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Everything posted by TorqueBeast

  1. [shrug] Answer it yourself; you are the ones suggesting that pay increases are the answer to a company that is losing money. Here's a good question: Would you rather take a pay cut, or lose your job, get no pay at all, and then endure the snowball effect of millions of jobs lost? You think the economy is sucking hind wind now....
  2. I'm a former Ford employee. Is your assertation that I'm not an autoworker because I can actually step back and be level-headed and rational about this? Because I'd like to think other autoworkers *can* see the forest for the trees, and realize that higher wages do not alleviate a company losing money. I guess you missed where I said that I feel unions are necessary to a degree. But then again, companies will pay good wages to those who EARN them. If they don't, what are you doing working for them?
  3. Fuck what, your job? Because that's basically the outcome such an attitude will yield. I don't quite think you guys are understanding the basic math going on here. The company is losing money. If your solution to a business losing money is "pay the employees more", then you need to go back to elementary school.
  4. Well it doesn't take a whole lot of thought to understand that the union has only made the problem worse. Sure, they're fighting to keep your wages high; but if there's no Ford/GM/Chrysler to PAY those wages, it's a bit of a moot point, no? The government loan that the big 3 asked for relied on cooperation from the union, and with the union taking a steady "Go fuck your hat" approach to it, the next step will be Chapter 11, and a non-unionized workforce. Personally, I don't like unions; I like the fact that my hard work warrants better remuneration for my time, rather than a board of people that I could compare to elected officials in government who are supposed to look out for our best interests, yet seem all too often to have their heads comfortably lodged in their own rectums. I'm a supporter of free enterprise, and I feel that unionizing tends to have a lot of negative effects on the industry. To boil it down, workers are really a commodity, just like anything else. Supply and demand dictates worth of a commodity; a union tries to increase price without a reasonable increase in demand or a reasonable decrease in supply. This throws a wrench in the works. Keep in mind that the UAW just singlehandedly destroyed the federal bailout loan; these people are supposed to be keeping your jobs safe, even at risk of maybe taking a pay-cut, or a slightly smaller Christmas bonus. Nice job they did. However, I do sometimes believe unions are a necessary evil, and here's why: I've lived in places in which the workforce is largely unionized. A worker doesn't even have to be worth the paper his contract is written on, and yet he'll get paid a handsome salary to stand around and drool out the corner of his mouth. I now live in a place where the workforce is largely non-union, but does have some union competition. What this does is it keeps both sides honest; the non-unionized corporations can't undercut salaries too ridiculously because of the union competition, but the union can't make unreasonable demands because of the non-unionized corporations. It provides a sense of balance, of middle ground. Unfortunately, up until foreign automakers started building plants in North America, the automotive sector has been completely unionized. The push from non-unionized corporations came too little, too late to provide the balance needed.
  5. I agree wholeheartedly. Putting myself in their shoes, I'd rather take a pay cut than not have a job at all. That whole 'big picture' thing. Being able to go out for dinner to fancy restaurants or buy expensive toys be damned, I'd be content to not lose my house if I were in such a situation.
  6. I gotta say man, as a former Ford employee, your attitude disgusts me. I don't want to turn this into another one of 'those' threads... but it just so happens that some of those 'Jap can car' companies have actually gone on record as stating that they WANT the big 3 to receive assistance. Ford makes a very very good product, and did back when I worked for FoMoCo. But you cheapen the brand and the public's opinion of your employer with your remarks. Nazi BMW? Jap car Nissan? Can you expect anyone to take you seriously with such remarks? Grow up man.
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