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gold bull

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Everything posted by gold bull

  1. You are a chicken. You wont take a buyout in any environment. You seem to be very intelligent on world economic matters so I dont understand why you did not or will not take a buyout and buy gold. Gold has to keep going up because of the fiat currencies. You could always hedge your investment buy buying enough food to last the rest of your life. You probably already eat lots of canned goods so it would not be much of a lifestyle change. You will sure feel dumb when the crash leaves you without Ford or an income. Go now and plan and get ready. Gold, food, some land, and a way to protect yourself. If you get much older it will be too late for you to prepare and survive the crash .
  2. I agree, Biblical proportions indeed.
  3. I agree, just a matter of time.
  4. How is that "sanity" thing working out? Are you the tattle tale who complained? I recomend you apply for management. We have enough hourly wieners already. God forbid a couple of people have a dialogue that you don't approve. Oh yeah, I forgot, its not a free world anymore. There has not been a post in a week. I guess there was nothing going on in "Fordland" anyway, Charly I heard that because of global warming that in 2012 the federal govt is going to require Ford to install a one billion dollar muffler on the paint shop smokestack. If the economy is bad enough by then, do you think Ford will spend one billion or close the plant instead. At least we can save some snail's and moth's and stuff. Save the planet, "worship the creation" Al Gore will save us all.
  5. Is this site for ford employees only? I didn't know it was for ford enthusiasts as well.
  6. This coming downturn will leave you with no job, sub, EI or anything anyway so go enjoy whatever amount of time is left. This will allow you time to freeze dry years worth of food for the time when "ANYTHING PAPER WILL BE WORTHLESS". Wake up! Ford will be gone too. You live in a bubble and think you can keep working through ARMAGEDDON! You better go find Jesus because he is the only thing that can save your sorry ass sou!l
  7. I don't believe any lies from any political party or the communist mainstream media. At election time I vote "none of the above" and it is not a spoiled ballot, it counts as a vote. I see that you are programmed from the main stream media spewing forth the talk you hear like it is true. You just believe Marxist party #1 instead of Marxist party #2. Why would we be at a dis advantage to USA. We have the resources and they need it. Therefore we would be calling the shots. You should know better. The mik' maq didn't need to import anything and neither do I. Especially when I would have low taxes from all the resources my country exports. We should be getting a monthly royalty cheque but it is stolen from us instead. Besides, what is good for the USA economy is best for us. Without them and the 2nd amendment to the constitution we would all be slaves already. You would never have a job at ford if you were born in the free trade generation. Wake up before they steal your pension and your job. They will take it one way or another, at best it will be stolen through the stealth tax--Inflation, They are coming to get you and your children and you cannot hide inside the Ford plant.
  8. . So what you are saying is Canada is doing better than other countries because of frree trade That is rediculous Our economy and jobs and lives have fell off a cliff since free trade We always exported more, so how were we thriving for 50 years before free trade? Almost all accidents have skid marks. Therefore skid marks cause accidents.
  9. How about this billion dollar idea-- NO G 20 summit in Canada. Unless you support a coming global tax. I thought you would know better than to be fooled by this BS. Conservatives are communists, They gave us free trade. Its all a one party system with 2 or 3 legs, Here is a good conspiracy theory. "free trade is good" and "free trade works"
  10. Does this mean you are not outraged Even if they did not spend the One Billion----They still stole it from you. Sounds like you are agreeing with the marxists this time.
  11. Can you believe that ONE BILLION dollars was spent on security for the one world gov't summit (G-20). What a disgrace when our electricity is doubling and harmonized tax at the same time. Wake up sheeple, you are being screwed again. I can't believe people are not outraged For one Billion dollars we probably could stop dumping our feces in Lake Ontario and go swimming in the lake when it gets too expensive to run our Air Conditioners.
  12. "Figures don't lie, but liars can sure figure"
  13. You only need 20 percent of the sheeple to awaken to turn it around. Unfortunately less than one percent of the population have any clue what is being done to them and their children. Bread and circus keep them in their slumber. 20 years ago the headline was "socialism is dead" when the iron curtain fell. Today the headline is "we are all socialists now", after stimulus bailout etc. The ones who wrecked the system are now going to fix it for us. It will be OK trust them. Apathy and ignorance is bringing on the system of the Anti-christ. We are rats in a maze tracked with RFID. Adolf Hitler could only dream of this Whats the sales looking like for May?
  14. Bad times are coming, after the stimulus illusion wears off. Sales are already low and when they drop again it is BIG trouble for all of us. Eventually things will be so bad that we will all be ready to join the one world government. Those who created the problems will be ready to"save us". Look up "Hegelian dialectic"
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