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Everything posted by LivDspAaiDtp

  1. Maybe so , but its nice to see at least in other parts of the world a whole shift can come together for something they believe will improve their work life and health and fight for it.
  2. Bring on the five 8's!!!!!. I know we all have our reasons and lifestyles for disliking or liking these shifts, But even after 3 years of the "C" crew I'm still a wreck every week. My link
  3. Product investments at locations will help the yes vote. Only time will tell if the promises are empty or not. I think people will not be happy with the out come of the grievance . There will be no recourse if this is passed before the conclusion. I can only speak for my self but I am disappointed with it so far after only reading the highlights. The devil is always in the details. The past 8 years my groceries,gas,utilities and basic expenses have all gone up. I like everybody else has had to make less work for me and my family. Not to mention the countless spouses that lost their jobs in the meantime. Another 4 years of watching my way of life erode to inflation is not what I was hoping for. Bonuses are just that-unexpected windfalls. Profit sharing is based on how well our designers can match what people want. They could've eliminated them both. Give me small yearly raises to combat a growing families expenses. How about a small bonus for having great attendance? excellent quality? Getting profit sharing in advance to make it look better....come on...In March it'll be that much smaller. International needs to think outside the box and really look for what its members need to not only survive during billion profit years but the down years as well. $200 a month guaranteed means a whole lot more to me and its something a can fiscally plan my life around.
  4. For those of you that didn't get the mailer yet the new web site for TESPHE is http://www.myfordbenefits.com. You first have to use your Soc# as an ID and your mm/dd/yy of your birthday to log in. It will immediately have you change it. New site seams better than before to me. used it today,it works.
  5. They have the 6 speed rwd. A couple of phases and plans to double their production in the future. Their 4R Trans is almost dead. Over half the building is empty even with the added production of the new trans. Ford is still building new trans plants some with partners out of the country. Its scary. I'm glad they stuck to their guns and voted it down. If Ford wants to build its american line up here they'll do it, if not they"ll outsource it anyways product promises or not. Local 182 in my opinion has always been a great local to have backing you.
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