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Everything posted by Cocheese

  1. Ah yes, the old "I can't defend my guy, so I'll attack the last guy and try and change the subject" routine Somehow I doubt Ron Paul's supporters will be as pathetic. In fairness, every time Obama has been questioned on anything, people of your ilk have tried dismissing it as "ridiculousness" since you can't actually defend the merits of those concerns. This attempt is no different. While the author does his best to spin, intelligent people can't help but notice his lame attempt at excusing the inaccessible. Not sure how heading home to a working ranch in the middle of Texas is the same as jet setting across the world to exotic locals, but I shouldn't be shocked, since I did hear an Obama fanboi try to compare Barry to Alan Mulally. It's bad enough you voted for guy the first time. People make mistakes, and I'm willing to forgive. But come on man, how are you still kissing the feet of this imbecile?
  2. Quitter. Would have been nice for you to explain why "racing" is more dangerous than not obeying traffic signals. But I suspect you knew you couldn't, so you're bailing Or maybe if the questions that were poised were answered or false claims weren't made, then we could continue on. But the minute someone purposely avoids what has been asked, then starts inventing things to try and slither their way out, it's obvious the end is near.
  3. Nice try. Do you really think after running a red light, T-boning another car, and killing a bunch of people, the driver is going to say "yeah, I totally meant to run the light"? My buddy's wife got smucked by a woman who ran the red, and the first thing she said was that she didn't see the light change. Not sure how she didn't notice the other cars slowing down and the ones that were already stopped. So was it "unintentional" that she wasn't paying attention, or was she negligent in not obeying the traffic laws? By not paying attention to the road, you are negligent. Where have I defended it? Not once have I said it is acceptable. I have however said that running a red light presents just as much danger as a street race does. Yet you seem to think that if you run a red, it's OK, because after all, it was an "accident" that you weren't paying attention
  4. I know full well what the definition of "unintentional" is, I just fail to see how you think it applies in this case. When you are behind the wheel of a vehicle, it is your duty to be paying attention to the road and your surroundings. If you do not see the red light, that is not an unintentional mistake. It is an intentional mistake, since being aware of road signals is your duty as driver of the vehicle Actually, you haven't. Drivers run red lights far more that they race. So therefore it happens far more, making red light running far more dangerous, by the numbers, than "racing". Maybe if there were harsher punishments, people wouldn't put others in jeopardy by not stopping. Fast drivers aren't the problem on the road; bad ones are.
  5. First, I do not believe in "accidental discharges". Unintentional, yes. But not accidental. I have never seen a weapon go off by itself. If it has gone off unintentionally, it's because it wasn't handled properly. Second of all, I fail to see how running a red light is "unintentional" in your eyes. Ether you saw the light was red, and went through it anyway. Or you weren't paying attention to the road and your surroundings, and missed it. Either way, you ran the red light because of your own actions. In a lot of cases, jail time is not a crime deterrent, so I don't see how asset forfeiture would be. The guy that sells drugs knows full well if he is caught, he'll spend a lot of time in prison, yet he still does it. I agree with goingbroke, forfeiture is just plain vindictive in this case. If a guy buys a house and vehicles from proceeds from criminal behavior, I'm fine with it. But taking someone's vehicle is ludicrous. Again, if you want to take the guy's Vette for spending, why not take Suzy's Yaris for running a red light? If you want to take someone's license and vehicle for a week for a driving offense, fine. But allow that person to have his day in court before doing so. The guy at STAP who got bagged on a Stunt charge had the charge thrown out when he got in front of a judge. But still has it on his record that his license was suspended, and was not reimbursed for the money it cost him to get his car out of the impound.
  6. The question I asked was directed at you. I realize linking to the traffic act was an easy way of avoiding the issue, but it didn't answer the question. I'm not quite sure how running a red light can be termed "unintentional negligence". If you run a red, it is because you weren't paying attention to the road. IMO, bad drivers (or drivers who don't pay attention) are the most dangerous drivers out there. Wouldn't it be fair to say that if you car can be stolen by the Government for running a red light, people would pay more attention when approaching the intersection?
  7. But they didn't, so the point is moot. How would you feel if little Suzy blew through a stop sign while doing the speed limit and ran Granny over? The reality is, "innocent bystanders" are involved in accidents where the vehicles aren't "racing". Explain to me how running a red light is somehow worse than "racing" is? Why stop at "racing"? Failing to stop at a red light is far more dangerous in my opinion. What about improper lane changes? Why don't we just start taking vehicles for everything? I had a car end up on the law of one of my rental places because the chick driving it mixed up the gas and break pedal, when she realized she drove past her friends house. Imagine if my tenants' kids were out front. Would you advocate for her car to be taken away? They have, and it is completely against our Charter of Rights. Essentially, you are found guilty before having your day in court. It's just another idiotic Liberal law that does nothing to make our roads safer
  8. It looks to me that the one guy was looking over at the other car, instead of looking straight ahead. The road bends a bit to the left, and I don't think he realized it right away, and when he did, he over corrected. I can't believe the police wasted their time on this. It reminds me of the fruit throwing incident here in town at a hockey game a few weeks back. More tax dollars wasted. Maybe if the Cops spent out money finding those who can't parallel park, reverse park, merge, make lane changes, etc, then our roads would actually be a lot safer
  9. Actually, it sounds like he has admitted to pulling the race card. Just my opinion however. Remember Nick, this is what Liberals do when they can't think of anything else. Just be happy dad didn't tell you how great and smart he is, then tell everyone to F off. Just like when you didn't know what Cole's Notes were, or walked yourself right into the corner by admitting Obama had some Socialist beliefs, then failed in your attempted to slither your way out, you missed the point here. You are trying to paint everyone who is smarter than you doesn't agree with you, with the same brush. I have not objected to what NBAer's make, just questioned why people continue to support these "athletes" and allow them to make that money. I have never questioned why an athlete can make 15 times more than a doctor, I understand the reasons. I just don't understand why Americans dump billions of dollars into the laps of criminals and thugs. As well, I do find it funny that the people who criticize capitalism, are the same ones who benefit the most from it. I see you're still continuing with altering my screen name because your lack of maturity thinks it's funny. I won't ask you again to explain why you did this, because like pretty much everything, you don't answer direct questions about why you've done something, or where the proof is when you've made claims about people. That's why I won't bother asking you to explain why you think what I said is "racist". Nobody else said they thought it was racist, but the small minded Liberal used the oldest Leftie attack in the book, yanked out the race card to try and deflect the attention away from the issue. I guess you think because I called NBAer's "criminal and thugs", it must be racism. And that's fine if the first thing your self hating mind thinks. I simply would like to point you to the amount of criminal activity millionaire athletes, and their hanger-ons, are involved to prove my point And just because you grew to be 7', or can run really fast, or jump really high, doesn't mean you will be a pro athlete. You do have to work at it, because unlike what you would like to see, the best things in life aren't just handed to you. Some may have been given an advantage over others, but for the majority of the time, still had to work hard to keep what they were given. And despite what you think, there have been plenty of people who came from the background you describe, and made something out of themselves. They weren't willing to sit back and wait for someone else to give them something. I went to HS with a guy who was told he was too small, too slow to make it anywhere in hockey. While the rest of us were out having fun, he was working his tail off because he wasn't willing to hear no. I guess he proved the detractors wrong when his name went on the Stanley Cup. Yeah, ok. Nice try Mr Pot
  10. I think you're wrong. I also think you have a love for the union because YOU know that without it, YOU wouldn't amount to anything. In a union, we are told we are all equal. Problem is, if we are all equal, then we are only strong as our weakest link. If we are all equal, then nobody tries to be better. Why should I bust my hump, if I'm only going to make the same amount of money as the lazy slob beside me? In your type of union, if there is a $100 to be given out to 10 people, then everybody gets $10. But what if 1 guy works 10 times harder than the other guy? Why is he not rewarded for his hard work? Professional athletes are in a union, but their union is vastly different than the one you praise. The better you are, the more you make. The better you play, the more playing time you get. You have to earn your money. Want a raise, play better. Don't want to try hard, they'll find someone who will. Tell me parts, I mean Die, what is so wrong with that? The attitude of people like you is why jobs are disappearing. Your self entitlement and belief that somebody owes you something is what is killing the economy. Maybe if people like you stopped relying on the union to tell you what to do, and what to think, you would go out and get a better education. You would go out and work hard and earn more money. The union is holding you back. You are holding yourself back by believing in it so much. You can try to blame others who want to better themselves, but the reality is, the blame belongs to you.
  11. Wow, you mean Westbrook had to be like every other student who expects to pass the course? Oh the shame of it all. That's terrible. Like I said, if it weren't for the scholarship, I doubt Westbrook, or any of his teammates, would have ever gone to, or been accepted into a University. And it must be nice to know you don't have to worry about student loans when you're done school, or worry about finding a real job. Most of the students in that class won't make $4 million in their lifetime, let alone in one year. To me, this is just more cover stories from the media. Better to make this a point of interest, than it is to talk about all the drug dealing, and domestics that usually come with being an NBAer
  12. Personally, I would suggest more than 1% of their time, but I like the idea of it http://www.rickysplace.com/player/1031-11.html
  13. Well, I do my best not to notice the NBA, so it's just made it easier. I really do not understand the interest people have in that "sport". It's incredibly boring, the only "talent' it takes is to have grown to over 6'5", and the last minute of a close game takes longer to play than the entire game does. I just don't understand why corporate America supports a league full of criminals and wannabe thugs. Let 'em sit. I don't know if the US needs more 7' janitors, but it's worth exploring
  14. Are you sure you want to talk about Europe right now? You might want to have a look to see what is happening over there before you praise them. Check out Greece, or find your nearest British ex-Pat and ask them about their money issues. As far as the 10 hour goes, I'd prefer it. An extra two hours a night was nothing when you got an extra day on the weekend.
  15. I'm not a drug user. I'm far from being a drug user. I use some drugs, but I'm not a drug user. I'm not a meat eater. I'm far from being a meat eater. I do eat meat, but I'm not a meat eater. I'm not a wife beater. I'm far from being a wife beater. I have beat my wife, but I'm not a wife beater. Really doesn't sound very good when you put your statement into perspective. What about Ron Paul? Or are you just going to ignore him since he is the best candidate out there and would blow the socks off of a telepromopterless Obama
  16. Or, he was captured alive and is being held in secret captivity. By telling the World he is dead, it prevents his followers from trying to free him. By saying his body was dumped in the ocean, it prevents his followers from trying to get his remains. Or, he was killed / died at a previous time, but in order to boost public someone's public image, it was announced that US Forces killed him once it was confirmed he was dead. I have no doubt that in all likelihood we will never seen OBL again, to believe whole heartedly the story about his demise is somewhat foolish. I could be wrong, but I have never seen so much information about a top secret mission, involving a top secret special forces team, getting out in such volume, and so quickly. And while OBL was not the "leader of a country", he was the leader of a large number of followers, who was known by everyone on the planet. It would seem he was more recognizable than Gaddafi was.
  17. Sure, right after Aces, dad, you/Die stop attacking everyone with a Right Wing view. Maybe if you didn't intentionally take quotes out of context in order to try and push your Left Wing view, then people wouldn't need to correct your error. Maybe if you had never started following Aces' lead and link bomb the site with opinion pieces from far Left Web sites, then this site wouldn't have deteriorated. And maybe if you start holding your side accountable for the same things you blame my side, then you could comment on others. Do us all a favour, look up the meaning of the word hypocrite before you post again But nice Obama like move there. Don't like the fatc that someone is pointing out your errors, lies and mistakes? Then try your best to silence them.
  18. I disagree Nick. Ask him about the link. I guarantee he has yet to read it, and more importantly, understand it. Aces just posted an opinion piece from someone who has had it out for Palin from the beginning. I'd believe Aces has turned a new leaf when he can use his own words to describe his feelings. And not just use the copy and paste functions.
  19. Yeah, sorry, you're just biased. Obama is a walking joke from the 57 State comment, to his "Austria has their own language", to not knowing what year it is, to the poverty he lets his brother live in, to the people like Rev Wright and Bill Ayers that he has associated himself with. If you think there isn't plenty more material to work with when it comes to Obama, then you are fooling yourself. I mean, the guy tries talking like a gangster in front of the black caucus, and the only thing we heard about it was MSNBC accusing the AP of racism for accurately transcribing it. SNL could do an entire show on this man's ineptitude, but instead spend their time on Palin.
  20. Oh, I fully admit I am a tad biased, which is more than I can say for most of the people who have the same political affiliation as you. I've also never blindly supported whichever candidate that has a R beside their name. Which again, is vastly different than some of your ilk. The point I made is it's not as if there hasn't been plenty of opportunity for each party to have their fair share of jokes being made about them. You mock Palin, Perry and Bachmann, but yet failed to see the ineptitude of Barack Obama and his running mate. The only difference is, your "wackos" won the election. The other difference is, you base a lot of your comedy off assumptions made of that person, yet ignore actual comments and actions made by others. Your side twisted a quote from Palin to try and make her sound stupid. Yet when Obama actually said something incredibly stupid, you defend him vigorously. Now my US history might not be what it should be, but I felt the previous leaders that you mentioned, lead the country because they felt it was their duty. They did it to serve their country, and do what they thought was best. The current bunch of choices are doing so as an ego boost. Stop talking about Palin, and she'll go away. Obama has his resume complete, get him out of the way and let somebody who has a clue take over. If you think Palin, Perry, Obama or Bachmann have run for Office to serve the citizens, well you probably also believed in "Hope & Change". It's time to start electing people because they want to help, not because they want to be famous.
  21. Where did I say she didn't deserve it? Again dad, you purposely try and deflect the attention away from the subject. But tell me, if she deserved it, how come the people she was running against didn't? Oh that's right, they were on the Left. And heaven forbid comedians make fun of the Left. I mean it was so easy to make fun of Palin by altering a comment she made to falsely portray her as being an idiot when it comes to geography. But when Obama actually said something that showed him to be an idiot on geography, nothing. Tell me dad, which is worse, "representing the real American:, or promising "Hope & Change"? I have. Do you think telling one mild joke about Obama, sandwiched in between 20 jokes about the Right is the same? People believe Pailn is stupid (I'm not saying she isn't) because that is what SNL and Jon Stewart portrayed her to be. People believed in Obama, because the comedy these shows presented, showed him that way. But even now, when I have occasionally tuned into Stewart or Colbert, the jokes are mostly lame cheap shots about the Republican Nominee race, and not the fool in the White House
  22. There are plenty of jokes that can be written about the current guy, but we know how quickly they'd lose their jobs if they ever said anything bad about the "Messiah". Anyway, let me just say HALLELUJAH!!!! Now, let's see how much time the Left will still spend talking about her. It always amazed me how fascinated and spiteful they have been over someone they perceive has being so stupid.
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