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Scooter Chic

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  1. Now there's that Southern Hospitality my Momma always talked about! LOL When Monroe Stamping closed I went to WAP then transferred to Woodhaven Stamping, they needed 135, 44 of us were in the first group (they cancelled the rest) the plant chairman had posted a letter to the membership that he didn't want us there for fear that if there was to be an ILO us seniority employees would be able to keep the jobs. We were all assigned glove lockers that were on the very bottom of the row.... you know the ones where you literally have to get on your knees to open. Hi lo drivers (some..not all) would bring us the stock that had been dumped and was all jumbled up or set us up backwards. It's tough working with animosity like that from Union brothers and sisters. We were told in orientation that we wouldn't be able to fill out shift preference (which was later recanted). Fellow co-workers started coming around after awhile but I'll tell you I hope I never have to experience that again. That all took place within our own region (50 mile span between plants). We have to support each other, make a quality, productive product safely and try to boost moral of each other. I can't place all of the blame on the IUAW, or the company. This same crap happened in the late 70"s early 80"s with the free trade with Mexico. I lost 7 yrs seniority in that one. I really hoped I wouldn't have to go through that again either. It is what it is and we all just have to do what we can when we can. Still a proud UAW/Ford worker.
  2. Forgive Him/Her for they know not what they say. By voting YES your living in the moment, blindly I might add. Don't harbour ill will toward your Union Brothers and Sisters that saw this amendment for what it was and the repercussions we all would have suffered had it passed. With a few more years under your belt you too will see the big picture. Stand together in SOLIDARITY. Don't let the Company divide us plant against plant, worker against worker. Believe me that IS their objective.
  3. Saline Local 892 is voting today until 6pm. Woodhaven Local 387 votes today and tommorrow Milan not sure when they vote or what local they are
  4. LOCAL PLANT NAME YES NO 509 ONTARIO CA 10 25 KANSAS CITY (KCAP) 147 1712 900 WAYNE ASSEM (WAP) 925 898 182 LIVONIA 316 340 845 SHELDON RD. 48 193 898 RAWSONVILLE 228 248 228 STERLING 485 658 3036 MEMPHIS HVC 5 45 870 FORT WORTH HVC 0 21 723 MONROE 16 4 3000 AUTO ALLIANCE (AAI) 485 1265 ONTARIO HVC 10 25 1111 INDIANAPOLIS 261 159 879 TWIN CITIES 292 92 1250 CLEVELAND 535 349 TOTALS 3763 6034 1250 BROOKPARK 892 SALINE WOODHAVEN 600 DTP
  5. Amen!!!! Stand for something or die for nothing
  6. Your point being? As far as Ford taking the Saline Plant back....I wouldn't hold my breath. How would it be a benefit to the Company to fly the Blue Oval Flag??? There are a LOT of temporary transplants at Saline right now. My opinion and that's just what it is MY OPINION is that there is some evil ulterior motive behind these concessions I assure you. They can call it pattern bargaining or whatever but we don't owe the Govt. GM and Chrysler do (and as a lender the Govt wants some assurance of no work stoppage ...strike) Yes, Ford has debt, our UAW members have never been unreasonable in working with the company to assure Quality, Productivity and in giving back to try to achieve Profitability. The uncap on the entry level employees foretells of more low paid employees with no benefits. A good military move....... divide and conquer.
  7. I'm hearing Rawsonville votes Monday. I hear quite a few are leaning toward yes???? Why????.... don't ask me!!! At Saline we are scheduled to vote Thurs or Fri. I think it's a pretty FIRM NO !!!!!! there.
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