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Everything posted by Cocheese

  1. You sound like the old story of how the rooster said the sun wouldn't rise unless he was there to "wake it". Until the day he lost his voice, and the sun still came up. If we discount the fact it wasn't the Government who provided the financial needs to get the internet rolling, you are making it sound like anyone could have done what Jameson did. Ignoring that very few have. Again, the Left is about limiting individual success. Jenna, you didn't build your business, the Government did. Mark, you're starting to sound as retarded as rn4 does And how is that different from what GWB went through following the 2006 elections? Oh wait, it was your side doing it, so it's ok. You do realize that the 2010 elections were a statement by the people who said enough is enough of Obama's plan? The Republicans are doing what their voters asked them to do. Take it up with them, not with the people who are listening to the voters You mean like people who have jobs who want to vote for a guy who is doing his best to destroy the American economy and straddle our grandchildren with a boatload of debit? Let's face the facts, Obama is an anti-white, anti-successful socialist who wants to change American from what was once a great country, into a hell hole. How someone like yourself can stand behind that is mind boggling Sure. The one guy you found. Care to see how many dead beats, thugs, criminals and tax evaders support Obama?
  2. The fact is, Obama hasn't released his BC or his college records. You can try and fancy lawyer talk all you want, but the fact is it's up to Reid to prove his accusation, before it's up to Romney to prove him wrong. Since Romney did not do anything that violates the US tax code, this shouldn't be an issue. Hate the game, not the player.
  3. He can't make it a week without doing that. Oh wait, he was just "misquoted". But wait, you've been saying for years that Fox News lies. So how is it you are now using them as a source? See Die, err parts, this is why you shouldn't post. You contradict yourself more than Obama lies. Here's a tip, Rasmussen has Romney with a two point lead as of today (Aug 11) http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll/ The reality of it is, with Obama being the incumbent, he should be in the lead at this point. To show that he isn't, and is in fact losing, should make you very worried. But I guess if you are supporting Obama, you really are too clueless to see the problems starring you in the face
  4. I'd like for Obama to tell Jenna that the Government built her business. I'd also like for dad to go back and look at all the things Obama promised, but never delievered. I'd also like to know why support from a self made millionaire like Jenna Jameson is bad, but the endorsement of dead beat fathers with criminal records is good
  5. Excuse me!?!?!?! Do you need to be reminded of what comes out of Obama's mouth when he doesn't have a script in front of him? Think Barry will visit those 57 states again on this campaign? Consider the source. The Huffington Post. Why do you Lefties whine and cry about Fox News, then turn around and get your talking points from a partisan website like HuffPo
  6. Great response rn. Thans for showing us your stupidity once again
  7. I agree. However, the INS would only be interested in determining if he is in fact an American citizen. Whatever else on the document would have been no concern to them. The truth is, it wasn’t until well after the election that Obama released a tampered version of his BC. You are aware that the records are sealed, and gaining access to them is a crime right? So why is Obama spending (yes, as in present tense) a ton of money to keep his records sealed? What is he still hiding? So are you saying we can no longer question what type of person he is? Are you saying that we can’t ask why a supposed brilliant scholar is spending a lot of money to keep those records sealed? If you’re going to call the birthers “moronic”, then I expect you to call the tax return hawks the same thing. And again, a tampered version of the BC was only released after the election, and only raised more questions. I’d like to see proof of that. I’d also like to know what the number of threats per capita. Actually, no he hasn’t. Most people knew very little of the man before they cast a vote for him, and nearly 4 years later, we don’t know that much more. We still haven’t seen a un-tampered BC, we still don’t know how he was able to afford to go to the Colleges he went to, or the grades he received. Unfortunatly, he’s not “crying” about his tax returns. He’s wondering, like most of us, why this is a story, when there is more than enough evidence to prove it shouldn’t be. Furthermore, Obama’s background was not questioned before the election. You did not know much about the guy you voted for. To now try and change the rules is ridiculous. For the record, what do you think of him? As well, I know what those tax returns will show; that Mitt Romney paid 100% of the taxes he was legally obligated to pay.
  8. OK then, Obama is a child molesting rapist, who also fornicates with farm animals. I know this because someone who knows Obama told me this. Of course, if I use the Left’s logic, then it’s up to Barry to prove this isn’t true. Mark, don’t you claim to be a lawyer? How in the world can you side with Reid on this one? Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty”? The fact is, since Romeny has never been charged with tax evasion, there is more than enough proof to say he has paid his taxes. If you want to think otherwise, then you and Reid need to prove it. Romney has nothing to prove
  9. Mark's been around long enough that I don't think it's fair to call him a "troll"
  10. If Romney didn't pay the taxes he was supposed to, the IRS would be all over him. The FACT that they aren't, should kill this lynch mob. But facts and Liberals don't get along, so it's no surprise the MSM is making this a story. Tell me Lefties, what is the number you're looking for? How much do you think Romney should have paid in tax, in order for you to drop this subject? The truth is, it doesn't matter to you. It will never been enough, because along with the race war the Left has created, they are trying to create the economic war as well. IMO, Romney should do 2 things; keep his tax returns private until two weeks before the election. When it's proven there is nothing there, he can stand back and point out that instead of talking about a failing economy, the Left made a big deal about NOTHING in order to shift the focus. And then point out that all of his records have been released, but none of Obama's have. If Romney's tax returns prove what kind of character he has, then Obama's college records will do the same
  11. Ah yes, took what he said out of context. Seems to happen a lot from a guy who supposedly did very well in school (keep asking for those Romney tax returns guys, while Obama fights tooth and nail to keep all his records sealed) Good to know that you didn't decide to fail just one history lesson today. Tell me, didn't Obama and the Democrats have full control on the Federal Government following the 2008 election? So why is it that it's the fault of those "obstructing" Republicans? Ah yes, because for Liberals, it's always easier to blame someone else than accept responsibility. And speaking of those awful Tea Party members. What did they campaign on again? I know this might be difficult for you to remember, since you clearly have forgotten what Obama campaigned on. Or maybe you do remember what he promised, but since you're so use to your party's politicians lying to you, you assume everyone else must be the same (kinda like how your ilk thinks the Right listens to everything Fox says, because after all, they themselves listen to everything Left Wing media spins). The TP have done what their constituents asked them to do; stop the socialist agenda. The voters will decide (including the illegal ones the Left is bound and determined to keep), I just pray they are smart enough to see what has happened the last 4 years. And unfortunately, you have proven you are not.
  12. He and his cohorts had a hand in it. BTW, nice job on ignoring Obama's own quote about fixing the mess. Oh wait, let me guess, I'm taking what he said out of context.
  13. Obama himself said if he doesn't fix it, he shouldn't get a second term. He sold the minions on the idea the mess wasn't his fault, and that he could fix it. Hopefully enough people can see what it really was, and how it really happened. And get this disaster back to organizing the crime ridden streets of Chicago again Are you ever going to post anything longer than a sentence without copying someone else's thoughts?
  14. So you spent more time commenting on it? You went to the trouble of creating a new account when your last one was getting kicked around. Don't try and sound like you are super busy and have limited time to embarrass yourself on BON. Here is that plant in Harlem?
  15. I'll assume that they heeded Romney's advice, and took a better look at what they were doing and how they were doing it. What happens if after the Olympics end, and the organizers come out and say it was Romney's words that caused them to re-evaluate where they were, and give him credit for the success? Actually, nevermind, the media would never cover that, and you'll avoid this subject the same way you did under your last account
  16. What do you call Obama's gaffes? Why is it when Obama says something stupid, he just "misspoke" or we took it "out of context", but when Romney says something, it just shows how "evil" he is? Your guy is the incumbent in this election. He should be able to run on his record. But because he can't, you are attacking his opponent. I pray the majority of people are smart enough to see this. Romney has run a very successful Olympic Games, and if the guy says that London wasn't ready, I take him at his word. Obama has never done anything, so it doesn't surprise me when he thinks it has been the Government that is the sole reason for the individual person being successful. Just keep spinning Lefties, Just keep spinning. My father was born in England, and he returns every year to visit, and I make it over once every couple years. The truth is, this is exactly what England is.
  17. dad, it was proven last time around that you aren't as smart as you think you are. Nobody is fooled by your new account. One would have thought you learned from parts/die's attempt to switch accounts, but as we have always said, the Left doesn't learn from their mistakes, they just keep pushing forward hoping things will miraculously work out. Right Obama?
  18. Let me get this right dad, you Lefties want to see Romney's tax returns, and have concluded that because he won't release them, he must be hiding something. Yet Obama failed to release anything that proved he was who he said he was (Birth Certificate, College records) and all you did was scream that people who asked to see it were racist. I do wonder where the US is as a nation. But it's for the exact opposite reason you wonder. I see the US, which was once the greatest country in the World, failing at every single level. And what bothers me more than anything, is that despite this failure, people like you want to keep driving forward towards the impending disaster. Your policies and agenda are not working. Look around you, because there is more than enough evidence to support that. And one last thing, if being white and not voting for Obama because he is half black is racist, then what would you call being black and not voting for Romney because he is white?
  19. dad, that, along with many of your ink, has been your SOP under this username, as well as your old one, since the day you started posting. Stop being a hypocrite.
  20. Hey dad, are you enjoying things a little better now that you can't have a -15,000 rating? How long before you re-register when you get tired of being bashed around with this account?
  21. My hypothesis is that it doesn't matter which it is. The driver did not miss a sign on the road that was offering free fried chicken. The driver missed a road signal that told them they have to come to a complete stop. It doesn't matter whether they purposely ignored the red light, or they just didn't see it. They are negligent either way by failing to be an alert driver. There is no difference, and watching you try to throw as much against the wall to try and get out from under this is painful to watch. Example 1. Driver saw the red light, but proceeded through regardless of the potential risk he poised to others. Equivalent. Gun owner saw the group of people, but discharged their weapon in that direction regardless of the potential risk he poised to others 2. Driver was not paying attention to the road, and failed to stop at the red light. Equivalent. Gun owner did not check their field of fire, and discharged the weapon anyway. Stop using stupidity as an excuse for people who are wrong. No one is saying that "street racing" isn't dangerous, but to try and pass off red light running as minor is completely ignorant.. SO why is it OK to put someone in jail and take their possession for street racing, but not for red light running?
  22. Oh, we can read the article. However you failed to understand what our concern was about the article. First off, I have a hard time taking the word of a a proven Obama apologist on anything. Sargent is like Aces or dad, it doesn't matter what it is, they'll try and find a way to lie, invent and cheat just to defend this guy. Second of all, I'll say this again. I don't think going home to your place in Texas is the same as jet setting around the world to exotic locals. One is a "vacation", the other is simply being at home. Two vastly different things. But I guess it's better to keep this at the forefront, then it is to have people talk about what a disaster he has been I'm still wondering how a man who has never had a real job, and hasn't come from a family with money (didn't he go to College because of someone else's handout?), can afford to drop 50 large on a weeks vacation. It would seem someone is filling his wallet with extra cash. As well, where are all the people complaining about the Romney "$10,000 bet" comment? If an off hand comment about betting $10,000 is "out of touch" according to the Left, what is spending 5 times that on a week's vacation? I've always wondered if the Left know they are a bunch of hypocrites, and just don't care. Or if they are really that clueless to not see it. After years of saying how bad Bush was, they defend their guy by saying it's ok, because after all Bush did the same. Huh? I suggest you get familiar with Dr. Ron Paul. He's won 12 elections, and puts his country before himself. I wonder what the Left would say if white people simply voted for the white candidate because he was white, and they felt they had a better chance at getting free stuff out of it. Now, why don't they feel the same way when the black vote did it? The Republicans might be far from perfect, but the more you expose each side, the more you realize the Right is far closer to perfect, then the Left could ever dream of.
  23. Amen brother. There are people out there who want to blame things for accidents, when the reality is, poor driving skills is the cause of the majority of accidents out there. I struggle to listen to people complain about speed, when the Autobaun is one of the safest road systems in the world. There was a Top Gear episode about the Finnish and what they put their drivers through before they are allowed to drive. Maybe if our system taught people the skills they needed to be better drivers, instead of the skills needed to pass the test, we'd be better off. And quite frankly, I have no use for anyone who bitches about road safety, but doesn't reverse park. But as long as we have people who don't think running a red light is a big deal, then we can't expect our roads to get safer
  24. If you're going to jump into the fight, at least know how to throw a punch. Your inability to explain why running a red light is not extraordinarily dangerous is quite ridiculous. Yep, no danger at all right fellas?
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