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  1. for those company yes rats. if this is such a good deal for us then why is i-uaw threatening all of are local appoited rep,chairmans,bargening com. to push a yes vote to us and if they don't they will be replaced (the appointed reps) and for the rest left without support from i-uaw. if its that good it should pass on its own merrit and not by threats from the ones getting their pockets lined and giving their self raises afterwards like in the past. to gary and nick thank you for knowing who you work for and manning up for what is right. i will buy both of you a round and sunday after the meeting. for the puppets elected reps hope you get that regional job you were promised because i will remember you trying to sell us out on this come next election and i'll remind the members of who you where at that time as well
  2. well said dale i agree have a set and vote no. we have to make a stand and now is the time. this is just to much. NEVER GIVE UP YOUR RIGHT TO STRIKE. i'll ever take this one back to the bridge
  3. well gary did stand up that much is true as for the rest of what you say he said is crap. gary is the only union rep that stood up for the membership like a man and told bob king what crap it is. it sounds like your name is ray or nick both one and the same sucking up the bob king and company for a job
  4. i work in mp&l at dtp an my superintendient told me sometime in october
  5. they are corrupt and nick is just a puppet with no control. the local decides policy not nick or any one else in the plant union office. here is so more corrupt things. what about those transfers 50 or so i forget the number that transfered from wayne assembly and some other plants to the dtp and rouge. they started working at the rouge on sept 22, 08 when day and night shift came back to work and the c-crew employees didn't come back until end of feb, 09. that is a direct violation of the contract. friends and family goes for more than buying a new vehicle. what about never getting a local contract book to look at. i guess thats so the company can do what they want and the union can line their pockets, and we don't know whats right and whats wrong. what about that employee from trim who fell in a pit. he's not able to work. the company is trying to screw him the union hall wouldn't send a rep during his workmans comp meeting. things are going to change NOT. but you have to watch what your saying because some spineless punks on this site are rats for the union posing to be somebody.
  6. yea baby thanks to all that hard pushing you been giving me :banmolest: :banmolest: :banmolest: :banmolest: :banmolest: :banmolest:
  7. kick that utility persons ass until he shuts up plain and simple
  8. what i would like to know with all this down time coming up. if i go back to dancing at some of the clubs in the area and make some tip money can i still claim sub. can any body answer this for me correctly. i would be willing to pm my schedule to any one that can answer this. :happy feet: :happy feet: :happy feet:
  9. thats right you have the right to follow product when space is available and there is none
  10. found out today that all shifts will be off the same 3 weeks in may to retool for the 8ft box. f-150 sales didn't pick up so only need 3 shifts. and we have 3 shifts
  11. i did it that way because i can what are you going to do about it. nothing because your a winning punk. so stop crying grow a sac and become a man for once in your life stubby.
  12. don't be a chicken shit go ask him. you don't ever believe me so ask someone in your own plant or do you not have the sac
  13. c-crew will not get c-crew shift premium they will get b-shift premium when working b-crew shift and no get any premiun when working a-crew shift you stupid carolinian inbreed daaaa :banmolest: :banmolest:
  14. kalu if your on day shift find ugene howard(half) at your plant he on day on the truck side chassis and ask him what he was told by a johnson controls rep on his his flight back to norfolk when ya'll were down. i talked to him on the phone sunday night, and what he told me was not good for ya'll.
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