If you don't have a job like that for me then eat a dick! I am fine where I am at vote yes!
  21. No I am very greatful for my grandfathers efforts. He was one of those fellows! I am thinking 60 years ago is a little diffrent than today. Let see, American Axle,Delphi, Bankruptcy's...now is not the time to fight. Walter Reuther did'nt win every battle. Walter Reuther did concessions many times. Do you really know your union history or are you like others who run on Myth's.
  22. Salaried! Because I do not see things the same way you do I am not a union brother huh? Pioneer, your someone on here that I usually respect also. I just beleive you are wrong on this one. The last MOD was the hard one to swallow. There are 4 or 5 people who use this ID. I have'nt read all the posts so not sure what the others are saying yet!
  23. I don't believe that for 1 minute. They can send trades back to the floor right now! Who are you trying to bullshit? I work with a tradesman right now, he works on the welder in my dept. He would love to have a 3 dollar raise. He is a very good friend of mine! I have 95. I will be ok and hopefully everyone at Ford will continue to work. I see a better chance at that voting for the agreement than I do voting it down. If I have a complaint it this: I want cola back. Out of everything we lost, than one hurts the most to me. I hate the Vacation shit too. Robust System my ass!!! They need to fix the Vacation shit in 011! Other than that I am greatful to have what I have right now and am not willing to give anymore after this. I am just sick of voting period!
  24. We have 2 people who are elected doing that at our plant. They did'nt even bother to show up to the meetings to hear what the modifications were. looking at the attendance records in the beacon I tell they don't make too many meetings. But they run around the plant and tell us all to vote NO. How would they even know what is in the agreement???? These same cowards asked us to pass 5 concessionary agreements with no work for us. This agreement has alot of work for sterling. but because they are no longer electable they are trying to act like they are against the agreement in a hailmary effort to stay elected! I agree balless bitches do this! At least Gary stood his ground even tho he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer!
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